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Chapter 423: Chase!

After arranging the pursuit, Ma Youliang hurriedly prepared to enter the city. Datong City was the first nine-sided city recovered by the imperial court after the Jiashen Rebellion. The entrance to the city must not include a lake, and the soldiers and civilians of Datong must be able to see it.

The same soldiers of the Ming Dynasty must make the people in the city clearly feel the difference between the new army and the old army.

"Commander, the elders in the city said they would organize personnel to welcome the King's division into the city. I don't know how to arrange them?" The staff officer reported to Mayu Liang the situation after communicating with the elders in the city.

Datong has been a military town for many generations, and even Jiang Yu cannot have the final say in Datong City. Many people did not follow Jiang Yu, and even many soldiers from the army were stranded in the city. This group of people wanted to take advantage of

The ceremony of entering the city was connected with Mayu Liang and the others. Fortunately, life was a little easier after the imperial court came back, so they were very interested in the ceremony of entering the city.

"Let the elders in the city prepare. At the same time, our army will conduct a review before officially entering the city to show the people of Datong the military might of the new army of the Kuomintang. In addition, the field hospital will also accept the wounded in Datong City from now on.

Let the injured soldiers and civilians in the city receive timely treatment." Although this war seemed to be fought easily, the casualties caused were greater than those in previous wars, especially the bombing injuries, which killed many people near the city wall.

War has entered the era of high explosives. Many people, including ordinary people, have never experienced it and their thinking has not yet changed. Naturally, they have suffered considerable losses.

Under the ruins of the Datong city wall everywhere, Ma Youliang held the Emperor's Sword, reviewed the troops entering the city, and accepted the ceremony of kneeling with incense eucalyptus from the elders at the city gate to welcome them entering the city.

"Everyone in the city, when I entered the city today, I realized how much damage this battle against the rebels Jiang Quan had caused to the city. I was very sad about this, and I couldn't bear it. However, this

The great catastrophe in the city should be attributed to the two rebels Jiang and Wu. These two thieves not only betrayed the country and betrayed the emperor, but they actually used the people in the city as a shield in an attempt to resist the imperial court's suppression of the rebellion, causing a disaster for the lives of the people in the city. Hope you all

The elders sent a message to the sons who served in the two thieves' army. The imperial court only pursues the culprits. If the accomplices can repent in time, the imperial court will let go of the blame. In addition, this general brought many good doctors with him when he attacked the city. The common people and military doctors who suffered from the war will

He will be treated for free so that everyone will suffer as little pain as possible. The most important thing is that the Emperor is merciful. This year and next, all people in Datong Prefecture will be exempted from all agricultural taxes, so that they can recuperate and restore their people's strength."

Agricultural tax is the mainstay of taxation in most places in this era. For example, in Datong Prefecture, almost 90% of the tax revenue is based on agricultural tax. Waiver of all agricultural tax is to relieve the biggest burden on the people. This year and next two years, the entire

The people of Datong Prefecture will be free from taxes.

The people who knelt to welcome the army into the city were so excited that they couldn't keep their knees steady after hearing the tax-free policy announced by Mayu Liang. They knelt on the ground and screamed, kowtowing in the direction of Beijing. They had heard about the tax-free policy, and they encountered it.

There is such a policy in disaster years. But I have never heard of such good governance after counterinsurgency. Generally speaking, the more intense the war, the tighter the tax collection. Basically, the army enters the city on the front foot and taxes are collected on the back foot.

The grain collector will arrive. If you do well, you will write a note when collecting grain, and you can use the note to offset the tax when you collect the regular tax in the future. If you do not do well, you will directly grab the grain to support the army as it sets off for battle. Like

The imperial army's battle to regain Datong City was unprecedented, and it was unprecedented that not a single grain of grain was collected from the city and its surroundings.

Datong is relatively close to Xuanhua. When preparing for the war, Zhu Youjian's idea was to transfer all the military supplies for the war from the rear. In principle, no food was required from the front. After controlling the entire territory of Datong Prefecture, he would follow up.

The logistics department will use military stamps to directly buy grain to provide part of the military supply, but the bulk of it will still have to rely on the large hinterland of Beizhi. Before the civilian power of Datong is restored, they are not expected to make a big contribution in logistics supply.

Datong City is originally a place with a weak civilian population. Most of the food for the garrison has always been provided by external supplies. What's more, the situation in recent years has been even worse. Placing logistical supplies in Datong Mansion will not be enough for the people and the army.

Neither is responsible behavior.

This set of plans can only be used in Datong. If this method is used in other places in the future, I am afraid that the transportation team will be exhausted! The capital is currently studying how to properly solve the logistics and supply issues after a large-scale war is launched in the future. If it will be

Giving money directly to front-line officers can easily lead to chaos in financial management, and there is a high probability of corruption and other troubles arising. The preferred solution now is to give food stamps to military officers above the company level, which is enough for about a month.

When the front line encounters a shortage of military supplies, they can issue food stamps to collect food on the spot. Subsequent financial personnel will follow up and use military stamps to recover the food stamps. The recycled food stamps can be used because they have the signature of the military chief.

Conduct inspections and reconciliations. If the military chief issues false or excessive food stamps, he will be held accountable!

There is a quota for the food consumed by soldiers every day. When the rear military supplies are not followed up, it is also recorded. It is not difficult to check the accounts. Of course, in addition to the military ration stamps in the hands of the military chief, the quartermasters who fight on the front line

, they will also give an advance of military coupons as a reserve fund. During the march, military supplies such as vegetables, oil, fresh meat, etc. that are difficult to transport must be purchased on the spot, and they will just sell them when the time comes.

While Mayou Liang was busy entering the city and dealing with post-war matters, Ma Xu and his cavalry division had already begun to pursue the entire front. After a large number of scouts rushed over in the morning, the battlefield information soon became clear! Jiang Yu and

Wu Sangui's main force was indeed retreating to the front line of Ningwuguan! At this time, it was no longer possible to advance steadily. Ma Xu gave his men a death order, and the entire army formed a triangular chaos with regiments as units.

The retreating enemy troops launched a fierce pursuit.

"Tell all the ministries, regardless of whether you pursue them directly towards Ningwuguan, the army can assemble under Ningwuguan. Remember, you must chase the enemy's main force, and you must break them up and defeat them! Let these thieves

Bones, let's see what a real cavalry pursuit is. As for the capture and annihilation of the remnant army, just leave it to the infantry behind us. Commander Ma has sent two security brigades and an infantry division to cover us up and wait for Datong City

After everything calms down over there, the infantry division entering the city will also join us, so we don’t have to worry about our retreat."

In broad daylight, even if Jiang Gan and others set up an ambush and blocking troops in front, Ma Xu was not worried. The hammer smashed the hard walnuts, and Ma Xu felt that the current troops had the strength! This year, due to the increase in the ordnance production capacity

, the main battle division has finally realized the use of all firearms, and its combat power has been qualitatively improved. If the current regular army of the Ming Dynasty cannot form an overwhelming advantage in field pursuit battles, it will be a bit useless.

This chapter has been completed!
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