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Chapter 38

Sun Chuanting in Shaanxi had difficulty judging the future trend of the Ming Dynasty. But Emperor Zhu Youjian in the capital began to have some confidence these days.

What gave him confidence was that his bet on making money was improving, and the sales of enamel products were beginning to go on the right track.

The method of selling enamel washbasins directly in the market is really effective. On the first day it went on the market, more than 200 washbasins were sold out.

Having tasted the benefits, Liu Dachang, the owner of the enamel factory, continued his efforts and sent his capable eunuchs to occupy stalls in several markets in the capital, selling all the washbasins produced.

Soon this new product became a hot item in the capital market. What the palace produced every day was not enough to sell. In less than ten days, Liu Dachang achieved a balance of payments, with a daily turnover of three or four.

One hundred taels of silver, excluding production costs and sales expenses, the net profit is about two hundred taels.

Earning two hundred taels of silver a day, which is six thousand taels a month, wouldn't it be a net profit of sixty or seventy thousand taels in a year? Sixty or seventy thousand taels of silver, even for the palace, is not a small amount. All the palace's income

Among the income items, few items can have such a large surplus.

From a small steward in the palace to a big manufacturer in a popular industry, Liu Dachang naturally became motivated. If he continues to develop at this pace, in a year or two, he will definitely become a powerful person in the palace.

Dachang Gong.

The delighted Eunuch Liu had a different tone when he ordered his men to work: "Let the Za family use their energy and energy to work. The new porcelain factory will officially open the kiln in a few days. This is something the emperor is personally watching.

There must be no mistakes in the industry."

On the new kiln entrance construction site, Liu Dachang was anxiously urging the progress of the construction. There was no official kiln entrance yet, and the money earned had to be shared with other factories. Of course he was anxious. When the new kiln entrance was built, besides

Except for the iron blanks purchased from the iron factory, the remaining profits are all for themselves. In this way, their own factories can make more money and be more prominent in front of the emperor.

"Manufacturer, we went to the old kiln to recruit workers, but they were beaten out." A young eunuch hurried over to report the situation to Liu Dachang.

In order to put the new kiln into production as soon as possible, Liu Dachang's idea was very simple and clear. He directly recruited skilled craftsmen from the old factories in Beijing that made tribute porcelain. If this matter had happened in the past, the old kiln would still be eager to have them.

If you do this, one more person means one more mouth. If someone is willing to support you, you will naturally be happy.

But now the situation has changed. The new kiln can produce enamel, and the old kiln can also produce it. Now it seems that this thing is easy to sell, so why should we give you good craftsmen? We can organize ourselves to produce enamel and sell it for money. Isn’t it delicious?


"These bastards, the emperor personally made the decision to build the new kiln. They actually have the courage to obstruct it. I will go to the emperor and say it." These days, Liu Dachang can see the emperor at any time, so when he meets

He immediately thought of making a report in front of the emperor. Of course he had to make full use of this convenient condition. Eunuchs are villains by nature, and Liu Dachang didn't have any psychological burden at all.

Looking at Liu Dachang who was kneeling in front of him, crying and accusing the people at the old kiln entrance of obstructing his great cause of building a factory, Zhu Youjian felt disgusted. This old boy was so big that he acted like an angry little daughter-in-law, in front of him

What does it look like to cry?

"Director Liu, I understand the problem you are responding to. Although you are eager to build the factory and poach people from Laoyakou for a reason. But you can't poach all their people, right? You are not the only one who has come to complain to me.


"Your Majesty, Tao Sande has also come to complain. He was obviously the one who obstructed him in every possible way, but now it is the villain who complained first and then punished him." Liu Dachang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him for poaching people shamelessly. Instead, he felt that the old Yaokou

People are really hateful. Not only do they prevent them from building a factory, but they also complain about it. Are they still colleagues in the palace? They don't love each other at all.

"Okay, don't bring this kind of useless lawsuit to me. You're done poaching people at the entrance of the old kiln. The enamel factory has already hired a lot of skilled craftsmen, which is basically enough. There is no shortage anymore.

Just go outside and recruit people. In the future, both the old kiln entrance and the new kiln you are responsible for can produce enamel and sell it. However, the old kiln entrance mainly produces fine porcelain, and you produce coarse porcelain.

For the Lord, you will be responsible for selling all the porcelain that comes out."

After hearing the emperor's decision, Liu Dachang's first reaction was that he had suffered a loss. Not only could he not recruit anyone, but a competitor had legitimately appeared. But when he thought about it, he felt that he had benefited. His Majesty asked him to be responsible for sales.

Isn't this just a disguised form of handing over the management of the old porcelain factory to himself? Will they still have to act based on his own face in the future?

At present, the management and supervision system in the palace is not yet complete. Zhu Youjian is afraid that after opening up the door to sales, there will be many situations that cannot be controlled. So first, the sales rights are concentrated in the enamel factory managed by Liu Dachang. Wait until later

When the conditions are ripe, production and sales will be managed separately to avoid the situation where sales are obviously good but no money is made.

Judging from the current sales of enamel washbasins, the industry I chose is a promising one. Not long after it started, I have already made very good profits. As long as I keep this momentum, I can make two or two dollars a year.

It shouldn't be difficult to get over one hundred thousand silver.

Earning an extra two hundred thousand taels of silver a year can support three to four thousand more soldiers. In other words, as long as the enamel factory is officially put into operation, the new army to be formed will not have to worry about being unable to pay food and wages.

The enamel factory cannot relax. The next step is to enrich product forms and not just rely on the production of washbasins. Products such as teapots and rice basins must be developed as soon as possible. There are also high-quality enamel products from the old porcelain factory.

We need to hurry up on research and development.

For factories that produce tribute porcelain, if they are allowed to make things like washbasins and teapots, they will be a bit too big for small use. Producing more exquisite products will make profits greater, and it will be easier to make money from rich people.

The production process of tea jars is more complicated than that of washbasins. The handles of the jars have to be screwed up and sewn together tightly, and the lids are also difficult to produce. It will probably take some time to form a mature process. How to solve these processes will be discussed below.

People should figure it out on their own, Zhu Youjian doesn't have that much time to do it himself.

However, he felt that, based on the level of craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty Palace, it would not be a problem to solve these problems. No, in less than a month, the craftsmen at Long Live Mountain had improved the style of the die-casting machine and created

They have built a true gravity die-casting machine. If you give them some time, it shouldn’t be difficult to build a machine for die-casting cup lids.

This chapter has been completed!
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