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Chapter 440 Create a large play with brothels as the background!

"The biggest problem for both our people and our officials now is the lack of awareness of how to use themselves reasonably. The more places officials deal with the people, the more places they conflict with people's interests, and the more places they need to exercise self-restraint and self-control.

, what is an ideal official? The ideal official is not a human being, he must be completely devoid of selfishness. However, this is impossible! No matter how virtuous a person is, he is still a human being. Confucius set the standard for a gentleman, but when it comes to self-interest,

Does he completely discipline himself as a gentleman? Not sure! What should I do? He can only supervise at all times, wake up at all times, improve at all times, learn at all times, and chastise him at all times. People also need to slowly grow up and slow down in various self-demands.

Slowly magnify the self. Children at home will always be accustomed to relying on their parents if they do not start their own business. Parents always feel that their children cannot do without them and are not as wise as they are. Officials should not regard themselves as parents, and people should not regard themselves as sons. People are the only ones.

They are the real people, and the officials are the real officials." At the end of the conversation, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but start to let himself go and start talking nonsense.

In essence, he was first an ordinary and whiny person from later generations, and then the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. So unconsciously, he had a disdain for imperial power and the entire bureaucracy. It had been a few years since he time traveled, but

He still does not regard this current body as his own, and he does not have many selfish desires in this time and space. The biggest selfish desire is not to die and not to lose his freedom. Essentially, everything he is doing currently revolves around this.

.So he is easy to let go and has few worries!

What does the eternity of imperial power have to do with me? Even for the children he has given birth to, he does not seem to have particularly strong emotions. Sometimes he reflects on whether his nature is a bit too cold. This is not time travel.


The emperor let himself go and started talking nonsense. Song Yingsheng's three views exploded when he heard it. Officials are parents, and people are heirs. You have to deny this common sense. If you go on, will you even deny the rule, father and son, the three cardinal principles and the five permanent principles? Forget it.

, it’s better not to talk too much with this lunatic who is half-step into sainthood. You are the emperor, you can say whatever you want, but as a minister, it’s very difficult! It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, you are in a dilemma.

After chatting for a long time, apart from making Song Yingsheng's head hurt even more, it seemed that nothing serious could be solved. Comrade Lao Song left the palace with a satisfied heart. In the future, it is better to find a way to deal with things by oneself, so as not to trouble the saints. Back then

Zhou Yanru said that he is a saint who is afraid. Now it seems that Zhou Yanru is not clear-headed. The problem with this person is not that he is afraid. The problem is that he is about to become a saint. Is there a saint emperor? As ordinary people, we really

It's hard to keep up with other people's rhythm. It's really hard to be a minister.

It's not that Zhu Youjian insisted on talking nonsense in front of Song Yingsheng. In fact, he asked Song Yingsheng about three difficult things, and there was nothing to give specific guidance. This thing sounds like a big thing, but when it is implemented, it is a specific and trivial matter. I think

It is almost impossible to solve the problem by formulating an overall guidance plan.

After sending Song Yingsheng away, Zhu Youjian felt that he wanted to talk to this old boy Ruan Dacheng. It was not a problem for the old boy to put all his experience in upholding justice. As a leading figure in the literary and art circles, his performance in recent years

It’s very disappointing. He neither created a new form of literature nor produced any works with great influence and high artistic taste. How did he become a leader? It’s precisely because he didn’t become a leader in literature and art.

Well done, the cases of Dong Lin Six Gentlemen and Xu Xian Chun, which were supposed to be retried at the end of last year, are still on hold.

The reason why these two cases were shelved was because public opinion for a retrial could not be created. No one from the old turtles in Donglin came to challenge them. Even the local scholars in Songjiang Prefecture remained silent. Under such circumstances, the retrial became a reality.

It's a one-man show and I can't keep singing. So I have to find a way to force them to jump out.

"The Evil God"

Newspapers are indeed a good way to create public opinion, but once the atmosphere is created to a certain extent, it becomes ineffective. To really make people excited, we have to rely on literary and artistic forms that are more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

So Zhu Youjian finally prepared to go out on his own, run a work of sufficient weight, set off a boiling point, and force the Donglin people to go to the home court of his own arrangement for a decisive battle.

Lao Ruan was summoned to the palace late at night. Being able to talk to the emperor about current affairs at night seemed to be something worth being proud of. When the old boy came, he felt refreshed!

"President Ruan, this is a play outline that I recently thought of. Please refer to it here and organize people to arrange the play as soon as possible."

"Once Upon a Time in the Wind and Rain Tower"? Why is the title of the play so weird? Ruan Dacheng was confused by the title of the synopsis at a glance, so he quickly read the contents of the synopsis carefully.

The scene involved in the play is nothing special. It is a favorite scene among literati in this era-brothel. However, the requirements for expression techniques are a bit beyond. This play clearly puts forward the concept of time.

Zhu Youjian asked Ruan Dacheng and others to write a drama about the changes in world affairs in the past fifty years around a brothel called Fengyu Tower on the Qinhuai River. The protagonist of the drama is a female prostitute named Qian Qi, who grew up from the age of twelve.

When she was young, she was sold into a brothel, and then she spent the next fifty years dealing with various patrons. Among them, her patrons were successive waves of so-called young talents! These talents came here

At that time, they all talked loudly and talked about their ambitions to save the country. Then the talents grew older, some entered the court, and some became famous. They experienced various ups and downs in life, but they would come back every ten years.

Go back to Yanyu Tower! Every ten years, there will always be a new group of high-minded scholars, who will always talk about the same grandiose ambitions as those people.

"This drama has three lines. Let's first talk about the personal experience of the female prostitute Qian Qi. We need to fully show her changes in the past fifty years, from the fear and helplessness when she first entered the industry to the love and hatred after becoming popular.

, and when encountering celebrities and swindlers who devoted their whole lives only to receive endless empty promises, and then were decisively abandoned when they were old, celebrities shamelessly searched for new love in Fengyu Tower. It is best to let this shameless old man pay for his new love.

All, it must be completely different from the attitude towards Qian Qi, forming a strong contrast and fully demonstrating the degree of shamelessness. Qian Qi's psychology must have growth and level. She was initially instilled with the talent of an obsessed literati. After experiencing the world,

After the change, she began to wake up. She realized that these men were just embroidered pillows. They could only deceive women with sweet words, deceive the people and the court with lies, and let them do their business. In the end, when she saw the people in the pavilion,

When the little girl is married by this liar, she must express jealousy, regret, and indifference. In short, this woman must have a sense of hierarchy, must be thick, and cannot be dealt with simply."

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