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Chapter 36 Sun Chuanting in Shaanxi has a bumper harvest!

While the Ming Emperor in Beijing was spending a lot of money just to make a little money, Sun Chuanting, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province in the Ming Dynasty who was far away in Shaanxi, lived a good life.

In mid-September, he finished harvesting the military fields he cultivated in the Guanzhong area. The harvested grain was quite a lot. In addition to meeting the daily needs of his sergeants, he could also sell part of it for money.

The original plan was to rely on this wave of food collected to lead the Qin army into the Central Plains to fight. However, during this period, the wind direction in the capital had changed in a way that was unpredictable. In early August, he received a very strange message.

This imperial edict made him a serious and powerful governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi. The governor of the two provinces responded to important military and political affairs, and gave him all the general power, administrative power, appointment and dismissal of officials, tax collection and disposal power, and civil adjudication power.


When he first received this imperial edict, he thought it was a fake. How could there be such an edict? Later, it was confirmed that other departments in the two provinces had also received the same imperial edict, and only then did he confirm its authenticity.

What did the imperial court mean by this edict? Was it to urge him to send troops to the Central Plains as soon as possible? But it clearly stated that he was asked to prepare all the necessary matters and send troops after the spring of next year!

Another thing that is quite strange is that he moved the governor's residence to Guangyuan in Sichuan. Obviously his main energy is in Shaanxi now. Even if he becomes the governor of Sichuan, he should not change the residence to Guangyuan.

Go to Sichuan!

After thinking about it for several days, he still couldn't figure it out until the news came that the emperor had asked the prince to go south to supervise the country. Only then did Sun Chuanting roughly understand the thoughts of the emperor and the court. Could they be preparing to abandon the north?

Abandon the north? Of course Sun Chuanting knew that this was the plan that was most in line with the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty. If he considered it from this strategic perspective, then his task now was not to prepare for the Qin army to go out of Shaanxi to pacify the Central Plains. It was to find a way to conquer Sichuan.

The two provinces of Shaanxi are under firm control and have developed an army large enough to defend the territory.

The emperor seems to know a little bit about military strategy. He stationed himself in Guangyuan just to tell himself that Sichuan and Shaanxi are mainly defensive. If things cannot be done, he will try his best to protect the Shu territory. This is a pragmatic plan, which is very effective for the current situation.

For Sun Chuanting, this is the most realistic strategy.

Up to now, he had only been in Shaanxi to lead the Qin army for six months. During this period, he also killed Qin army generals like He Renlong. Even a god would not be able to complete the integration of the army in such a short time.

Today's Qin army is no longer the elite army that he was familiar with a few years ago. Hong Chengchou's defeat at Songshan almost destroyed the Qin army's family fortune. Are the rest of them like He Ren?

The army bastard who is like a dragon and will be defeated in every battle, or maybe he is the second or fifth son who came over from the original rebel army. With these soldiers, it is impossible to fight a tough battle.

According to his assumption, it would take at least one million military pay and about two years to restore the Qin army's combat strength. When he first came out of the imperial edict, he told the emperor that he only needed five thousand elite troops and one hundred thousand.

The bandits can be quelled with silver wages. This is bragging in order to get out of jail. If the bandits could be quelled so easily, Ming Dynasty would not be what it is now!

When he came to Shaanxi, he passed by the battlefield of the Central Plains. He carefully observed the current combat strength of the bandits. They were no longer what they used to be when they suppressed bandits in the past few years. Not to mention that he didn't even have 5,000 elite soldiers in his hands now, even if he had 5,000.

There are not enough elite soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of bandits, even if they are all armed with wooden sticks, cannot be solved by a few thousand people. What's more, these bandits are no longer new thieves without any combat power. The Ming army has fought dozens of them in recent years.

In the annual war, the bandit soldiers have also been fighting for more than ten years. The constant war has made the bandit soldiers grow into old bandits. Their familiarity with the battlefield and their combat effectiveness are no worse than those of the official army.

The imperial court did not give one million silver wages, which would delay the progress of his military training. But fortunately, it gave him a policy to allocate all the taxes from Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces for the next year to himself, which actually equaled one million silver wages.


Shaanxi and Gansu are in ruins, and now they only collect more than ten or two hundred thousand in tax dollars a year. But Sichuan is okay! There is still no problem in tax dollars of hundreds of thousands a year. In this way, even if there is no way to do it for a while

The advantage of getting cash is that you have a stable income, and at the same time you have a reason to delay the court's transfer order.

As long as it lasts for more than a year, Sun Chuanting feels that he will no longer be afraid of the gang of thieves who have become powerful. At that time, he will be able to deal with it calmly whether fighting or defending.

"These official documents are written by the governor to various government offices in Sichuan. After you go there, you must coordinate with Governor Liao and the Sichuan Chief Secretary and other officials of the main government offices. Not only must you deal with the tax collection matter, but also Zhou Xiang

We need to learn more about the people's situation, the military situation, and the bandit situation in Sichuan." Sun Chuanting explained to his close aides at the temporary governor's office in Chang'an the work that needed to be done in Sichuan. This aide was sent to Sichuan to handle it on his behalf.

The confidant of affairs.

"Students must follow the instructions of the Superintendent and must handle Sichuan's affairs in order to raise enough food and wages for the Superintendent's army."

"It's one thing for you to go here to raise food, but you don't have to be too anxious. The key is to sort out the military affairs there. The last time the thieves broke into Sichuan, it was a big disaster. It has been hard to recover in the past two years, but you can't

If this happens again, at the beginning of next year, I will send a battalion of soldiers and horses into northern Sichuan to assist local Sichuan soldiers and horses in blocking the passage of bandits into Sichuan. No matter what, the disaster of bandits entering Sichuan cannot happen again."

"Dong Weng, the imperial court's decree is to only let you supervise the affairs of Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces for one year. If we work so hard in Sichuan, aren't we losing more than we gain?"

"If I were only allowed to supervise for one year, the governor's residence would not be located in Guangyuan. It is obvious that this is a long-term arrangement made by the Holy One, but there are too many constraints and it cannot be formed for the time being. Let you go to Sichuan,

It’s just for long-term operation, don’t do things with the mentality of only doing it for one year.”

How could he spit out what he had eaten in his mouth? Sun Chuanting was not a good person, and he would not waste the power he had now. Since he could interfere in the government and military affairs of Sichuan, why should he let it go?

From now on, I have both money and power, and basically no constraints. If I don't make this happen, I will be sorry for the opportunity God has given me.

While we have food now, we need to train another 5,000 Dubiao Battalion. The Dubiao Battalion is our real military strength. The other military leaders seem to have a lot of weapons. When it comes to real war, they cannot be the base of the army.

It is said that we will go out to fight in Shaanxi early next year, but according to the current actual situation, there is no problem in delaying it for another three or four months. In other words, there are at least eight or nine months before we can train troops.

With these eight or nine months, there are many things that can be done besides training troops. This year's military reclamation is ideal, but the time for reclamation is too short and the scale is a bit small. Now there is just time to organize. We must seize the time to arrange this

To do this, at least the abandoned good land in the Guanzhong Plain must be planted with grain. There will be no shortage of people to grow grain. There are hungry people everywhere, and there are plenty of them with just a few clicks. The only trouble is that these lands are owned.

, this group of landlords themselves are afraid of banditry and do not organize farming, and they do not allow others to farm. Recently, they have been jumping up and down, and they are having a lot of fun.

This chapter has been completed!
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