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Chapter 329 Azig: The Wuwei of the Ming Court came to Jinzhou, and the map is not small!

"The war in Jinzhou cannot be taken lightly. After the ice freeze, ships must be sent from Dengzhou Port to Lushun and the sea outside Jinzhou Port to keep an eye on the military situation. Tianjin Port must also leave ships in the outer sea to convey the military situation. It is necessary.

If so, use explosives to blow up the sea ice so that ships can enter the port normally. The pirates will probably still use the method of talking while fighting to force me to commit the crime. We will treat others in their own way. Peace talks must

Don’t do it secretly in a big way, but war is the foundation. To solve the captive disaster, war must always be the first priority. Your letter to the captives clearly stated that the other party will send a considerable figure to Shanhaiguan, and both parties will go to Shanhaiguan for formal peace talks.

.In addition, the relevant progress of the peace talks can be informed by the Xinmin Times.”

What kind of operation is this? It mainly focuses on fighting, but it needs to be discussed with great fanfare, and the people must be informed of the progress. Chen Xinjia really can't figure out what the emperor's intention is for this arrangement.

Why? In fact, it was to train the officials of the Ming Dynasty and even the people's ability to face foreign affairs activities. Strictly speaking, the Ming Dynasty did not carry out normal foreign affairs activities. The ideas for handling foreign affairs activities are basically the same as those for handling internal affairs.

Treat yourself as a leader. After the rise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he was afraid of losing face and did everything secretly. In the end, nothing was accomplished. Zhu Youjian wanted to let the courtiers and the people understand through this normal negotiation.

How do countries play out at the negotiation table? After the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they will definitely not be allowed to become independent, but besides the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there are other countries that need to deal with. We cannot always deal with it with the attitude of a leader and a vassal state.

Foreign affairs, right?

The situation is indeed as Zhu Youjian judged. The Manchus and Qing Dynasties in Jinzhou had no intention of getting it at the negotiation table. Starting from November, the Manchus and Qing Dynasties began to gather troops to the Liaonan Peninsula, with nearly 100,000 troops gradually arriving.

Head to the front line of Fuzhou.

Gathering 100,000 soldiers and horses to launch a full blow against the Jinzhou Ming Army, striving to uproot the Ming Army's presence in southern Liaoning. This was the Manchu Qing's attitude and bottom line. They did not want another army in Liaonan to disrupt the Ming Dynasty like the one in Dongjiang Town.

Shit sticks exist.

"Tan Tai, you are really competent in the defense of Jinzhou! Not only did you lose the travel money, but you also allowed the Ming army to guerrilla at will in Fuzhou. When did the Qing Dynasty fall to the point where Ming dogs were allowed to invade the country wantonly?"

Ji Ge was the commander-in-chief of the Qing Army's restoration of Jin Dynasty. After arriving in Fuzhou, he was almost angered to death by the situation here. Let's not talk about the fall of Jinzhou. Unexpectedly, the entire Fuzhou was also entered and exited by the Ming army at will.

, when he came, the Qing troops near Fuzhou could only huddle within the military walled city and did not dare to go to the countryside. The Manchu landowners in the countryside all ran to the walled city to seek shelter.

It was a disgrace to generations of the Qing Dynasty. Before the Ming army launched a large-scale attack, they were beaten by a small group of troops, and they were beaten like this. When Dongjiang Town was here, there were not even a thousand soldiers.

The Ming troops on the left and right dared to enter and leave Qingjing at will.

small book booth

"Your Majesty, please calm down. This slave deserves death. He has lost the military prestige of our Eight Banners warriors. Although the Ming army did not send a large army to Fuzhou, they did send elite soldiers. Wu Weibo, the most capable evil general of Ming Dog, led his men

More than a thousand elite soldiers are disturbing our military territory, and it is really difficult for me to support them."

"Uncle Wu Wei, I have fought hundreds of battles with the Ming army. How come I have never heard that there are such fierce generals in the Ming army who can lead thousands of soldiers to wreak havoc in our territory! The Ming army is new in the past two years.

There are some generals, but who is so arrogant on the battlefield? I have a list of powerful generals in the Ming army, so why not Wu Weibo. Tan Tai, you are such a slave, you lied about the military situation and bullied me without killing me.

You, this king is so angry that I cannot let go." Azig was completely aroused by Tan Tai's nonsense and even had murderous intentions.

"Your Majesty Mingjian! Uncle Wu Wei is indeed a person. Zuo Liangyu, the rebel general of the Ming court, and Chuang Wang, the emperor of Dashun, both died in his hands this year. This person has a mysterious official position in the Ming court and is not uncommon in the world. He is

The powerful generals who are trusted by Emperor Ming can be easily used. They usually go out together with Ren Shuangyou, the brigade general of Ming Dynasty. One is good and the other is strange." Tan Tai saw that Azige was really angry, and he quickly kowtowed as if he knew it.

Tell Azig the situation.

"Is there this person? Both Zuo Liangyu and Li Chuang died at the hands of this person?"

"What the slave said is absolutely true. Tong Yangjia, who we sent to Zuoying before, met him by chance in Fuzhou a few days ago and escaped by luck. He saw this man kill Zuo Liangyu with his own eyes."

When Azig heard that Tan Tai had moved Tong Yangjia out, he couldn't help but begin to believe his lies. He quickly sent someone to find Tong Yangjia and question him face to face.

After Tong Yangjia arrived, he roughly told what he knew. He had been working as a general beside Zuo Liangyu, so he could basically see what happened that night. He even saw Wang Er leading people to rush to Zuo Liangyu's compound.

I just ran away from the tent, and I remember Wang Er’s big face very clearly.

After Zuo Liangyu's death, Tong Yangjia traveled to Jinzhou by sea, and was left by Tan Tai as an errand. A few days ago, he led his troops to a military fort in Fuzhou to do business, but Wang Er unexpectedly ambushed him.

He almost couldn't come back. Wang Er's subordinates were all big talkers. When fighting, they liked to call their boss "Uncle Wu Weibo of Ming Dynasty". They even mentioned Wang Er's glorious achievements to scare the enemy.

To intimidate the enemy. Tong Yangjia connected all these things together, and then made some brainstorming, thinking that Wang Er was commanding the battlefield behind enemy lines in Jinzhou.

You are the uncle of the Ming Dynasty. You should be at the rank of general soldier anyway. It is not a big deal to command more than a thousand soldiers. You can't have only the fifty or so people Tong Yangjia saw under your command? Who ambushed him?

Those fifty or so people should be the elite servants around him. (Zuo Liangyu allows the Tong family to hold important positions in his army. Does he not know the origin of Tong Yangjia? This man has a close relationship with the Manchus.

is doubtful.)

"The Emperor Ming actually sent such trusted generals to the battlefield in Jinzhou. The plan is not trivial! Why did you wait to report such important military information now? You almost missed a major military and national event!" Azig listened to Tong Yangjia Nao's supplement.

Afterwards, I made up another version of the military situation in my mind. I was even so frightened by this made-up version that my bald head started to sweat.

What does Uncle Wu Wei of the Ming Dynasty do? Judging from his two attacks, he specializes in killing big bosses! Which of Zuo Liangyu and Li Chuang is not a very important figure? Such a killing god appears

On the Jinzhou battlefield, could it be that they were just fighting guerrilla warfare and ambushing stragglers? Who is the target worthy of such a person on the Jinzhou battlefield? After thinking about it, Azige felt that it could only be himself. The martial power of the Ming Dynasty

Bo's visit to Liaodong this time was definitely for him. The more Azig thought about it, the more certain he became about it!

This chapter has been completed!
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