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Chapter 372 Shallow Sea, Offshore, and Oceanic Three-Level Coastal Defense System!

"Your Majesty, maritime disasters have been around for a long time. Now that our country has liberalized maritime trade, the sources of disasters are even greater! It is indeed difficult to prevent them. Otherwise, except for a few large ports, the imperial court will use Taizu's method of controlling the sea in other places.

, banning boating?" Zhou Yanru thought about it for a long time and figured out a way to enlarge the ban.

"At the time of Taizu, it was too simple to deal with maritime affairs. They thought of banning the sea, but for hundreds of years, the Ming Dynasty's maritime territory did not gain peace because of the ban on the sea. On the contrary, it lost sea profits because of the ban on the sea.

Therefore, when it comes to solving maritime problems, we must not just ban it. Everyone must use their brains to not only let the people and the court enjoy the benefits of the sea, but also prevent maritime disasters. Don't always think about problems in terms of convenience for government governance.



Wanting both benefit and harm, how can there be such a good thing in the world? The ministers were speechless by Zhu Youjian's words, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

These people really don't make people worry. Is it so difficult to be an emperor who doesn't use his brain very much and governs from the top?

After waiting for a long time, no one came up with any ideas. Zhu Youjian had no choice but to say: "I really don't want to worry about it. Think about it, what are the things that can benefit people from entering the sea? It's just fishing.

There are only three things: trade and robbery. The first two are what the court is happy to see happen. Only robbery and banditry are things that the court does not want to happen. What are the sources of people who steal wealth and become bandits? First, they come from the shore

The common people of the Ming Dynasty, the second are the local bandits who live on the islands not far from the coast, and the third are the Japanese bandits who came from the oceans of the country. As long as these three bandits are eliminated, won't the maritime issue be solved?"

"Your Majesty, none of these three bandits are easy to guard against. How can we prevent them?"

"It's hard to guard against people, but it's easy to guard against things! Pirates are no longer traceable, but there are two things that can catch them, which are boats and ports! Ordinary people, boats fishing offshore and merchants transporting goods

Is there any difference in the size of the ships? Is there any difference in size between the merchant ships that go offshore and the merchant ships that go to the ocean? Can fishing ports and commercial ports be distinguished? Can domestic commercial ports and foreign commercial ports be distinguished? Can the small fishing boats be distinguished?

Can the police like pirates deal with it? Can the pirates in big boats block it in the open sea?"

"Your Majesty's intention, is it to imitate the capital's strategy to control congestion and divert ships and ports according to different functions? In order to reduce maritime disasters?" Zhou Yanru's mind finally took a turn.

"As the Grand Master said, what I mean is to divide the Ming Dynasty's sea area into three areas: shallow sea, offshore and ocean, and divide the port into three levels: fishing port, inner port and port port. According to the size of the ship, it is divided into three levels that do not need to be numbered.

Fishing boats with flags, as well as domestic merchant ships and ocean-going ships with clearly differentiated flags. Except for fishing boats, merchant ships of all sizes are not allowed to enter the specific waters of the port, and the rest are not allowed to appear in shallow waters. Foreign merchant ships are allowed to enter the oceans and specific shallow waters of the port.

If you pass through, entering our coastal waters without any reason will be deemed as a national violation, merchant ships will be fined, and warships will be impounded!"

After taking a breath, Zhu Youjian continued to speak: "The above administrative ideas should also be divided into three levels in coastal defense. The navy is mainly responsible for overseas cruises, the suppression of large groups of pirates, and even wars with foreign navies.

National War. In addition, each coastal province has set up 800 to 2,000 coast guard personnel to patrol coastal waters, eliminate small groups of pirates entrenched in offshore islands, and maintain the order of offshore and shallow sea navigation. When encountering large groups of bandits that are difficult to control,

Timely notification of the navy's joint attack. In shallow sea areas, the Jinghai Self-Defense Force is formed by coastal states, town patrol police stations and fishermen to jointly prevent bandits. The three levels of coastal defense have clear responsibilities, exchange needs, support each other, and jointly govern the sea areas, making our country bright

The sea is calm and free of bandits, and commerce and fishing are prosperous.”

Ships, ports, seas, and defenses are all divided into three levels. In this way, banditry at sea can basically be solved, and effective early warning can be given when encountering large maritime forces. In fact, the current situation at sea is not as dangerous as Zhu Youjian imagined before.

In the entire East Asian waters, there is no formal formal maritime force. The largest maritime force is the Zheng family's pirate group. But their strength is only that much. Zheng Zhilong's main focus at this time is still on sea trade.

, unlike Zheng Chenggong who later focused his main business on military development in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

Among the two generations of heads of the Zheng family, there are different opinions on who was stronger. Objectively speaking, the economic strength of Zheng Zhilong's era should be stronger than that of Zheng Chenggong. The military strength of Zheng Chenggong's era was also stronger than that of Zheng Zhilong.

Even if you look at the entire history, Ooki-san can be considered a famous general.

If Zheng Zhilong had a clearer head, was ambitious enough, and had no ulterior motives, and handed over all his rights to Ohmu before something happened, the development of history might really change.

There are no strong enemies in the East Asian seas, and the armaments in other areas are just that. If Europe develops for another hundred years, it will not be qualified to go to the East Asian seas to challenge the Ming Dynasty! The Ming Dynasty only needs to maintain a navy of 50,000 to 60,000 people, plus an offshore garrison.

, there will be no problem at all in dominating East Asia and crossing the seas in the next fifty to one hundred years. Previously, Zhu Youjian was a little confused by the thinking of later generations on sea power. He always felt that it was very important to build a navy with a scale of hundreds of thousands.

Urgent need. But now, his thinking is relatively mature. Is there any idea in this world that sea power is everything?

In the long history of history, the Continental Army is king. In the special case of Britain, it relied on its navy to become a world hegemon for a period of time. Apart from them, other world hegemons all existed based on the Continental Army. After World War I, Britain

Why did it fall from the position of world hegemon so quickly? It was during the First World War that the whole world understood the nature of Britain's external strength and internal weakness! Without a continental army, Britain always had more than enough resources in a truly high-level war.

There is another extreme example of over-emphasis on sea power, and that is the Netherlands. In terms of sea power, Sea Coachman was absolutely unparalleled between the 16th and 18th centuries, but it is not the same. The reason why Britain is ahead of the Netherlands

It is farther away because its land hinterland is relatively larger and can support a considerable army.

Think carefully about why sea power is more important than land power. Human beings do not float on the sea. Most of the survival resources must be supplied through land. This is the simplest truth. Of course, this does not mean that sea power is useless. In the future

For a long time, sea transportation has been more convenient than land transportation, which means that the legs can be stretched much longer through the ocean than on land. Balancing the relationship between sea and land is something Zhu Youjian will need to think carefully about in the future.

"Your Majesty, do all coastal prefectures currently under the direct control of the imperial court need to establish maritime garrison forces?" Zhou Yanru asked his question after digesting what Zhu Youjian said for a while.

"Let's try it out in Jinzhou first! We won't set it up in other places for the time being." There are naval bases in Dengzhou and Tianjin. For the time being, there is no need to set up a coast guard. It would be nice to save some money.

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