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Chapter 445

"Daban, what is the reputation of the things produced in the palace among the people these days?" Because he thought about the quality problem, Zhu Youjian hurriedly found Wang Chengen and wanted to hear the actual situation from his mouth.

"The people quite recognized the things that come out of the palace, and the reputation has always been good." The emperor asked Wang Chengen not knowing how to answer. Generally speaking, up to now, the quality standards of the things made in the palace are still very high.

It has a much better reputation than anything produced by random private manufacturers. Of course, there are also many defective products that are shoddy, but in today's era, there is a high level of tolerance for defective products, and quality problems are not a big deal.

A high tolerance for defects does not mean that people have no requirements for quality when they buy things. It just means that they take the responsibility for quality inspection themselves. This is the so-called purchase and sale.

, I don’t have a good eye when buying things. As long as I get it in my own hands, I can only consider myself unlucky whether it is good or bad.

"My dear friend, we kings and ministers must tell the truth. Can you tell me whether there are a lot of substandard products mixed in the things produced during uterine delivery? I just want to know the truth, and I have no intention of pursuing anyone now.


"Speaking of the truth, some people will do this even when it comes to uterine delivery. However, I have always had demands for uterine delivery. What comes out of our palace represents the emperor.

I have a lot of face, and I haven’t really had any major incidents in the past when I was making things.”

"The boss is interested in this! However, there must be a basic system to prevent the bad from being passed off as good. It cannot rely solely on people's consciousness. Ask the Attendant's Office to inform the Supervisory Office and the Tiangong Bureau

, I will accompany you to inform the heads of various industries in the palace, including the heads of the supply and marketing cooperatives, that we will discuss matters in the main hall tomorrow, and we will draw up a charter and determine a long-term system."

At present, it is somewhat insufficient to carry out all-round quality supervision work, so we should start with the industry in the palace, first establish the standards and processes, and then gradually spread them to the private sector.

After notifying all the departments involved, the relevant people came to the hall the next day. Zhu Youjian did not say any nonsense, and directly expressed his thoughts straight to the point: "I have called everyone here today to talk about one thing.

: I am going to introduce a list of various product quality standards and supervision methods. All things currently sold to the people in the world, especially those produced in the palace, will be fully supervised to prevent fake and inferior products from appearing on the market.

Among them, the Tiangong Bureau, as the main developer of quality standards, is responsible for setting the qualification standards for items that can be sold on the market. The Supervision Department Yamen is responsible for supervising quality based on this standard, and must ensure that non-qualified items flow into the market. Various departments in the palace

The industry, as well as the supply and marketing cooperative system, need to cooperate with the Tiangong Bureau to improve standards, and conduct self-examination and self-correction to prevent counterfeit and inferior goods from entering the market. If the control is not strict and problems are discovered by the Supervision Department Yamen, the seizure should be sealed and the fine should be fined.

If the situation is serious, production should be suspended, and the responsible person involved will be dealt with according to national laws without mercy."

After explaining the general direction, Zhu Youjian began to talk about the details: "In order to ensure that people will not buy goods with questionable quality from supply and marketing cooperatives, from now on, most of the things bought by supply and marketing cooperatives will have relevant

For receipts, ordinary people can return goods without reason within five days. As long as they do not meet the standards within thirty days, the supply and marketing cooperative will exchange them for free. In addition to the supply and marketing cooperative, Gongli Industry directly sells large quantities of goods to merchants.

The same standard applies to goods. Here in the palace, a department specializing in quality supervision must be established to inspect all factory products. Only if they are qualified can they be stamped. The stamps for quality supervision in the palace need to have special styles and specifications, and are strictly prohibited.

Small private factories are imitating. The Supervision Department will supervise this matter."

The most feared thing in everything is seriousness. When it comes to production quality, Zhu Youjian decided not to be careless. He not only set standards and supervision, but also worked hard on the sales process so that people would have room for regret after buying things and reduce the cost.

Return threshold reduces the risk of purchasing counterfeit products.

"Your Majesty, it's okay to return some goods, but some things are hard to deal with when returning. For example, it's hard to say what can happen to cans of meat, wine, oil and other items after they are sold and left. And like enamel, we

It was in good condition when it was sold, but if someone bumped it in their hands and then returned it, it was our cooperative that suffered the loss." When Yu Liancheng heard that there was no reason to return or exchange the goods within five days, he became anxious. If he continued like this, the profits of the supply and marketing cooperative would be lost.

But it’s hard to say.

"Not all items are suitable for return or exchange without reason. You need to fully communicate and confirm this with the Tiangong Bureau. In principle, items that are large and have shoddy defects that are not easily seen, and items that are often reused by ordinary people, are the best.

Fortunately, this standard applies. In short, my requirement is that the products in the palace must pursue exquisiteness, and always have the intention to improve production quality. The workshops under the Ming Dynasty must have products that must be high-quality products produced by the Ming Dynasty.

Understand, we cannot destroy the brand that China has built over thousands of years. It is difficult to protect what our ancestors left behind, and it will be difficult to rebuild it after it is destroyed."

Daming has always been the representative of fine craftsmanship in the world. After the era of large-scale industrial production began, this brand cannot be destroyed. From now on, determine a series of production and quality standards, form good habits, and maintain them, and the entire country will be affected by this.

And benefit in the long run.

At present, it is indeed an era of material scarcity, but material scarcity does not mean that production standards need to be relaxed, and there is no requirement for quality. These are two different things. Since asxs., we have strictly focused on quality, and the technology of several generations has been accumulated and passed down.

will form a real national wealth. In future generations, there is a view that it is our low quality that has caused the quality to fail to improve. This is not the case at all. The root cause is the neglect of quality management and the lack of quality of life of the people.

Not enough attention.

Why do the same companies produce products for foreign trade with very high quality standards, but the standards for the products used by their own people are not high? Why are there several standard systems for the same thing? This time, strict emphasis on production quality, Zhu Youjian is ready

A set of standards should be applied to the end. All products that are common to military and civilian officials are regulated according to a standard. Those that do not meet the standards cannot be sold to the military, government, or ordinary people. Products that meet the standards can be sold in any situation.

At the beginning of raising standards, it may have an impact on production capacity. Over time, people get used to it and they are almost the same. This also has the advantage of enhancing the competitiveness of supply and marketing cooperatives and allowing people to always recognize this consumption scenario. As time goes by,

With the continued development of private workshops, supply and marketing cooperatives will face increasing competition. Ensuring quality and service is the only way to continue to maintain competitiveness.

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