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Chapter 442 An epoch-making initiative - the opening of the kettle production process!

After Ruan Dacheng explained the requirements of the play one by one, a fire was lit in the hearts of Shi Yuwei and Shen Menggeng. What Shen Menggeng thought was that if he completed such a work, his creation would move towards a new direction.

A new level, seriously becoming a mainstream literati. However, Shi Yuwei's Randian is quite complicated and strange. However, they have reached the same goal by different paths, and they are full of expectations to complete such a challenging and epoch-making work.

There are not a few people in Beijing who are passionate about creation. In a newly opened small workshop in the South Second Ring Road, the boss Zhang Chengxing and about a dozen workers in the factory have been anxious because of the anticipation for the past two days.

"Boss, the embryos of the inner bottle and the outer bottle have been blown. Should we burn the two bottles together?" The boss who burned the glass bottle approached the boss with bloodshot face and asked him

Whether to start the next step.

"Let's connect them together. Let's connect the interface first and then the bottom." Zhang Chengxing himself is also a good glass maker, otherwise he wouldn't have started this business.

Carefully, he used asbestos-lined iron pliers to hold the two half-faced glass embryos and placed them on a special high-temperature burner stove. Under the high temperature, the slender mouth of the bottle softened. Zhang Chengxing and Lao quickly took out the mouth of the bottle.

Ask the guy next to you to quickly use a special trap to carefully press the joint. Then put it on the fire and bake it. After going back and forth three times, the bottle mouth was finally sealed flat.

After sealing the mouth of the bottle, Zhang Chengxing and the others began to seal the bottom of the bottle. The bottom of the bottle is semicircular. They first sealed the bottom of the inner bottle, and then the bottom of the outer bottle. The whole process was done carefully, and there was no room for error.


After sealing the bottom of the bottle, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when they looked at the formed thermos bottle in front of them. Now, half of the work of imitating the thermos bottle has been completed. The next step is to plate the inside of the bottle with silver! From the supply and marketing

Pour the silver plating solution bought from the specialty store into the narrow hole left at the bottom, add another solution, and then heat it in a furnace with a small fire to perform the silver mirror reaction.

After the silver mirror reaction was completed and the waste liquid was poured out, Zhang Chengxing began to do the final step of the work. Using air extraction equipment and heating, the air between the two layers of bottle bladders was extracted, and finally the air vent was sealed by the fire vent.

After finishing the whole set of work, everyone was sweating profusely and exhausted.

"Liu Er, pour boiling water into the thermos bottle and plug it with a cork." Even though he didn't look tired, Zhang Chengxing hurriedly asked the clerk to prepare for the quality test.

I have spent thousands of taels of silver to open such a kettle factory. Now is the most stressful time. If the product can be made smoothly, everything can be solved. But if the thing cannot be made, or the quality of the thing made is poor,

If you don't pass it, you won't have anywhere to cry.

Zhang Chengxing originally opened a glass shop in Beijing. After the rise of the glass industry a few years ago, he changed his career and started doing glass trading and secondary processing business. As he was doing this, he wanted to open a factory. Because he found that in recent years

, everyone who opened a factory in Beijing made a lot of money.

The problem is that the scale required to open a glass factory is too large, and it is impossible to do it in a small way. At this time, the palace's industry launched a thermos. When the palace launched a thermos, it also launched a product that was of great benefit to the entire industry.

Things to do. Anyone who wants to do the hot kettle industry can go to the palace to visit the hot kettle factory and learn the craft. The raw materials for making hot kettles can also be purchased from the special store of the supply and marketing cooperative. In short, everything in this industry is

It is open to the public, anyone who wants to engage in it can enter.

After thinking over and over again, Zhang Chengxing decided to start this industry because the profit of thermos bottles was ridiculously high compared to the raw materials. The cost of raw materials for thermos bottles only accounted for about 20% of the ex-factory price, and the finished products were easy to sell. In such an industry,

Not doing it is simply unforgivable.

The purpose of opening up the technological process and raw material supply of thermos bottles is to allow people who want to participate in this industry to enter. This is Zhu Youjian's personal approval! Because after understanding the characteristics of the thermos bottle industry, he felt that this thing is not suitable for the current market.

In terms of production technology, it is impossible to achieve large-scale streamlined production in a short period of time. This industry has no economies of scale, and craftsmanship is the key.

In this case, if you want to expand the supply of products, you can only solve it by increasing the number of craftsmen. Encouraging small workshops to produce and building large factories will have the same result. How can we find a way to let more small workshops produce thermos bottles emerge among the people?

Right! It can also be considered as a contribution to enriching the industrial system of Beijing.

The investment to open a thermos bottle factory is not high. It just requires building several stoves and fire outlets with different functions, selling a few large crucibles for melting glass, and preparing some other auxiliary equipment. It can be done by hiring a few people. The total investment is a few dollars.

It can be done with a thousand taels of silver dollars. In terms of raw materials, if glass cannot be made into finished products, it can be melted and reused. The disposable consumable is coal. Compared with the ex-factory price of 6 or 7 taels of silver dollars, the cost of charcoal is worth it.

How much?

Early the next morning, Zhang Chengxing hurried to the workshop, carefully removed the cork on the kettle bladder, poured a bowl of water into the bowl, and then carefully placed the kettle bladder on a special shelf.

He picked up the bowl and carefully put his hand into the water. Oops, it was really hot. He didn't care at all about what his hands had just mixed in the bowl. He quickly brought the bowl to his mouth and took a sip. The water was indeed hot.


"Uncle Wang, come and test the water temperature! I feel that the pot bladder made yesterday can indeed store hot water."

The veteran Wang Ertai took the water bowl handed over by his boss and examined it carefully, and then said: "My boss, the pot fetus should be ready!"

Done? After nearly a month of busy work, we finally made a successful inner tube. Including the owner Zhang Chengxing, more than a dozen people in the factory were very happy. As long as they can make qualified inner tubes, the factory can continue to operate well.


In the next few days, the entire factory started large-scale production with great energy.

The so-called large-scale production is just to find a way to produce more than five qualified inner pots in a day. Five qualified inner pots, plus the bamboo shells, can earn almost thirty taels of silver dollars a day, which is enough in one month.

The income of nearly one thousand taels of silver dollars is already a pretty good profit for a small workshop like Xingtai Warm Kettle Factory. In a year, both the boss and the clerk will make a lot of money.

In recent days, no less than ten small factories have started making hot kettles in Beijing, and this is just the beginning. Even Zhu Youjian himself did not expect how far-reaching the impact of his decision to open up the hot kettle process would be.

Years later, more than a hundred thermos kettle factories sprung up in the capital. There were even workers in the thermos kettle factories who did not want their employer to pay them any wages and worked in the factory for free for a year just to learn skills so that they could go out and start their own factories later.

phenomenon. Relying on this entrepreneurial passion, the thermos kettle industry in Beijing has achieved an annual output of more than one million units in two years, and the ex-factory price of thermos kettles has dropped from the original six taels of silver dollars to less than two taels of silver dollars.

Even at the ex-factory price of two taels of silver dollars, the profits of thermos bottles are not low, and a large number of people are still flocking to this industry! For a long time, the glassmakers who made the inner liner of thermos kettles were the most common people in the capital.

A popular occupation that has continued to make outstanding contributions to the capital's job market for more than half a century, this phenomenon has come to an end.

This chapter has been completed!
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