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Chapter 449 State Funeral Ceremony

Qin Liangyu left peacefully in the early morning! Zhu Youjian stayed in a daze for a long time before walking out of the room.

"Have you roughly figured out the assassin's situation?"

"Long live, the captured assassin took poison and died of it during the interrogation. He should be a southerner, and the place of assassination was a southern goods shop owned by a Shanxi merchant whose ancestral home is Taiyuan. But half a month ago, they

The shop was sold to a Yangzhou salt merchant who was said to be from Qin. Now, neither the person who registered to rent the shop nor the person who sold the shop not long ago has disappeared." Huang Degong gave a general introduction to the investigation.

"Why didn't the prior inspection reveal any problems?"

"This shop has been closed for nearly ten days. When I inspected it, I thought there was no one inside, so I was negligent."

"It has been closed for nearly ten days? It seems that these people have a plan. I saw the location of the shop and it happened to be in the core area of ​​the market. As long as I come to inspect the market, that shop is the only way to go. All kinds of things

Judging from the signs, they started planning after the news that I was planning to inspect Zhangjiakou got out. These people must know that I like to inspect merchants and docks when I go out for inspection. This assassination incident shows that our intelligence is still there.

There are big loopholes in the security measures. After returning, let the Jin Yiwei learn from this incident, sum up their experience, and thoroughly investigate the loopholes. By the way, how did the gun get out?"

"Judging from the serial number of the gun, it was a lance equipped to the 72nd Division last year. Mayu Liang said that at that time, the gun was registered and issued by a soldier who disappeared on the battlefield. After the war, the gun and the man were gone. According to

Lost and disposed of on the battlefield.”

"Where's the bullet?"

"The bullets should have been produced this year. We found a total of nine bullets from the assassin. The serial numbers of these bullets show that they were produced by the arsenal in Miyun this year. Are the bullets distributed to the front-line troops? Which troops received this batch of bullets?

It has not been investigated clearly yet.”

"Well! Looking at it now, numbering firearms and bullets is indeed a good way to prevent the leakage of ordnance. In the future, management and rules in this area will be further strengthened! According to the bullet number, the route of ammunition leakage must be thoroughly investigated. This must be

The outside flow lines have been uncovered, and the entire army has been notified to take this as a warning and strictly deal with the relevant parties!" The gun should be an old gun that has been leaked from the battlefield, but the bullets are new this year, which shows that there are still loopholes in the management of bullets.

Yes, there may be a channel for reselling bullets privately, and this loophole must be closed quickly.

The news about the forces planning the assassination is still quite vague. Qin merchants, Shanxi merchants, and Yangzhou people all have clues. It is really difficult to judge which force planned it. It is not even ruled out that several forces joined forces to plan it.

This incident. However, there are always traces of Yan Guo's voice. As long as Jin Yiwei makes great efforts to investigate, he will always find out the clues.

This incident also reminded Zhu Youjian that there will be major changes in the security level and guard methods in the future. After the emergence of easy-to-fire firearms, the difficulty of security has been greatly increased, and the previous methods and thinking must not be used anymore.

Security. In world history, for a long time after the emergence of breech-loading muskets, assassinations occurred in endlessly. Many major historical events were caused by assassinations, so we must be on guard against it! The ridiculous thing is that I almost became a

The first big shot to get wet.

"Prepare a good coffin for General Qin, and make a special rail car to transport the old general's coffin back to the capital. In addition, on the way back to the capital, all the garrison personnel and important ministers paid tribute to the old general. General Qin Liangyu was granted the title of Prince of Anguo County.

After returning to the capital, he will be buried near my mausoleum with a state funeral ceremony. The specific state funeral ceremony and the posthumous title of General Qin will be discussed with the Grand Master and the others after I arrive in the capital!"

The person has passed away, and the only thing he can do now is to make Qin Liangyu's posthumous affairs a success. Being crowned king, accompanying him to the imperial mausoleum, bestowing him with a top-notch posthumous title, and being buried with a state funeral are the highest courtesy Zhu Youjian can think of at the moment.


Before returning to Beijing, Zhu Youjian once again came to Zhangjiakou's market and gave a speech in the central square of the market. The content of his speech mainly included three points. First, he told the businessmen that the assassination would not change the court's policy towards them;

Not to mention that innocent people will not be implicated; secondly, the assassination will be determined. This is a big conspiracy that attempts to use dishonorable means to destroy the Ming Dynasty and prevent the people of the Ming Dynasty from living a good life. However, God bless the Ming Dynasty and there are loyal ministers.

The Ming Dynasty, protected by good generals, will definitely defeat all small and petty plots; third, it announced that it will permanently pursue the masterminds of the assassination until all those involved are brought to justice.

Different from when they came to Xuanhua, the team returning seemed neat and sharp. When the solemn team arrived in the capital, all the important officials of the various ministries and yamen in Beijing and the garrison troops in Beijing rushed to the station to greet him and welcome him.

"Grand Master, the Ministry of Rites will discuss a state funeral ceremony to bury Prince Anguo. In addition, we must hurry up and discuss a posthumous title for General Qin. For the state funeral ceremony, my idea is that I will personally support the spirit, and the princess will supervise the funeral ceremony.

The country must honor the old general with mourning. In addition, the general must wrap his body in the mausoleum with the Ming army flag. In short, the whole ceremony must be very solemn, and the honor of General Qin must be a great gift to the country!"

The emperor supports the spirit and oversees the country with mourning! Is this still the funeral of a minister? When Zhou Yanru heard the emperor’s idea of ​​a state funeral, he was shocked. Since ancient times, it seems that no minister has received such treatment.

, the emperor of Ming Dynasty was about to start a pioneering work.

"Long live the burial of Prince An Guo with a generous burial. I think it is the proper etiquette. But are the etiquette a bit too heavy? It's too heavy for a minister to bear."

"Why can't you bear it? How many people have the Qin and Ma families sacrificed for the country in these years? How much blood has the entire family, regardless of gender, old or young, shed for the Ming Dynasty? We should not treat such a family with the importance of the country.

Treat him with courtesy? Who will fight loyally and die for the country in the future! The Ming Dynasty has been able to enjoy the country until now, all thanks to these brave families. Only by treating loyal people kindly can the country survive forever. The state funeral ceremony will be customized in the future, and those who have made great contributions to the country

The honor and sorrow will not be lost."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

"Your Majesty, in the future, can civil servants be honored with state funerals?"

Looking at Zhou Yanru, Zhu Youjian said seriously: "Those who have made great contributions to the country will be treated as a state funeral without distinction between civil and military services!" Old Zhou is asking for treatment for himself! To be honest, he doesn't seem to be Zhu enough.

The share requested by the inspector! But since the old man brought it up, it’s better to accept it first, lest the old man make a big fuss about this matter.

Since all the ministers may be able to use it, Zhou Yanru will not say anything anymore! In order to avoid being noticed because of his talk, and when he wants to use it, he will be pushed back. At that time, he really can

I can't say anything at all.

The great emphasis on mourning and glory may be the most beneficial part of the thoughts that Confucianism instilled in civil servants. This fine tradition must be properly preserved in the future, and even further expanded.

This chapter has been completed!
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