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Chapter 346 Don't Be Tricked Astray by Those Rotten Scholars in the South!

The three of them were busy until dawn the next morning before tidying up the house. After the sun shone into the room, Mrs. Tao and Tao Yanlan looked at the house carefully. The more they looked at it, the happier they felt. It was not like the courtyard of the bungalow where they lived.

It's messy and the door is closed. This world belongs entirely to my family.

"Mom, I'm going downstairs to pick up two buckets of water. Lanzi, you go down with me. Look where the water is and where the toilets are. When I go to work, you can know these places. It's over.

Let me explain to my mother."

Without a water supply and drainage system, there is no way to use a bathroom in the building, so the water room and toilet are all built in the bungalow downstairs and are shared by everyone.

After taking the girl downstairs to familiarize herself with the surrounding environment, she carried two buckets of water upstairs. The old lady was already busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Mom, when you cook from now on, just use the charcoal stove in the kitchen. This stove will catch fire quickly! I will light it for you later and seal the fire door when not in use. A piece of good coal can last for half a day. Use it.

I used the tongs to replace the coal with new coal, and after opening the fire door for a while, the fire started." Tao Xiaosan saw that his mother was cooking on the stove in the living room, so he taught her how to cook on the briquette stove in the kitchen.

"Mom knows how to use this thing. We already have a fire at home. It's too expensive to build another stove. We can use this thing again after the fire is removed."

"Mom, I work in a coal factory! The coal I use is low-priced coal brought from the factory, so you can use it with confidence."

"No matter how low the price is, don't you still have to spend money? Look at your home, you can buy everything. You have bought so many pieces of soap, but you don't know how to buy it when you are done with it? You have also bought several buckets and oil lamps at home.

You want so much, you really don’t regard money as money.” After a while, the old lady was already dissatisfied with Tao Xiaosan’s lavish spending. She was used to being frugal, and the last thing she wanted to do was spend money indiscriminately!

"Brother, let me use your good soap! It happens that the clothes are dirty. After washing, I put them next to your fire wall and they will dry in a while. It is better to live in a building. Everything in the house is warm, so it is convenient for all kinds of work."

The life concepts of the two generations are very different. The girl's attitude towards life is obviously different from my mother's. She actually thinks that my brother's place is full of utensils and is the most convenient for life.

When the economic environment changes, people's life concepts also undergo major collisions and changes. The small difference in Tao Xiaosan's family's concepts is just a corner.

Wang Dachun, the head craftsman, has recently been worried about the different life concepts with his son. After going to Miyun Factory District to open an ordnance factory, Wang Dachun and his partners caught up with a wave of big dividends. Last year, the ordnance orders were

It was rising month by month, and after the end of the year, it doubled in January. I thought it might calm down a little this year, but as soon as the new year started, the orders started to hit. Catching up with such a good time, it would be difficult for Wang Dachun and others not to make a fortune. Short

In just one year, the wealth of each partner has skyrocketed nearly ten times. In other words, among the wealthy people in Beijing, Wang Dachun is currently in the upper range of the average water level.

Having money was originally a good thing, but he fell into the troubles of rich people. The son of his family actually did not want to continue to be a craftsman and wanted to study literature.

Studying literature? This is what we craftsmen can think about? If you go to study literature, who will inherit such a big family property? Forget about your son causing trouble, and even your wife will join in the fun. It must be said that being a craftsman is a despicable thing, son

I can no longer follow him to the factory to do his work as a craftsman.

Are craftsmen a cheap job? Without this craft? How did the family turn around? Who could earn such a big fortune in just a few years! It’s true that just after living a good life, he started to forget his roots.

He had several quarrels with his wife and children at home over this matter, but they couldn't get through their work. When he got on the Beijing-Miyun rail car, he was still angry.

"Brother Wang, you look angry today." Since Luo Shihong's factory is a neighbor of theirs, the two of them often buy a rail car ticket and run back and forth between Miyun and Beijing. After getting on the train,

, Luo Shihong saw Wang Dachun's face, thinking that there was something wrong with him, so he asked.

"Hey! I'm all pissed off by my mother-in-law and my baby. I'll go back home just to make others angry."

"Why did Madam-in-law and Young Master offend Brother Shi?"

"I don't know what kid in my family was bewitched, but he insists on studying literature! My mother-in-law is also ignorant, and she also gets involved. It can really piss people off."

"It's not a bad thing to ask the young master to go to school, isn't it? Why do you want to obstruct it, brother?"

"I don't have any objection if he can study in the school honestly. He will go directly to the school in Miyun Factory District with me, and then go to the factory to learn the trade with us. He can not only read but also learn the trade.

What's not good about it? If you are promising in your studies and can be admitted to middle school or even university, what can't I accept? But the problem is, which kid and his mother insist on concentrating on their studies, neither going to Miyun to go to school, nor

Go to the official school in Beijing, go to some private school, just for the scientific examination."

"Scientific examination? Didn't the imperial court reorganize the system? What kind of examination is there? Isn't it the end of the university? There are also many subjects in universities that are about industry, commerce and agriculture. This has no conflict with following you to learn craftsmanship.


"Isn't that what you're talking about? But I don't know what I've heard. It's not the right way to study like this. The imperial court will still use some kind of literary talent selection in the future, so I have to go to a place where people come from the south.

Study in private."

"Brother, this is not okay! We have been friends for a long time, so I will tell you something from the bottom of my heart. Business and industry are the foundation of a family like ours. Even if our children want to study literature, they should take business as a subject.

Ben. How can we compare with other scholarly families if we go to study those literary things in the past? In the end, we will lose our own jobs. The current major restructuring of the imperial court is to abandon the bad policy of despising the study of hundreds of skills and promote the study of hundreds of skills.

Learning is also the concept of superior knowledge. We have finally encountered such a good time, but we can't let those bad literati in the south fool us into going astray again. Bullshit literary selection! Look at the way Nanjing is being used by those gangs.

What a mess! Brother Shi’s business has little contact with the south, so he may not know much about it. I know best. In the past, the weaving products from the south were all top-quality goods in our industry. But it took only a few years.

, now you can’t even see the goods coming out of the south. Many businessmen bring cotton yarn directly to us for weaving, printing and dyeing, and then sell it back to the south.”

"Is this the trend in your cloth industry now?"

"No! It's not just the cloth industry. Nowadays, goods from South China are no longer available. Businessmen with some ideas over there are running here. Everyone who comes here says that the atmosphere there is bad, especially the corrupt officials and the ruthless exploitation by evil officials.

It’s unbearable! Your Majesty made up his mind to reform the country and reorganize the old country just because of those rotten people who couldn’t manage the country well. How could he use the previous method of selecting talents to go back to the old path where the people are living in dire straits!”

This chapter has been completed!
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