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Chapter 324 The traffic jam in the capital is quite serious!

Originally, Zhu Youjian was still thinking about where to start the capital's major development. As a result, Ma Shiying provided an idea as soon as he came. It seemed that it would be better to use infrastructure to drive development!

"Do you know if the traffic jam in the capital only blocks the main street, or does it also block other roads? Is the traffic jam serious when the courtiers go to court?"

"I haven't spent much time in the city, but I have seen many traffic jams on the streets. The traffic jams were quite serious when the courtiers went to court. Many people got up an hour or two early to avoid missing the court affairs. In fact, the traffic jams were the worst.

What’s more serious is the various city gates. The motorcades entering the city gates every morning can be lined up for miles at each city gate. It is common for merchants to wait for two or three hours to enter a city.”

"Is the traffic jam so serious? Why didn't any of the courtiers report this matter? I really don't care at all. Come on, go to the attendant's room and recruit all the attendants who are on duty at night into the palace. Also, go to the cabinet to bring in all the attendants who are on duty at night."

All the cabinet ministers have been called over. I want to know how serious the traffic jam in the capital is right now."

The reason why the people from the Attendant's Office were asked to come over is because they are all young officials and should know more about traffic jams. The big bosses in the cabinet live close to the office, and there are dedicated people to clear the way. They may not have any experience in traffic jams.


After these people arrived at the palace, when the emperor asked about the traffic jam, they all spoke enthusiastically and complained about the traffic jam in the capital. Listening to their words, they felt that the current level of traffic jam in Beijing was comparable to that of later generations. On the road, they were

It's not unusual to be stuck in traffic for an hour or two.

This group of people is really decent. It was so serious that they actually endured it. No one came out to talk about it. If it hadn't been for the inadvertent conversation with Ma Shiying tonight, Zhu Youjian, who was staying in the palace, wouldn't have noticed it.

He didn't realize that there would be traffic jams in the capital. The main reason was that Zhu Youjian never imagined that traffic jams would be like this without cars. He thought that in the era of horse-drawn carriages, there would be no traffic jams. In fact, since horse-drawn carriages are less maneuverable than cars, this thing is slightly more complicated.

, will cause huge traffic problems. In addition, the traffic regulations are not perfect, and there is not even a specialized traffic management department. It is strange that Beijing, a big city with a population of two to three million, does not have traffic jams.

"I really have nothing to say. It's come to this point and you don't report it! I don't want to find a way to solve it. Don't go home tonight. Let's work all night to find a way to solve the traffic jam and outline the issue of how to eradicate the traffic jam in Beijing.

Inform the imperial kitchen to prepare a midnight snack!"

In order to solve the problem, you held a meeting all night? The courtiers thought that the emperor was really clear-minded. Did you have no other court affairs to worry about?

"I think the traffic jam in Beijing can be summarized into three reasons: not enough roads, disorderly traffic, and too many people! The most direct way to reduce traffic jams in a short period of time is to allow orderly traffic. Do not allow horse-drawn carriages to park randomly on the street.

The first is to allow carriages to turn at will. The second is to have two lanes on a road, one entering and one exiting, and no random movement. The third is to reduce the number of carriages, which should alleviate the traffic jam. Do not allow carriages

For parking on the street, there must be a special parking lot. There must be many places in the capital specifically for horse carriages to park for long periods of time. To prevent horse carriages from turning at will, some sections of the road must be specially designated as U-turnable sections. It is best to allow horse carriages to park.

Make a circle and then turn back. Resolutely not allow U-turns in places where U-turns are not possible. Reducing the number of carriages must be based on the premise that it will not affect the daily travel of the people in the capital and must not cause inconvenience to the people."

"Your Majesty, the first two can still be implemented, but the third one is a bit difficult, right? Is there any way to get the best of both worlds?" Zhou Yanru listened for a long time and came to the conclusion that the emperor was having a whim.

"Why not! I will tell you what to do! We specially made a batch of license plates. From now on, all carriages driving in the city during the day must have license plates. It is strictly forbidden to use the same license plate for each vehicle. This is one of them! The second is to follow the rules Tianfu established a public carriage department and built some four-wheeled carriages that could seat eight to ten people for the common people to ride during the day. Special routes were drawn up and charges were charged per person. During the day, the common people had to go to various places in the city to do errands. The cost is low and convenient! The third is to open the curfew, and various cargo trucks can enter and exit the city at night, which can reduce the number of vehicles during the day. The fourth is organized by the cabinet to set up an official vehicle department. Order some four-wheeled carriages and go to areas where officials live in concentrated areas every morning and evening to pick up officials to and from work. Except for a few important officials in the DPRK, officials are prohibited from taking private cars to and from get off work. Car companies also need to prepare some daily official cars. Officials usually If you have official business, you can use his car to do it."

"These measures can solve the traffic jam, but to ensure that these things are carried out by the people, a lot of manpower is needed! With more manpower, the court's expenditure will be unsustainable!" Zhou Yanru turned his attention to the issue of money again.

"Shuntian Prefecture has specially set up a Capital Traffic Management Bureau. Based on what I said, a detailed traffic management law will be formulated and made public. Violations will be punished in accordance with the law. The principle of punishment is mainly fines. The Management Bureau is established

Officials are hired to enforce the law in the streets of the capital. In addition, all vehicles with license plates on the road during the day are required to pay fees, including buses! The money collected is used for the daily expenses of the Traffic Management Bureau, which should be enough. "

There is a fee to put up a sign, so if you don’t want to spend money, you can only drive at night. The ministers who attended the meeting were eye-opening after hearing the emperor’s ideas for solving traffic jams. According to this method, it seems that the traffic jam can be solved!

"Your Majesty, there are many vendors setting up stalls on the roads in the city, occupying the roads, which is also one of the reasons for traffic jams. After the Traffic Management Bureau is established, can they be driven out?" The person who said this was Ma Shiying.

"It is strictly forbidden to set up stalls on the main roads in the city, including merchants on both sides of the main roads, and they are not allowed to put out their goods. However, the capital cannot be without vendors. Shuntian Prefecture needs to find some streets that do not affect the main traffic for vendors to set up stalls. These

Carriages are strictly prohibited on the streets during the day."

Urban management is still necessary, otherwise the random stalls scattered all over the ground will affect the traffic order. Managing the city is indeed a very troublesome matter. Zhu Youjian knew that the establishment of the traffic management bureau and the relevant laws would definitely have an impact on ordinary people.

For example, arbitrary fines, malpractice for personal gain, and even extortion of people are almost inevitable. In this era without cameras and law enforcement recorders, it is really difficult to standardize law enforcement. But if this is not done, it will have a greater impact on the development of the capital.

Choose the lesser of two evils.

Of course, we can't let this matter completely get out of control. It seems that the construction of Jinyiwei will have to be strengthened in the future to let them participate in urban governance. Zhu Youjian's idea is that if there are violations, he will be severely fined if found, and he will be decapitated.

Beheading, and exile if possible, must use iron laws to limit these evil deeds within a certain range! In short, everything develops in struggle, and cannot be avoided just because problems may arise.

This chapter has been completed!
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