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Chapter 417

The development of bicycles is estimated to be a relatively long process, and it will take half a year to a year to be fully formed. After the development is successful, promotion will require a long cycle. Zhu Youjian remembers that in later generations, it seems that in the 1970s and 1980s, bicycles

It is considered a relatively valuable family property. I don’t know if he will be able to see the streets full of bicycles in this life.

There has always been a big problem in society before the Ming Dynasty or China. It has been difficult for ordinary people to benefit from the development of science and technology. The promotion of many advanced technologies will be very slow, and even due to the slow promotion, many technologies have been interrupted. For example, the colored glaze technology actually appeared very

Early, but artificial barriers were set up by the ruling class, which prevented the technology from spreading on a large scale. By the Ming Dynasty, it was actually lost. There are many such examples, not just one.

After staying in the late Ming Dynasty for so many years, Zhu Youjian understood why he had to criticize the landlord and exploiting class, and then he understood the difference between the current distribution system and that of later generations. He heard a concept in later generations, saying that the great voyage brought great joy to the Ming Dynasty

This caused a great depreciation of silver. According to this theory, the common people should have a lot of silver in their hands. But after actual contact, he discovered that the common people had no money at all, not to mention a large amount of silver, and many farmers could not see it for a year.

A few taels of silver. All the money was concentrated in the hands of landlords, bureaucrats and big businessmen.

However, these people do not need to spend money to live their normal lives. Their daily necessities are provided by exploiting the tenants and farmers. What is the money used for? Money is used for useless things. Why is the Manchu ginseng,

Dongzhu, how can there be such a big market for mink fur? Isn’t it just the rich people who have so much money and no place to spend it, so they try to spend it randomly!

What is the main industry of the high-ranking officials of Ximen in Jin Ping? Medicinal material shops and loan sharking! Who consumes medicinal materials? Of course it is the rich. To put it bluntly, it is luxury goods. In the late Ming Dynasty, most of the profitable businesses were concentrated on such products.

. An exploitative society dominated by landlords will cause such a phenomenon. Almost all the wealth produced by society is exploited into the pockets of the vested interests. The vast majority of ordinary people will always struggle to live below the food and clothing line. A thousand years ago

There is basically no difference or change in the living conditions of the people in China and that of the people in the Ming Dynasty.

Although there are rich and poor in future generations, and the lives of ordinary people are also tense, the mainstream of consumption is ordinary people, who are widely involved in the social and economic cycle system. The biggest progress in this is that no matter whether rich or poor, the future generations will never be the same.

Most people are not qualified to maintain their status quo. Almost everyone faces an environment where if you don’t advance, you will retreat. As long as you don’t move forward, the huge social current will sweep you down and decline rapidly. It is precisely because of widespread anxiety.

, social wealth will be widely circulated!

What is the meaning of circulation? It certainly cannot make the poor rich, but it can benefit the whole society. For example, the ancestors of Lao Zhu’s family built the two capitals and the Great Wall to benefit the whole society. The Ming Dynasty did not have such a huge project because of

And becoming poor, Zhu Youjian, the unlucky predecessor of the body, still benefited from these two projects, at least six or seven more years! And when the emperors of the Ming Dynasty who did not engage in projects were in office, couldn't the country's productivity be as good as that of the old ones?

Zhu and Zhu Laosi? When they took office, the rich value of productivity was not converted into social wealth in time, which wasted national power and caused society to stagnate.

It is Zhu Youjian's increasingly clear and clear goal and concept of governing the country to circulate and circulate social wealth so that the people can have a living and gradually improve their quality of life. When the people have the initiative in life

Later, they will burst out with greater passion for life and creativity, which in turn will promote the development of society and society will enter a positive positive cycle.

In order to solve the travel problem, they invented the scooter and quickly realized its popularity throughout the capital. This is a manifestation of the vitality of society. I believe that there will be more ways to improve efficiency in the future. Inventions that promote social progress cannot be fully

It’s up to Zhu Youjian to think alone!

In fact, when Zhu Youjian was preparing to let people publicize the bicycle project, a new means of transportation and a new business had already appeared in the capital. The inventor of this means of transportation was Liu Dazhuang.

Liu Dazhuang made a lot of money by inventing the scooter, bought a small yard and opened a school. Originally, his boss Hong Gouzi was also a beneficiary, but Hong Gouzi didn't think so. He felt that Liu Dazhuang's actions would make Liu Dazhuang

He lost control of his employees. The conflict between the two became more and more serious. Finally, Hong Gouzi kicked Liu Dazhuang out of the errand team, making Liu Dazhuang lose his job.

Although the technical threshold for the errand running business is low, not everyone can participate if they want to, because this industry must be connected to the supply and marketing cooperative. Hong Gouzi is capable of doing so, but Liu Dazhuang does not have this condition. Following Liu Dazhuang, he will lose his job.

There were also several brothers who did not listen to Hong Gouzi's words, which made Liu Dazhuang very embarrassed.

The brothers had to find a way to survive. Now that Li Yuting was not in the capital, Liu Dazhuang could only find a way by himself. Maybe he was born with cars. After thinking about it for a few days, he really thought of a way. Become a human-powered puller.

Two-wheeled vehicles came out to pull people on the streets. The cost of using horse-drawn carriages in Beijing was too high and inconvenient. However, there should be a market for some rich people who don't like to walk.

The ingenious Liu Dazhuang used the axles and wheels of a freight rack truck to make the first rickshaw. This rickshaw was only used by Liu Dazhuang because of his strength, but it was really not easy for others to operate.

Once there is one, there are two. Liu Dazhuang's use of a rickshaw to pull people was quickly seen by others. Many idle people began to imitate Liu Dazhuang's rickshaw and ran to the streets to pull people. With demand, businessmen and craftsmen quickly

Following up quickly, some small factory owners even asked Liu Dazhuang to provide technical guidance and help them improve their production processes.

In just over a year, rickshaws have become popular in the capital. There are more than a thousand rickshaws running in the city. Liu Dazhuang was the first person to invent a rickshaw and pull people on the street.

Many people have entered the carriage driver's profession, so whether they are old or young, as long as they are a carriage driver, they have to call Liu Dazhuang "big brother" when they see him. He is recognized as the founder of this industry!

When recruiting people on the street, it is easy for colleagues to have conflicts. For example, some people like to occupy space and feel that they should be responsible for recruiting people in certain places, and others cannot appear in this place. There will also often be a phenomenon of grabbing customers! In short, it is a mess.

Fights and bullying often occur. It is precisely because there are too many such things that the industry needs a boss-like figure to help mediate conflicts, formulate rules, maintain order, and prevent the industry from getting out of control. Liu Dazhuang is recognized as the industry leader.

Grandmaster, it is the industry’s demand for him to grasp the general direction, otherwise it would not be so easy to form a consensus on this thing!

This chapter has been completed!
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