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Chapter 366 The conflict between natives and tourists is the most difficult part of the immigration work!

"Uncle Tian, ​​I have something difficult that I want to explain to you clearly." After arranging for her daughter to prepare a meal and bring it to the living room, Gao Zengnuo finally lost her nerve and prepared to tell the truth.

"In-laws, please speak up if you have anything to say. Our two families are family friends. Is there anything we can't say openly?"

"After losing contact with your family, I came to Beizhili with my three children. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two years. There has been no letter from your family, and Nuo'er has to join the army to serve the imperial court.

The war is fierce and dangerous, and I can't rest assured that he won't have a family to go to the battlefield, so in the past few days, I have made an appointment for him in the institute, and I plan to marry him in two days."

"Your family has arranged another marriage for Nuo'er? How can there be such truth! Two families are engaged in one family, what do you want our family Tian Ge to do?" When Lao Tian heard what Mrs. Gao Zengnuo said, he instantly fell out.

Yes, shouting loudly in the house!

"Uncle Tian, ​​our Gao family is responsible for this, but isn't it your Tian family's fault? When you followed the thieves south, did you ever think about the marriage between our two families? The situation has reached this point.

, let’s find a way to solve the problem. Now let Nuo’er cancel the engagement, and our Gao family will force the girl into a dead end. My idea is this, Your family will settle down in this Anmin Home, and I will accept Tian Ge

This girl is a daughter-in-law. When she gets married, our Gao family will buy her a generous dowry. What do you think of Uncle Tian?"

Gao Zengnuo is a woman with ideas. In such a short period of time, she came up with a solution to the problem.

"When Tian Ge gets married, will you buy a dowry? We have already agreed. It must be dignified, and it will never work if you don't give it." After thinking for a long time, Lao Tian had to agree to this request. It was obvious that the Gao family would not give up.

He was married to his own daughter. On the surface, he said it was not good to break off the new marriage. In fact, he disliked his family for being a thief, and disliked Tian Ge's body for being dirty.

This kind of thing, even if everyone doesn’t say it, they will all know it. In a gang of thieves who are mostly big men, how can you, a yellow-flowered girl, come out intact?

"Uncle Tian, ​​don't worry. I will definitely give this girl Tian Ge a decent dowry."

After solving the most embarrassing problem, Gao Zengnuo waited for Lao Tian's family to finish their meal, and then took them to the Anmin Office to go through the registration procedures and room allocation. This year, the Anmin Office is still accepting a sparse number of immigrants, because there are many

People who come to visit relatives cannot turn away their relatives, right?

"Uncle Tian, ​​this is the house that Anmin provided for temporary accommodation. It is very simple. I hope you and the Tian brothers and sisters can make do with it. Although this is the case, to be honest, the conditions are better than when we first came here.

It's much better. Once you have worked for one year in the resettlement, you will be eligible for a loan to buy the kind of house our family lives in. I hope the field uncles can persist for one year and survive this hard life."

"Don't worry, dear nephew. We all heard about the settlement when we came here. How could such a life be so difficult? They assigned us a house when we first came here and arranged jobs to make money for us. Where can we find it?

Is this a good thing?"

If Zhu Youjian could see Lao Tian's family at this time, he would definitely think of a group, which is the kind of people who just ran away from the MLM den.

Isn’t that what it is? Being a thief is similar to joining a pyramid scheme. They are both a group of people who have difficulty finding a job. They are tempted by the idea of ​​making a lot of money and having a great future and become a prostitute. After going there, they realize that making a lot of money may not be possible, but

Contributing yourself is essential.

After simply leading Lao Tian's family to settle down, Gao Zennuo was ready to leave them quickly. The awkward relationship with the family made him very uncomfortable.

"Brother, let's go slowly!" Tian Ge, who had not spoken until Gao Zengnuo said goodbye, timidly said something.

Hearing this, Gao Zengnuo looked at Tian Ge, and saw the girl's eyes looking at him as well. Their eyes met, and the two of them ducked aside in embarrassment. Gao Zengnuo hurriedly left this embarrassing place.

The unexpected appearance of the Tian family did not disrupt Gao Zengnuo's life plan. In the past few days, while he was busy preparing for his marriage to Li Guogui, a girl from the Li family, he reported his name to join the army at the Anmin Office and waited for recruitment.

The Anmin Institute attaches great importance to the recruitment work. If one member of a family is a soldier, it can solve the big problem of food and drink for the family. After letting some strong men join the army, the employment pressure of the Anmin Institute will be less. This is one. The second is

By joining the army, refugees can better integrate into the original democratic system of Beizhili. When these people return to the local area and enter the government system in the future, with their care, the refugees will not be squeezed out by the local indigenous people.

The relationship between natives and guests has always been the most difficult aspect to deal with in immigration work. More than two hundred years have passed since the early Ming Dynasty, and there are still conflicts between natives and guests! This shows how difficult the immigration work is. Of course, relatively speaking,

He said that the situation in the north is better, unlike in the south where clans are too big and the exclusion of immigrants is deep-rooted, which is very troublesome.

Zhu Youjian has carefully studied and reflected on the immigration issue in the Ming Dynasty. It is normal to have conflicts between natives and guests. However, after more than two hundred years of immigration, there are still conflicts between natives and guests. This is definitely beyond the scope of normal understanding and must be due to policy issues.

Big mistake.

The flaw that can be known now is that in addition to the strong clan power, the other is that the household registration system, which is mainly based on military households, greatly limits the exchange and integration between immigrants and local indigenous people. Zhu Youjian only recently discovered that the difference between the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty is

Even intermarriage between household registrations is very difficult to happen.

Military households marry with military households, craftsmen households marry with craftsmen households, and civilian households are naturally civilian households. Under such circumstances, how can people communicate and integrate?

Strengthening the integration between immigrants and local indigenous people and encouraging intermarriage is the best way. However, although it is easy to issue regulations at the policy level, the actual implementation may not be so easy. The deep-rooted estrangement in people's hearts is very difficult.

It is solved at the policy level.

After much deliberation, Zhu Youjian felt that the only effective way at the moment was to allow immigrants to enter the local administrative system, first integrate the administrative system, and then create an atmosphere of non-hostility and mutual communication among the people.

However, this method is probably only useful in the north. More measures may be needed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hunan in the south! The folk customs in Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi will be a very troublesome thing in future generations. These few

It is very common for local people to rely on clan and regional groups to keep warm. Unity is not a bad thing, but the trouble is that when these people unite, they will do bottomless things. For example, there are scam villages, scam towns, and certain factions that appear in certain places.

Hospitals have brought the entire domestic private hospital industry to its knees. For example, a certain big business gang organized a group to exploit the loopholes of the listing! Later generations of Europeans and Americans said that Chinese people are easy to unite in small circles, but it is detrimental to national interests and social ethics.

Quite indifferent! In fact, I am talking about these power groups that exist around clans, because they are the first Chinese people that Europeans and Americans come into contact with!

This chapter has been completed!
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