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Chapter 360: Literature and art can carry the road

"The editor-in-chief is ridiculous! The student is favored by the editor-in-chief. Fortunately, he only publishes some vulgar articles, and he cannot be admitted to the elegant hall."

"Chenxing, don't be self-effacing! Who said that the story book can't be in the elegant hall? The common people love to read it, and it is in line with the principles of the Tao. The story book also has famous articles that have been passed down through the ages. In the recent period, our newspaper office has to run another

For the selection of the top ten best storytellers of all time, let literary friends from the newspaper office vote to see which storytellers are the masterpieces that have been handed down to this day. When the time comes, Chenxing will also participate."

"Mr. Ji Zhi invited you so warmly, Chenxing didn't dare to refuse."

"What kind of invitation is this? All literary friends who have subscribed to the newspaper have the opportunity to participate, and each person has one vote. No one can be the master. Speaking of invitations, Ruan really has something to ask for.

You participate. The day after tomorrow, the New Folk Drama Society invited famous opera masters from Beijing to hold a creative meeting. Chenxing, you must participate. I remember that you will also write a new play, so you will have a role in this meeting."

"Creation meeting? Chenxing is stupid and doesn't know the details of this meeting."

"It's like this. The New Folk Drama Club was founded together with the Times. After its establishment, it also did some work and produced some short plays that the common people loved. But the saint felt that the Drama Club had not produced a drama that was loved by the people.

There are also works with rich connotations and profound artistic purposes. Therefore, His Majesty asked the drama club to organize a creative conference for all famous opera masters and screenwriters to discuss how to create a truly famous drama and lead the drama industry to a higher level.


"A good drama that is loved by the people, is rich in content, and has a profound purpose? I'm afraid it's not easy to make, right?" After hearing the emperor's request relayed by Ruan Dacheng, Shen Menggen couldn't help but make trouble for Ruan Dacheng. He had written some plays himself,

We know that it is not easy to meet only one of these three requirements, let alone to combine the three into one.

"It is precisely because of the difficulty that His Majesty asked us to work together and hold a meeting to discuss this matter seriously. The creation meeting will invite famous actors, screenwriters, as well as famous opera appreciators and critics to discuss it together. I hope

Can we come up with an idea?"

In fact, Ruan Dacheng is not very confident about whether he can come up with an idea. When it comes to drama creation, he is a well-known expert. In recent years, he has also tried to arrange the plays he created and perform them on various occasions. As a result,

Except for a few professional literati, most ordinary people do not accept his dramas and find them very boring. dramas have always been divided into those for refined people and those for vulgar people. How can it be possible to reconcile two groups with different tastes?

Where are you going? The emperor is simply whimsical.

What’s even more whimsical is the idea of ​​bringing together all the actors and actresses of the third, sixth and ninth grade to hold a meeting to discuss this matter! Most of them don’t even know how to compose a play, so how can they come up with good ideas?


Although he didn't agree with this matter in his heart, Ruan Dacheng still followed the emperor's instructions and organized this meeting with all his heart. This is what Zhu Youjian likes about Lao Ruan. He is not very principled and has no doctrine in his heart.

The superiority is relatively strong, and it is easy for such people to use it.

Three days later, many people invited by the drama club, including Shen Menggeng, arrived at the venue on time. Lao Ruan was about to go to the rostrum to speak and start the meeting. He saw the secretary running into the venue with an official from the attendant's room.

"Minister, Your Majesty asked the meeting to start later. He wants to attend the meeting in person and preside over the opening ceremony." The attendant came to Ruan Dacheng and whispered to him that the emperor was coming to attend the meeting in person.

"The saint is attending the meeting in person? Why didn't you inform me of such a big event in advance?" Ruan Dacheng unconsciously raised his voice and asked the attendants why they didn't inform him in advance.

"His Majesty is afraid that you will make special preparations because he wants to attend the meeting, so he specifically ordered you to inform him about this matter when the meeting is about to begin. The Minister should not be too cautious, just act as usual according to the previous arrangements."

Act as usual? I have to be able to act as usual. Ruan Dacheng was sweating anxiously at this time. He had nothing to worry about because he knew that the emperor was a person who didn't care much about insignificant details. But the problem was that he was attending the meeting today.

The composition of the people is a bit too complicated. Not only are there famous opera masters like Kun Opera, but there are also some people who sing random drum music on the streets, and even a few famous actors from brothels and brothels have been invited. Such an occasion makes a country

It's really unseemly for you to come and participate.

Zhu Youjian asked the people in the attendant's room to notify him that he wanted to attend the meeting now, mainly for this purpose. If the notification was too early, Ruan Dacheng and others would definitely select the participants carefully, and in the end only some so-called masters of elegant drama would be left.

What kind of fun is this meeting? What Zhu Youjian dislikes the most is the popular Yaju dramas, which are neither down-to-earth, profound nor exquisite. To be honest, they are just to satisfy the bad taste of vulgar literati. The story routines are quite

As it ages, the performance is even more lackluster.


At Ruan Dacheng's surprise, the attendees soon learned that the emperor was coming to attend the meeting. These people did not explode, but stood on the spot in silence. Who are they? Are they eternal?

Even the top people in the industry cannot appear on the serious stage. Who would have thought that one day the supreme emperor of the Ming Dynasty would come to hold a meeting specifically for them? They would never even think about such a scene.

Dare to think.

Zhu Youjian rushed to the venue. When he entered the venue, he was a little overwhelmed by the scene. There were obviously nearly a hundred people at the venue, but why was there no sound at all? Except for Ruan Dacheng and others who were busy in front of the meeting.

Except for the last greeting, everyone else was like puppets and props, making no sound at all.

It was not until Ruan Dacheng ordered them to kneel down that they started to move. After the kneeling was completed, they returned to their previous appearance, sitting in their seats restrainedly, still not daring to make a sound.

"I see that everyone is a little cautious! There is no need for this at all! In fact, I am participating in your creative meeting mainly to encourage you and help you stand up! The Ming Dynasty is emerging from its cocoon and is reborn. At this time, it needs the people of the whole world to work together.

Work hard. The revival of the Ming Dynasty cannot be separated from the military, civilians, officials, and workers, and it is also inseparable from all literary and art workers. Yes, everyone here today, I think you are all literary and art workers. Literati often say

, Literature carries the road, however, this is just a statement made by literati to promote themselves. Since ancient times, literature and art can carry the road! In ancient times, there were the Book of Songs first, and then poetry. Before poetry, was there no way in the world? Therefore,

Don’t take your own career lightly, I want you to work hard and contribute to the prosperity of our great Ming Dynasty!”

Breaking the sole right of literati to shape the value system, or making literati and culture more dimensional and richer, is what Zhu Youjian wanted to accomplish in the Ming Dynasty. Multidimensionality and diversity are the cornerstones of vitality and creativity.

This chapter has been completed!
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