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Chapter 347 The richest magistrate in the world

Luo Shihong is different from the rich generation like Wang Dachun. He knows his own weight best and understands what his family's business is. Of course it is best for his children to become officials, but if he gives up his own business, his children will not be allowed to

He will never get involved in business again. Officials are not something that takes root, so how can they abandon their roots and pursue their weaknesses? Abandon their greatest advantage?

Those who are anxious about education are the rich generation like Wang Dachun. After they were coaxed into college, their minds were unsettled. They always looked at the higher mountains. They had no clear understanding of the abilities of themselves and their families, and they were worried about gains and losses and were afraid of losing what they have now.

All of this. Wang Dachun said he had opinions about his son, but in fact he was hesitant and uncertain. In the age of patriarchy and patriarchy, if he was really determined, how could his wife and children resist him?

The two talked all the way until the rail car arrived at the factory district station the next morning. The topic ended.

"Brother Shi, things are changing very fast here in the factory area. I can feel the changes after just a few days." Luo Shihong started to sigh after leaving the station. For some reason, he now feels more comfortable here than in the capital. He breathed.

The air here filled with soot made him feel very friendly.

"It's not that exaggerated, right? Why don't I see much change?" Wang Dachun was very unimpressed by Luo Shihong's exaggerated description. It was not as exaggerated as what he said!

"There are still changes. Don't you see that the road in front of us has been extended again? In terms of the factory area, it is better here in Miyun. During the Chinese New Year, I went to the Tangshan Factory Area in Zunhua. To be honest, it is better.

It can’t be compared to this place, it’s all kinds of inconvenient.”

Although Miyun's factory area is more than two years older than Tangshan, businessmen still prefer to invest here due to the first-mover advantage.

This year is the fourth year since the Miyun Factory District was established. The real production capacity effect has reached its explosive period. Before the first month has passed, the place has already entered the rhythm of large-scale production, and it is very prosperous.

The one who feels the most about the imminent maturity of the factory area is the Miyun County Government here. Starting from last winter, Miyun County Government has clearly felt the changes, because the ownership and their income have been qualitatively improved.

The factories rented to private businesses have begun to pay rent one after another, and their shops in the factory areas have basically been rented out. There is rent money to be collected every month, plus the rental income from the market in Gubei, every month

Relying on these inputs, there are also 10,000 taels of silver dollars. The annual tax share left to the county government from the national tax is another 100,000 taels. Calculating the entire account, the county government's annual income is at least 200,000 taels.

What is the concept of two hundred thousand taels of silver dollars? All the paid officials and teachers in Miyun County Government are only a little over a thousand, and the total expenses of these people are only fifty thousand taels. After paying the salary, there are still more than one hundred thousand silver dollars every year

How can a county government dare to think of such a surplus? Not to mention the vast majority of government offices in the Ming Dynasty, their annual income and expenditure cannot reach the level of Miyun.

Fang Yizhi, the county magistrate of Miyun, was still a bit unable to adapt to the skyrocketing income of the county government. Despite his good fortune, he became the richest county magistrate in the world. What should he do with all the money he had earned in more than a year? His first thought was to hand it over.

To the treasury.

After delivering the memorial to the Cabinet and the Ministry of Revenue, it was like poking a hornet's nest. The first person to rush over was not someone from the Ministry of Revenue and the Cabinet, but Song Quan, the commissioner of the Xuanmi Administration Department.

As soon as he arrived in Miyun, he called Fang Yizhi aside and gave him a lecture. You have too much money and no place to spend it. Tell me first. We have offices in other places that are not as rich as you. We are short of money everywhere.

!Why are you trying to trick the imperial court in the first place? Don’t you know about internal coordination?

Just when Fang Yizhi was apologizing to Commissioner Song and saying that he had not thought carefully about it, the Ministry of Revenue directly sent a minister to talk about the money. Their opinion was very excessive. First of all, they wanted to take away the money that Miyun could not spend.

, and the other is to cancel the tax sharing of national taxes in Miyun. In fact, Fang Yizhi can accept this method. Anyway, Miyun can get by without relying on national tax sharing. But Song Quan doesn’t do it! Why should we declare it in the first place?

Is your Ministry of Accounts going to take away the money from the Secret Service again?

In the end, because the money was unfairly distributed, the Ministry of Revenue and the Xuanmi Administration took the case to Zhu Youjian, asking the emperor to make a ruling on who should spend the money.

Zhu Youjian's reply was very simple. Since the money came from Miyun, it should be spent by Miyun himself. He also gave a special explanation for this. Prefectures, counties, administrative offices, and provinces are all independent accounting offices, and financial allocation

There is a fixed share. The superior government office cannot collect money beyond this share. The money belongs to whomever belongs. As for what to do with the extra money from the Miyun County government office? Of course it is spent. Miyun can expand a certain amount according to its own situation.

The key to the size of the staff is to expand the number of primary schools and the number of teachers. The other is to spend the money on the renovation of roads and water conservancy facilities under the jurisdiction. The principle is that the money is left for you to spend, but where to spend it and the process of spending it.

Supervision must be carried out to prevent private use of public funds, private divisions, and corruption and extortion of bribes.

"Magistrate Liu, and everyone! The cabinet, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the administrative office have officially approved the county government's finances. According to the spirit of the Holy Spirit's approval, it has been finally determined that our county's national tax profit share will remain the same in the future. However,

We have to pay 10% of the national tax on the rent and other income here, and another 20% of the tax to the administrative office. In addition, the income attributable to our county is entirely at our own disposal."

As soon as Fang Yizhi finished speaking, several main officials at the meeting clapped excitedly. Their applause was dedicated to His Majesty the great Emperor! If it weren't for his considerateness and wise decision-making, our county would have

The money was stupidly given by Fang Datou to the gang of tigers and wolves above. Although after such a quarrel, the superiors still took away some money, but Datou still kept it.

Although the money saved will not flow into your pockets, it will be retained in the county. We can always have a say in how the money will be spent, right?

Fang Yizhi felt disgusted when he saw the excited expressions of the people below. This time he caused a lot of trouble, and the other side didn't catch up. "Everyone, after preliminary communication, the current number of officials in our county will be increased by 200.

, we will discuss the number of additional staff in each government office later. After that, the administrative office will supervise and the county government will organize a unified recruitment examination. In addition, our county will add one senior primary school, ten junior primary schools, and 400 teachers.

Let’s discuss where these schools and teachers will be allocated. In addition, the county government is going to borrow some more money to renovate the roads leading to various towns in our county. Some places that have the conditions to continue to improve water conservancy will also spend money.

Use some money to repair channels.”

Since the money is left, it can be spent wisely and benefit the people. Fang Yizhi understands this. Don’t look at it, it’s only about an extra hundred thousand taels of silver. If you use it well, it can still have great effects.

Yes. Now that we have a lot of money, we can be bolder in borrowing money. The capital can borrow money to build roads, so why can’t we Miyun? It’s not like we can’t afford to repay the money. chapter

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