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Chapter 314 Auntie returns home!

Since there are currently relatively few clan nobles in Beijing and Beizhili, in reality this restructuring does not cover a wide range of areas and will not have an impact on governance here.

At the end of July and the beginning of August, the busiest thing here in Beizhili is farming. Farming is the foundation of the country. At this time, everyone from the city to the countryside is busy with this matter. People here in the capital, if they have real life in the countryside Relatives will also return to their hometowns to help harvest the fields at this time. Especially those whose daughters are married to the city, they usually go back to their parents' homes with their families to help harvest the fields. There is a folk tradition of aunts returning to their parents' homes in July and August. Just because of this.

This year's weather conditions are also favorable, and it should be the most favorable year in recent years. Coupled with the continuous implementation of water conservancy projects by the court and a series of measures to calm the people, Beizhili has a rare harvest year.

Dawangzhuang villager Liu Daqiang and his family had been busy in the wheat fields for a day and were preparing to go home.

"Dad, when you go back, dig a basketful of potatoes in the ground and come back. I'll take the kids home to cook first." After the wife packed her things, she was about to take the kids home, but before returning home, she said He arranged a job for his men.

"The potatoes haven't grown yet. Isn't it a waste to dig them now?"

"Our piggies are getting taller right now, so dig some potatoes so they can eat more so they don't get hungry. If you don't want to part with potatoes, why don't you just let them get thinner and get hungry?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll listen to you! Which piglets can eat better than our family? If I had known this, I should have sold all these piglets earlier this year. These guys can use the food at home We ate them all. Fortunately, the weather has been good this year and our family has harvested a lot of grain. Really, what kind of family is ours? We actually raised six piglets in one go. In the past, wealthy families did not necessarily raise so many pigs."

"Hmph! You just don't know how to settle accounts? If we sell these piglets before the end of the year, our family will be able to get at least 20 taels of military coupons, and we can build a new house next year."

The couple bickered and hurried home while it was about to get dark. When Liu Daqiang's wife arrived home, it was already dark. When she was approaching the door, she found three people standing at the door. There were two children and a woman. I quickly walked over and took a look. Isn’t this the Liu family’s great-aunt?

"His Aunt Meizi? Why are you here? Have you been here for a long time?" Ms. Liu Zhuang quickly ran to the door of the house and asked her sister-in-law Liu Mei.

Liu Mei married a soldier from a military family in the suburbs of Beijing a few years ago. The last time she came back was three or four years ago. She came back suddenly, and Mrs. Liu Zhuang was really surprised. She even wondered in her mind whether Something happened to her family.

"Sister-in-law, I hired a carriage to arrive at the village in the afternoon. When I arrived, I found that there was no one in the village. I thought that someone would come later. I didn't see you come back until dark. Isn't this right? Is it harvesting yet? I have nothing to do in the city, so I will take my baby to my parents’ house to stay for a few days and help you harvest wheat.”

"Are his uncles at home okay?" Ms. Liu Zhuang was still a little worried, so she asked her sister-in-law in a roundabout way to find out the situation.

"His uncle is very good. He joined the army the year before last and he was quite impressive. He made some meritorious service last year and he is literate. He was recruited to the General School and studied for a period of time. Now he is a second lieutenant. These days, I took my subordinates to fight outside." Liu Mei told her sister-in-law about her family's situation in the past few years in a few words.

After listening to Liu Mei's words for a while, Mrs. Liu Zhuang felt relieved and quickly greeted the two children. "Are these Huzi and Ting'er? I won't see you this year. Ting'er has become a big girl. When I see Huzi,

At that time, he was still sucking milk in your arms, but now he can run all over the place."

After greeting the two dolls, Mrs. Liu Zhuang quickly asked her two children to greet Liu Mei, and opened the door to let Liu Mei and her family into the house.

While he was busy, Liu Daqiang hurried in from outside the door and said breathlessly: "Liu Mei came home? I heard from Yu Mazi in the village that I saw Liu Mei coming back with her baby?"

Mrs. Liu Zhuang couldn't help but laugh when she saw her husband was so anxious that he didn't even put down his backpack. As expected, their hearts were connected. As soon as he heard that his sister was coming home, his husband became so anxious.

"Brother!" Liu Mei came out of the back room and sounded a little excited when she saw her old brother.

"Dad, please quickly put down your backpack and go inside to chat with his aunt. I'll go take care of Piggy."

After putting down his backpack and entering the back room, Liu Daqiang asked the same question as his wife, that he was concerned about his brother-in-law's well-being. In this era, men are the mainstay, and both the sister and nephew are here. If the brother-in-law is well, it means that nothing happened to the sister's family.

What's the matter?

Liu Mei once again told her elder brother what she had said to her sister-in-law.

"His uncle joined the army? Isn't there only three of you in the family? Didn't anyone bully you in your daily life?"

"Brother, who can bully us! The imperial court is very kind to us military dependents. Recently, they even built a house for the dependents in the suburbs of Beijing. My family is divided into four rooms downstairs and a large living room upstairs. In the spring of next year

Just move here. Huzi and Ting'er also have special schools, and no one dares to bully the military family members."

"The imperial court has built a house for you. It's a good relationship. You don't have to live with your uncle and his family anymore, and you don't have to suffer from idleness. However, as soon as his uncle joins the army, he won't be able to do the work at home, and you will have to do it alone."

"In fact, there is not much work at home. We gave all the land at home to my uncle's house to farm. We no longer farm!"

"You don't have any land? How can you give the land to others? Why are you so confused?"

"Brother! My family doesn't have a few acres of land in total. Even if we plant it, we can't harvest much food. I can live comfortably with my uncle's family. Our father's current salary is four or five taels a month, which is enough for the three of us. Next year

After Huzi went to the military kindergarten, I went to work in a quilt factory that specifically provided employment for military dependents. I could earn about two taels of silver dollars a month, and it was easier than farming."

After listening to his sister Balabala talk about a lot of family situations, Liu Daqiang finally felt at ease. Only then did he remember that the sister seemed to have said that his brother-in-law had become an officer. "His uncle has a future in the army? What is a second lieutenant platoon leader?"


"The second lieutenant platoon leader is the youngest officer in the army. He is about the same as the eighth or ninth grade official in the imperial court! But because he has attended the military academy and fights in a few more battles, his official position will be promoted again. I heard that ordinary military academy students will eventually be promoted.

This time I can be promoted to an official rank of six or seven."

"Do you have any real soldiers under your command?"

"There are actual soldiers numbering forty or fifty."

"That's good. There are real soldiers on the battlefield and there are people to protect them. Forty or fifty real soldiers are not too few. In the past, hundreds of households in the army went to battle, but they couldn't bring these soldiers. Sister, what are you doing these days?

I’m getting ahead, and it’s great! I’m going home this time, and I’ll stay a little longer. My brother’s house has several pigs, and I’ll find someone to kill one tomorrow for Ting’er and Huzi to eat.” chapter

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