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Chapter 394 Thinking and helplessness about the education system!

"Today I sent the Grand Master here just to have a chat with him so that I can make some preparations for the New Year's Grand Council. The New Year's Grand Council will mainly discuss the preparations for the comprehensive war of liberation three years later. This involves not only

Military armaments and logistics also involve political work. At least three years later, there must be a group of administrative officials and professional and technical officials at the county, state, government, and provincial levels available. But we cannot regain the place and have no one available, and still use the old bureaucrats

Make do."

"Your Majesty, even if it is the first stage of restoration, if all officials are replaced, the number of officials required will be huge. I am afraid that we will not be able to reserve so many officials for a while, right? There is also a gap in the official staff to be filled in the restoration of Liaodong.


"It will definitely not be enough to fully supplement, but for the dual chief officials, we must ensure that there are enough people! Furthermore, about 20,000 new officials must be prepared. As receiving cadres, they can be stationed in newly restored places at any time! At the same time, the cabinet

, there must be a plan to retain and transform the old bureaucracy, and determine which employees must be replaced when they are accepted, and those who can be postponed. In short, in newly restored areas, more than 70% of the original officials will have to be replaced within three years.

These old bureaucrats who have been replaced cannot be completely relegated to the cold palace. They need to be transformed and trained. Seventy to eighty percent of them can be used as reserve cadres for the subsequent recruitment of the Guangfu District. Only university graduates can be employed in a short time.

It may not be enough inside.”

Now the total number of officials is more than four or five times higher than before. The few people who graduated from universities will definitely not be able to fill the gap. Even if the original officials can be used, it is actually just a drop in the bucket. According to Zhu Youjian's idea

, in fact, after the total liberation war, the main body of grassroots officials must be retired soldiers. These meritorious soldiers who have brought peace to the world must be assigned jobs after they retire from active service, and they must not be allowed to bleed, sweat and shed tears. Hundreds of thousands of troops,

With 50,000 to 60,000 people retiring every year, the gap in grassroots officials will be filled in five or six years.

When there is peace in the world, new soldiers who join the army will not receive such good treatment. Otherwise, how can there be more than 200,000 retired soldiers a year to find so many positions to arrange jobs for them? There are also a large number of universities and normal schools.

Where do graduates find employment?

"Your Majesty, there are more students from other places coming to Beijing to take the university entrance examination this year, and many people have failed the exam. Can we expand the enrollment of some students in the next two years? This is also a way to reserve officials."

"Let's do this. At the beginning of next year, we will open another normal university in Dengzhou! In the spring, we will recruit some students as special subjects to enroll. In the fall of next year, each university will increase its enrollment by 30%."

"Build another normal university? Is the country going to open two normal universities?"

"More than just two normal universities! In the future, at least every province must have one normal university. Not only must all teachers in middle schools be normal graduates, but also in primary schools in the future, professional teachers must be available to teach. This cannot always be the case.

Let a bunch of ignorant people delay the future of Ming Dynasty?"

Nowadays, middle schools in the capital are basically all taught by normal school graduates. In most prefectures and counties in Beizhi, more than half of the middle school teachers are teachers from non-normal education backgrounds, and there are almost no normal school students teaching in primary schools.

It’s all a bunch of old literati who have transformed themselves to do this. Even if one normal university is built in each province in the future, it is estimated that it will take thirty or forty years to complete the professional transformation of the teaching staff. Compared with the shortage of officials, the number of professional teachers

The gap is even bigger. Officials can be replaced by retired soldiers, but not teachers. You can't just read a few hundred words and be arrested and become a teacher, right? This is simply a joke.

"But students in normal universities cannot teach for long, and if this continues, there will always be a shortage of teachers."

"Currently, students from normal universities can be transformed into officials after teaching for three years. This is a profit plan! When the world is peaceful and teachers need to be professionalized, most normal university graduates will still stay in teaching positions. My idea is,

In the future, when the world is peaceful, more than one normal university will be established in each province, more than ten agricultural universities will be established across the country, and about fifteen undergraduate universities of various types will be established. In addition to universities, some technical secondary schools and junior colleges will also be established.

The main purpose is to cultivate skills and give people more opportunities to study."

In the next 20 to 30 years, there will still be fewer undergraduate universities. This is because the overall social structure has not yet formed an atmosphere. People have a deep-rooted belief that only those who are good at learning will become officials. It is difficult to change the mentality of eating the country's rice bowl. To put it bluntly, universities are still officials.

Too many training institutions will only increase management costs and over-absorb social talents into bureaucracies! The only function of establishing universities now is to give future officials more professional capabilities, which is different from those who previously only studied in retreat.

There are just some differences among the old officials.

In the next one to twenty years, universities will mainly do two things. One is to train officials with some professional standards, and the other is to reserve a group of serious academic professionals to prepare for the future transformation of research universities. As for the transfer to society

A university for applied talents, let alone now! Even in the next thirty to fifty years, it may not be possible. This part of the function should be diverted to technical secondary schools and junior colleges.

Since the purpose is to train officials, the number cannot be too large. There are about fifteen schools, with 30,000 to 40,000 graduates a year, which is enough. No matter how many more there are, it will be troublesome.

In fact, Zhu Youjian has recently been thinking about a way to see if he can build a channel for professional talents and research talents to overtake in the top-level design. From the bottom of his heart, what Zhu Youjian despises the most is

Those people who want to take advantage of the country and sneak into the system to become scavengers. But according to the current system, in the end it is these people who will occupy the mainstream social resources and become the decision-makers who are qualified to share the meat.

What Zhu Youjian most hopes to enter the decision-making level are those who have strong professionalism, broad knowledge, a lot of practical work experience and the ability to break problems. It is best for these people not to serve in government affairs departments at the beginning, but after middle age.

Entering the system will make Ming Dynasty a high-spirited country that is truly governed by elites.

However, with his limited experience and thinking, he seemed to be unable to think of a relatively reliable and safe method. From ancient times to later generations, the most elite way to govern the country was the imperial examination. Almost all Jinshi admitted by the imperial examination were middle-aged, and they actually

Their professional abilities are super strong. But the problem is that the professional skills of those selected by the imperial examination are a little off track. In addition, because the imperial examination is too one-step to reach the sky, it also has an extremely bad impact. That is, professionalism for the sake of professionalism. Most people

Because they gave up practical work experience and spent all their prime youth studying for exams, they ultimately deviated from the original intention of elite governance and turned into a deformed system. Perhaps elite governance itself is not feasible and will never be possible.

It's possible!

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