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Chapter 434 Jiaodong joins the army

Erlang of the Wu family was determined to join the army. As soon as his brother's marriage was completed, he hurried to the recruitment office set up by the Jinzhou Prefecture to sign up.

The native people here in Jinzhou are not very popular, so it is not a suitable source of troops. However, in order to give the native people in southern Liaoning a sense of belonging, Zhu Youjian made special arrangements to recruit as many soldiers as possible from this place. According to the population

Proportionally speaking, the number of soldiers given is quite large. Benefiting from the policy, Wu Erlang, who is in good health, successfully joined the army and will officially join the army at the new military camp in Lushun after the year.

The local people who joined the army in Liaodong are lucky. As long as they sign up and have no health problems, they can basically join the army. If people in Jiaodong knew about this situation, they would be envious to death, because in recent days, people in Jiaodong have

The common people worked hard to join the army.

This year, the Ministry of War has allocated more than 20,000 troops based on the population of Jiaodong and considering that it is a newly restored land. The total population of Jiaodong Administrative Office is only one or two million, so it should be about the same to recruit 20,000 troops.

The idea is to recruit so many people this year first, and then wait until the concept of recruiting soldiers becomes popular, and then recruit about 20,000 more by the middle of the year. In terms of Jiaodong's civilian power, that will be the end. Recruiting more will affect the development of local society.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the recruitment list was posted on the streets of various prefectures and counties, the doors of each recruitment office were packed with people that day. People who came to sign up crowded towards the yamen gate, fearing that they would be missed if they entered late.

Opportunity to sign up for military service.

What's the situation? The enthusiasm of the people in Jiaodong for joining the army is beyond people's imagination. It is true that the benefits of joining the army are good now, but it is not to the point of making all the people crazy, right? The current situation feels that apart from the old, weak, women and children, all men in Jiaodong

Come and sign up. Such a scene has never been seen in Beizhili.

Another situation is that the cultural quality of the people who apply for the job is very good. Sixty percent or more of them have read books and are literate. Such good quality would have made people happy in the past few years, but

Now it has become a troublesome matter. Selecting more than 20,000 qualified soldiers from a pool of more than 100,000 or 200,000 people is a happy and troublesome matter. Are the people of Jiaodong crazy? How come all of them want to join the army!

The special situation in Jiaodong is weird and strange, but it is normal even if it is normal. I don’t even think about where Jiaodong is, but it is in Shandong. The people in Shandong have believed in the same principle since ancient times, studying to become an official and becoming a master.

Therefore, no matter how poor the people in Shandong are, they will still find ways to send their children to private schools for a few years, even if they fail to study. Usually, most people will do whatever they want after attending private schools for two or three years. This does not represent what they think.

I'm not worried about being an official. It's just that it's too difficult to become an official by studying. Many families don't have the qualifications to squeeze into the single-plank bridge.

Then, things got out of control this year. Because the people of Liaodong had already understood the imperial court's recruitment policy from Dengzhou and other places that had been restored earlier, and they even saw the fact that demobilized soldiers were working as officials at the yamen gate. Faced with the current situation

The fact that soldiers can always eat the food of the imperial court and have the opportunity to serve as officials in the imperial court, as a big hinterland of senior official fans, it is strange that they can still be calm.

In the eyes of the people of Jiaodong, joining the army is simply a shortcut to becoming an official specially set up for them. It would be foolish not to seize this God-given opportunity. I heard that the literary style is prevalent in the military camp now, and people are good at reading and writing. It is better to become an officer than to enter a military academy.

It's easy for others, aren't we talking about people like us? Even if you can't make a meritorious service and become an officer and be demobilized after five years, you can still be a small official in the yamen who eats the royal meal. This is worth a try. Even if

Even if you die in the army, your children can also be admitted to the military camp and eat royal meals. This kind of good thing will never happen to anyone for several lifetimes. In short, being a soldier is a cost-effective thing, and the biggest one is

The risk is just one life. What is the value of human life? It is nothing compared to being an official.

The people in Jiaodong are so fanatical, not because they really want to be soldiers. Whether they tried their best to study in the past or are now struggling to join the army, what really attracts them is the deep-rooted dream of becoming an official. The people here are interested in becoming an official and eating royal meals.

How obsessed? You can tell from the admission rate of Jiaodong Normal University, which was opened at the beginning of the year, of ten to one. Beizhili can attract scholars from all over the country to refer to it, but the admission rate of the Normal University is not more than five to one. In the first two years, it was

There have been strange incidents where 70 to 80 percent of the candidates were admitted.

"Commissioner, the military hall said that the people in Jiaodong are too enthusiastic to join the army. According to the current standards, almost 200,000 people meet the standards. It is difficult to choose 20,000 from the 200,000 people. It is difficult to determine the scale. It can't be done.

It will cause public dissatisfaction, so the Bingtang wants the administrative office to find a way to come up with a recruitment charter so that they can implement it." Liu Lishun's secretary quickly reported the situation reported by the Bingtang to his boss, asking him to make a decision.

"Why didn't the Military Hall report this matter to the Ministry of War? Or to the Military Command Hall? It's inappropriate for our administrative office to make the decision, right?" Although the Military Hall is nominally under the jurisdiction of the local government, because it involves military affairs, the Ministry of War and the Military Command Hall have no control over them.

Even bigger, Liu Lishun felt that as a government official, it would be better for him to be less involved.

"Commissioner, after all, this kind of thing only happens in Jiaodong, so the military hall means that the opinions of the administrative office should be the main one. Also, if this matter is reported to the Ministry of War and the Military Command Hall, they may not be tempted to expand it.

The number of soldiers in Jiaodong, after all, the imperial court has been preparing to expand the army in the past year or two. If the imperial court expands the number of troops and depletes the people of Jiaodong too much, it does not seem to be a good thing for the administration." What the secretary said is natural.

It was not something he came up with himself, but what some officials in the Jiaodong Administrative Office discussed, and he was just paraphrasing it.

After listening to the secretary's report, Liu Lishun fell into deep thought. After his reminder, Liu Lishun understood instantly. The special phenomenon that occurred in Jiaodong's recruitment did require the Administrative Office to make a decision. If the people above were allowed to make the decision, it might actually happen in the same place.

Things that are detrimental to development.

The question is, how should we find a way to select 20,000 people from 200,000 people? The current recruitment ratio is higher than that of college entrance examinations. It has alarmed almost everyone in Jiaodong. If the recruitment standards are unfair, something will definitely happen.

It's very likely.

"Let's do this. Let the military hall and the auditorium jointly publish a test paper for all those who sign up to join the army. In addition, the military hall will set the individual test standards according to the subjects of military training, and also let the applicants take the test. The results of the literary test

Accounting for 40%, the physical test scores account for 60%. After the total scores are added up, the top 10% of applicants should be recruited into the army, and the remaining top 20% will be retained as a reserve source of troops to be supplemented during the next recruitment." As a person who passed the imperial examination,

Liu Lishun thought about it for a long time, and then naturally thought of the way to take the exam. Apart from this method, he really couldn't think of any better way.

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