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Chapter 390 The Qing court wants to dump the comprador

After listening to Hong Chengchou's analysis, Dorgon did not rush to express his position, but sent him away.

After pondering alone for three days, Dorgon finally agreed to open business with the Ming court.

Since they want grass and wood, give them more. Using grass and wood in exchange for things is a good deal. Dorgon even made the decision to give Dongzhu, Mink and people a 20% tax. Although

The Ming Dynasty listed ginseng as a prohibited item for trade, but this does not mean that the Manchus had no way to sell ginseng. They did not need to have ginseng in the three trading outlets they controlled, but ginseng could appear in Huludao! After the merchants came over,

The ships were not only from the territory controlled by Emperor Ming, but also merchant ships from other places. If they bought them, they would not enter the territory controlled by Emperor Ming. The merchants just took a detour, but there was still a way to get the goods into Beizhili.

.But in this case, the price of these things will be higher.

The higher the price, the higher! The output of these products is low, and people who like this will still use them even if the price increases. It will not affect sales. Who knows, you will make more money!

"Fan Shangshu, now that the imperial court and the Ming Dynasty have officially established trade! I am planning to establish a government-run trading house, and you will be responsible for this matter. From now on, all goods coming from the merchants will be bought in the name of the government-run trading house, and then resold to merchants


"Buy them all? What if we can't do anything after buying them?" Fan Wencheng's eyes widened after hearing Dorgon's words. How could he do such a thing?

"Otherwise, all good goods that can be sold will be bought by government-run trading houses. Other goods can be bought and sold by private merchants. In addition, several large government-run shops will be opened in Shenyang, Liaoyang and other places. It will be better

Goods in short supply are supplied to these shops. People who buy goods in these shops must be bannermen and officials. I plan to print Qing currency to pay military pay and official salary. From now on, these shops will only accept Qing currency."

The Qing Dynasty also wanted to print banknotes? Fan Wencheng was excited in his heart. It was indeed not easy to learn it well, and he shuddered to learn it badly. Seeing that the Ming Dynasty had the capital by printing banknotes, the regent really imitated it. He didn't know if he would do this.

Nothing will happen. Fan Wencheng’s mind is now at a loss as to whether this is possible. If Dorgon had such an idea in the past, he would definitely object in words and cite typical negative examples. But the problem is

In the past few years, the negative examples have changed and are no longer easy to use. He is now confused and doesn't know whether printing money on paper is reliable.

"Your Majesty, why don't we still purchase goods from those imperial merchants?"

"It depends on the situation! If Ming Ting sincerely opens the door to Shanhaiguan, and there are basically all the goods in Shanhaiguan, there will be less purchase from the imperial merchants. Anyway, we can't buy the ones we want from the imperial merchants.


Deep in his heart, Dorgon even wanted to get rid of those Shanxi merchants. Those profiteers made a lot of money by relying on the Qing Dynasty. But rationality told him that this matter should be taken slowly and cautiously, maybe

The Ming court was duplicitous and was playing tricks on its trade goods.

With an eager mood, ten days later, the opening of the Ming and Qing dynasties to trade has officially begun! Dorgon asked people to gather hundreds of carts of Ula grass and transport it to the Shangkou. He wanted to see how the grass could be exchanged for goods.

Whether it can be done or not.

People from the supply and marketing cooperative appraised the price, and Fan Wenchen paid military stamps on the spot and asked them to take the money and go to the goods yard to select the goods. The goods in the supply and marketing cooperative's goods yard had added tariffs, which were 10% higher than the normal selling price in Ming Dynasty.

There are many, but in Fan Wencheng’s view, the price is already quite low. He has also done his homework in the past few days, and compared the prices at Gubeikou, and found that they are only a little higher than the shipping costs, and the goods available at Gubeikou are here.

Yes, Ming Ting seems to be serious about doing business this time.

With the money he got from selling grass, he bought nearly ten carts of things, and Fan Wenchen personally took them to Shenyang City.

"Shang Shu, are these things really bought with grass?" Dorgon asked Fan Wencheng in disbelief.

"My lord, it's true! Although the Ming court's valuation of the urala grass is not high, they did pay cash and let us buy the goods."

"More than two hundred carts of grass can be exchanged for so many good goods. The valuation is not low. They are not fools. They know that this grass is widely available in Liaodong. As long as the price can be stabilized at this price, the Qing Dynasty will be profitable. In this way

, Gu gave an order to collect another batch of grass as soon as possible and take them all to Shanhaiguan to exchange money for buying goods. Before the end of the year, we have to sell three to four thousand cars of grass in exchange for more than a hundred cars of expensive goods! Huludao will open next year

After talking, the business of buying grass will be even more profitable. By the way, I have to ask the banner people to organize some aha and go to the old forest to cut more wood. In the spring of next year, I will exchange wood for goods. These days, I have to

The organizers transport some wood to Shanhaiguan and find out the Ming Ting’s lowest price first, so that they don’t get the advantage.”

Even though three or four thousand carts of urala grass would not be exchanged for much goods, for Dorgon, it could solve an urgent need. With these one hundred or so carts of goods, he would be able to avoid robbery this year.

The reduced income was replenished by 20 to 30%. When the Qing Dynasty invaded the customs and robbed the country, the best harvest was only six to seven hundred carts of goods, of which some had to be wiped out by the soldiers who participated in the robbery. The goods that were actually put into the warehouse were about

There are four to five hundred cars. In addition, most of the goods stolen are of average value, and they are not in the same condition as the goods in front of me.

If the timber trade route can run smoothly next year, it seems that we can get goods worth two to three million taels of silver by selling grass and trees in a year. Based on this, it seems that there will be no financial loss if we don't rob? National strength

There will be no sign of decline! This trade idea proposed by Hong Chengchou is really a good strategy for governing the country! This man is indeed a national treasure.

After the trade deal was completed, Dorgon felt that his pressure was much lighter. The next day, he took five carts of goods and distributed them to the Manchu nobles, blocking their mouths. He also told them that at the end of the year, there would be

Forty cartloads of goods can be divided.

Dorgon's life was easy, but some people's life was difficult. Fan Yongdou, who lived in Shenyang City, was the person most affected by the trade of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In recent years, the Fan family was wanted by the Ming Dynasty and lost their money. They purchased goods directly from the mouth.

His qualifications can only be reduced to being a broker and eating some food from the water. Now, he doesn't have to eat anything from the water. The Shanhaiguan trading port has all the goods he can bring. There are other ways for other Shanxi merchants.

In terms of business, the Fan family was doing well, but their jobs were directly ruined.

"Sir, I have lost my foundation now and have no way of living at all. But for the sake of my family, I have to rely on you to find a way for this villain to live." Fan Yongdou, who was in a hurry, went to beg his family, Fan Wencheng, to let him help him.

Think of something.

"Yongdou! In this situation, where can I find a solution for you? How about you buy some goods from me and open some shops in Liaodong to sell them?"

"How can we make money here?" Fan Yongdou listened to Fan Wencheng's idea and his tone suddenly became higher. The people of Liaodong are not the people of the Ming Dynasty. How can they spend the money they get? It is better to do charity by selling goods to the people. Fan Yongdou

, but as someone who has been doing international trade, how can he be interested in this kind of business?

This chapter has been completed!
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