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Chapter 425 Improving the agricultural production environment depends on water conservancy and power storage!

From the founding of the New Army around November of the 15th year of Chongzhen to the end of the 20th year, the New Army system has been in operation for five years. In these five years, the biggest change in the Ming Dynasty's official army was not the basic realization of the popularization of new firearms.

The change is the formation of a good cultural atmosphere in the team.

In the past, people's impression of the army was that they were all the dregs of society. Nowadays, grassroots officers are not illiterate, and the quality of the army has undergone a qualitative change. More than 70% of ordinary soldiers have also completed literacy, and there is a strong demand for literacy among recruits.

The importance is well understood. With such a foundation and atmosphere, the army has the capital to modernize. Zhu Youjian feels that at this time, he has become a serious and powerful faction.

In the past five years or so, in addition to the satisfactory development of the military, the achievements in industrial construction are also worthy of pride. Two large industrial zones in Miyun and Tangshan, two big city markets in Beijing and Tianjin, and Dongcheng City have been formed within the territory.

The primary railway network reaching Shanhaiguan, Baoding in the west, Xuanhua in the north, and Tianjin in the south has formed a complete industrial network as much as possible based on the existing technical conditions.

Generally speaking, as long as the military and industrial construction are directed in the right direction and make great efforts in five or six years, initial results can be achieved. However, not all projects can have gratifying achievements. This year, Zhu Youjian discovered that the development of some projects

It seems that we have reached a bottleneck period. In November, the Ministry of Revenue summarized the agricultural harvest statistics of various prefectures and counties, and then came up with an unsatisfactory result. The phenomenon of continuous growth in grain output in Beizhili

, it has slowed down this year, with total output only increasing by about 5% compared with last year, and some prefectures and counties have even experienced a reduction in output.

This is an anxious situation. There have been no major natural disasters this year, but grain production is about the same as last year. This shows that grain production has reached the upper limit. The policy effects that have been working well in the past few years are likely to be difficult to achieve in the future.

It has played a big role.

"Grand Master, agriculture is the foundation of the country! Judging from the situation of grain production this year, if we don't think of effective methods, the Ming Dynasty's national power will soon reach its limit. I am deeply worried about this."

"Your Majesty, the land and people's power are always limited. Although the increase in grain production this year is not ideal, the total output is not low. The grain production in Beizhi has more than doubled compared with five years ago, and it has been able to

The goal of using the land to feed the people has been achieved. If the whole world can have a harvest like Beizhi, the people of the Ming Dynasty will not have to worry about hunger. It is already a rare prosperous age, and everything should not be too harsh." Zhou Yanru felt that the emperor was a little bit.

Too much pursuit of perfection, can’t we just grow enough grain to eat? Excessive pursuit of increasing grain production and income is a bit too much.

"People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. Grain production is basically enough now, but it does not mean that it will be enough in the future. In the past two years, due to the stability of the North, there have been many new children. According to my estimation, in the next twenty or thirty years, the Ming Dynasty will

The total population is likely to more than double. By then, the total grain production will not increase, which will definitely be a big trouble. Therefore, the current total grain production is definitely not enough. We must make arrangements as soon as possible to prepare for the next two or three years.

"Ten years to lay a solid foundation." If there is no long-term planning for agricultural construction, problems will occur in the future, and decades of construction results will be wiped out. Zhu Youjian knows the consequences of this best!

Judging from the experience gained in the past few years, if we want to achieve a qualitative improvement in agricultural production, three to five years of development time is definitely not enough. If effective policies are continued for ten to twenty years, good results will have already been achieved.

It’s time to burn incense. Regardless of the past five years, Beizhili’s grain production seems to have increased rapidly, but the actual situation is not the case. Beizhili’s agricultural production capacity has increased significantly, mainly because the previous situation was too bad, with nearly half of the land

Being abandoned, 30% of the strong labor force was lost, the people were suppressed by the heavy tax burden and lost their enthusiasm for production, and 60% to 70% of the farmland that could be irrigated was lost.

In recent years, the above-mentioned phenomenon has basically been solved. Refugee resettlement, tax system and government reform, and a series of measures such as the promotion of high-yielding grains based on potatoes have eliminated the resistance that previously affected agricultural production. Vigorous construction of water conservancy projects and the promotion of cement

The channel not only restored the original total amount of irrigated land, but also increased the irrigated land by about 30%. However, even such a big change only doubled the grain production. In the future, agricultural development will be very rapid.

It is difficult to find these great and good policies before. Agricultural development has entered a deep water area, and it is increasingly difficult to increase income.


"Your Majesty's words, I am also deeply frightened. However, it seems that it is difficult to find a suitable method at present. I just learned about the situation from Mr. Song a few days ago. Their Agricultural University has cultivated some new agricultural varieties in recent years.

, found some ways to increase grain. But the overall effect is still not ideal. When planting in some experimental fields, the seed yield can be increased by 20 to 30%. When it comes to increasing the income of civilian fields by 10%, it is already very good. It even appears in farmland.

Compared with the original old seeds, the harvest is less. This is especially true for the methods to increase production, many of which cannot be used by farmers in actual planting."

What Zhou Yanru said is indeed a real phenomenon. There is a huge difference between the experimental environment and the real planting environment. There is a huge difference between the experimental field and the farmland, from small plot planting to large-scale promotion. The shrinkage of the data is very

Seriously. Besides, the Agricultural University has only been running for more than three years. It has a weak foundation, little experience, and a very low probability of achieving results. It has not yet reached the stage of being truly useful.

"I have been thinking for a long time recently and have come up with some methods that I think are useful. I would like to ask the Grand Master to consider them in detail. At this stage, the methods to increase agricultural production still need to focus on two directions, one is water conservancy, and the other is energy storage. Watering the land

The role of cement irrigation channels in increasing grain income is irreplaceable. The application effect of cement channels in recent years has also been very good. In the next five years, the total length of Beizhi cement irrigation channels must be increased by at least three times. In addition, Zhili must plan and build

With several large dams and elevated irrigation canal networks, the water level can be raised by two to three meters, and the total amount of irrigated land can be increased by about 30%. This is especially true in terms of power storage. The number of farm cattle has doubled in five years.

, the hardship of people's work will be greatly improved, which is also a disguised way to increase production. In addition to these two main efforts, great efforts must be made to promote agricultural tools with high production efficiency. Good agricultural tools will save people time and effort, and also

It can increase production and income.”

Zhu Youjian suddenly thought of a situation in recent days. In several famous agricultural universities in later generations, the best major is not necessarily breeding but agricultural water conservancy engineering. In other words, the most reliable way to increase income on a large scale is to improve planting conditions.

.In addition to making great efforts in water conservancy, all that can be done at present is to vigorously develop and accumulate strength. Because in his lifetime, Zhu Youjian may not be able to see the phenomenon of serious large-scale mechanical agricultural production.

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