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Chapter 28 Examining the Big Firearm

People with ambitions are different. It makes people feel comfortable to see these people in the school.

After the normal teaching work has begun, the next step is to determine the basic infantry tactics.

The triangle formation is Zhu Youjian's favorite system. If possible, use this. However, before making a decision, it is necessary to see whether the current firearms can adapt to this method of warfare.

The people who arranged for Yuma Jian Wang Zhixin to move all types of firearms currently used from the Jingying Firearms Camp to Meishan.

There were hundreds of different kinds of firearms, large and small, and they all looked similar, but Chongzhen didn't have the guts to let anyone try them on the spot.

"Eunuch Wang, have all the firearms currently used in the Ming Dynasty military camp been moved here?"

"Your Majesty, except for a few heavy artillery such as the Hongyi Cannon, all the others are basically here."

I picked up a musket that was made most like the guns of later generations, weighed it in my hand, and pulled the trigger. It didn't pull, so I had to put it back in its original place in embarrassment.

"This should be the Rumi Gun, right?"

"Your Majesty, this is the Rumi gun. This weapon is the most poisonous and the most accurate. It can kill birds! But it is quite laborious to make. It takes nearly ten taels of silver to make one shot."

The so-called Rumi gun is a matchlock shotgun, which was passed from Central Asia and Turkey. It basically has the appearance of later generations of firearms. It has a trigger, a wooden stock, and a slender barrel. However, the cost is too expensive.

A little! A dozen taels of silver per shot is basically equivalent to ten or twenty thousand yuan in later generations. Ten or twenty thousand yuan to buy this thing is really not worth it.

"Is this cannon a Folang machine gun?" Zhu You asked Wang Zhixin, pointing to a small cannon. According to the memory of later generations, the Folan machine gun is a breech-loading cannon, and this is the only gun here that is breech-loaded.

"Your Majesty, this cannon is a Folang machine cannon. It can fire continuously, which is very useful, but it can't shoot very far."

The airtightness of the breech-mounted cannon has always been a problem that was not solved until very late, so the Folan cannon has never been very good in terms of range and power.

Coming to a cannon with a simple and weird shape, Chongzhen looked at it carefully and found that he probably didn't recognize it, so he asked Wang Zhixin what kind of cannon it was.

"Your Majesty, this is a crouching tiger cannon. It can shoot in a curved direction. It is the most commonly used cannon by Qi Shaobao's Zhejiang soldiers. It can shoot as close as a mile away. It can be regarded as a kind of mortar."

Curved cannon? This should be the prototype of a mortar. There are several rings on this thing's body, which seem to be combined with the gun mount to adjust the shooting angle. The two handles of the gun mount are in the shape of tiger claws, presumably to interact with the tiger.

The name of the squat gun matches.

I saw another rather crude thing, like an iron lump with three eyes. Could this be the legendary three-eyed firecracker?

"Superintendent, is this a three-eyed gun?"

"Exactly, Liaodong soldiers like to use this weapon the most! This blunderbuss doesn't hit far, and it's not very accurate, but it can fire continuously, so it's useful when charging into the formation. After the fire blunderbuss is fired, it can also be used as an iron hammer to hit the enemy. The cavalry

Most useful.”

I took a quick look at all the firearms, and it’s hard to say whether I have a good overall impression. That is to say, when I look at it from a distance, it looks like something, but when I look up close, it has a strong sense of roughness. In this way, it is probably the best among the Daming firearms.

It's an eye-catching thing. If the appearance is too bad, it will not appear in front of the emperor.

I will keep a Rumi gun back to the palace for fun. I will also send the Fo Lang machine gun and the Tiger Crouching cannon to the craftsmen's workshop here in Long Live Mountain for the craftsmen to take a look at first. All the remaining firearms will be returned to the camp.


None of these gadgets are usable! This is Zhu You's conclusion after checking the firearms. However, there should be room for improvement in shotguns, Folan cannons, and tiger crouching cannons.

After returning to the palace with a musket, Chongzhen couldn't put it down and couldn't put it down. Naturally, it was not because he liked this thing, but he was thinking about how to improve it to make it more useful.

The gun stock needs to be changed. The current gun stock is hand-held, which requires too much hand strength of the soldier and is not convenient for aiming. The barrel does not have a sight, which can be added. The spring of the trigger is too hard and it is very inconvenient to operate.

, it is best to come up with a more suitable spring. The thickness of the barrel is uneven, the manufacturing process is rough, and it is made in sections. It is easy to explode the chamber with the current black powder, let alone a more powerful one in the future.

Gunpowder is gone. Apart from these, there is not much room for improvement in other aspects.

I used a brush to draw on the paper the appearance of a shoulder-stock gun stock from later generations. I asked the craftsmen sent by the eunuch to Long Live Mountain and asked them to find a Lumiter and redesign the gun stock according to this pattern.

Install it. Chongzhen's requirement is very simple, that is, it can be fired on the shoulder. Other improvements must be thought out before proceeding! The internal structure and firing device of the gun will not be changed until the structure of the flintlock gun is figured out.

Let’s talk about it later.

Zhu Youjian has the simplest and most practical way to improve the power of gunpowder, which is to mix white sugar and black gunpowder. Although he doesn't know the specific ratio, it is not difficult to verify this. But there is one particularly worrying thing at the moment.

, there is no suitable firearm that can use this kind of gunpowder that has been increased several times in power.

Black powder can cause explosions, not to mention new types of gunpowder with increased power. Rumi guns, Folan cannons, and tiger crouching cannons, these things may not be able to withstand it, especially if the casting process cannot be guaranteed.

This is even more true under the circumstances.

Improving firearms, improving casting techniques, and improving gunpowder formulas are the first tasks to be completed in the next period of time. According to memory, after winter this year, the Qing army will once again enter the Pass and go south to plunder Zhili and Shandong.

I have traveled through time for more than two months, but I haven't done anything serious yet. I haven't found a way to make money quickly, I haven't come up with useful weapons and equipment, I haven't trained a soldier who can fight, or even defend the city.

No fortifications have been done, it feels like I have been busy in the past two months!

According to the memory of later generations, the entry of Qing troops after winter did not pose a threat to the capital. However, this memory may not be reliable. The original military structure has been disrupted. Maybe there will be an accident this time. Regardless of whether the Qing troops will

There will not be a large-scale attack on the capital. Preparations must be made in advance. There must be at least three or four thousand troops on hand that can fight and command.

To build an army in such a short period of time, it must be able to be drawn out for combat at any time. It is impossible without revolutionary firearms. Where can we find revolutionary firearms that can be manufactured quickly? Isn't this difficult?

The first batch of cadet companies in the General School Hall is the skeleton of Chongzhen's plan to build the next army. Nearly a hundred people are selected from the hundreds of cadets and instructors, and then forty or fifty officers are transferred from the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Camp.

The regiment-level army officer group can be gathered together. Then select some qualified soldiers in the Beijing camp, and at the same time recruit some people from the private sector, and it will be completed! The plan is to build a regiment in October, and then around November

, build another regiment. With the strength of these two regiments of 4,000 people, it is estimated that they will be slightly more calm when facing the Manchu Qing entering the Pass. The main force of the Manchu Qing entering the Pass is only about 50,000 at most, which is an increase of 4,000

Soldiers who can fight will still be useful!

This chapter has been completed!
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