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Chapter 452 Seeing the bustle and bustle, no one is a registered citizen!

Whether they are unsuccessful gold diggers like Ye Liqing or successful gold diggers, they seem to have no regrets about coming to Daning! Because at least in this magical land, new hopes and miracles can appear every day.

From the time the army arrived in Daning, the development here only took about three years, but the changes here have been earth-shaking. From the beginning of a desolate grassland to the current vibrant one, time has passed.

Just three years.

Now there are not only 30,000 troops here, but also 30,000 to 40,000 gold prospectors, about 20,000 industrial workers brought from the palace, and a population of 20,000 to 30,000 Mongolian tribesmen who have gradually gathered here. In other words, in just three years,

, there is a population of nearly 100,000 here not counting the military residents. In terms of population size, it is no different from a county in the mainland.

In order to facilitate control and governance, Daning established a prefectural government last year and officially established the government. The administrative management is no different from that in the customs. It is a miracle that a prefectural government can appear out of thin air in such a short period of time.

Liu Xingyuan, the governor of Daning Prefecture, is not excited about creating miracles. For him, the challenge has just begun. Since he was transferred here from the Anmin Bureau as the prefectural governor last year, his job has not been easy. In terms of administrative division of labor

, the state magistrate is an official who is close to the people and has to take charge of all civil affairs. The trouble here in Daning is that there are people and no people.

There are people who say that there are more than 100,000 people living here, but can the people living here be regarded as citizens of Daning? Let’s not talk about the military personnel first, let’s talk about the people in the palace factories, gold diggers, and so on.

There are Mongolian people who have gathered here. Which one of them can really be regarded as a citizen of Daning? Looking at the bustle, it turns out that not one of them is a registered citizen. Can it not make people upset?

The most disturbing thing is that except for those who gave birth, none of the remaining tens of thousands of people are safe. The Mongolian people are wandering around, disobeying the rule, and have a very subtle attitude towards the court. Forget it, just dig for gold.

There are endless disputes, robberies, thefts, group fights, and disputes over mining sites are endless, and it is not uncommon for people to lose their lives. In this place, death is almost commonplace, and it is not surprising at all.

"Everyone, the imperial court has issued the latest official document, asking us to achieve peace and tranquility in Daning within two years, so as to lay a foundation for the further development of Daning. Daning cannot continue to be in such chaos. Whether we can quickly establish the same order as in the pass is up to us.

A big test for all of you here. Yesterday, Lord Zhizhou talked with Wu Xiang about the civil governance of Daning. We agreed that implementing the temporary residence permit system in accordance with the instructions of the imperial court is the key to transforming Daning from chaos to governance. Now, let’s discuss Daning.

How should we issue a specific decree to implement the temporary residence permit system?"

The cabinet and Zhu Youjian received more than one report on the chaotic situation in Daning, and several reports on the situation were sent to the Department of Labor and Welfare and Jinyiwei. In particular, the Department of Labor and Obstetrics and gynecology had a very strong opinion on the chaotic situation in Daning. It is such a chaotic place.

, which has a great impact on the lives and production of their workers and management. There have even been incidents of private mining companies competing with palace property owners to steal ore.

Faced with so many complaints, Zhu Youjian certainly had to step forward to solve the problem. After understanding the relevant situation through correspondence with local officials, Zhu Youjian’s final suggestion to the Daning Prefectural Government was to let them implement the temporary residence permit system. Regarding the implementation of the temporary residence permit system in Daning

Regarding the temporary residence permit system, Zhu Youjian's general idea is that all people who come to Daning must be counted and registered. If there are no violations of laws and disciplines within six months after being registered, a temporary residence permit for Daning will be approved and issued. Only those who have a temporary residence permit will have

Preparing for mining, enclosing mines, and purchasing property and land in Daning, owning legal residences, and enclosing pasture rights.

The top-level design is in place, but it is up to Liu Xingyuan and the others to discuss its implementation. The biggest issue they need to discuss is how to issue the first batch of temporary residence permits. After all, many people have gathered here before this system came into being.

We can’t let them wait for another six months to get the certificate, right? Many of them have already occupied the mines and prepared eucalyptus in the state government. There are also some herdsmen and tribes who have lived in Daning for a long time.

Time and their current interests also need to be protected.

"Prefecture order, the official thinks that we can issue the first batch of temporary residence permits based on the list of people who have paid taxes in the state government. Anyone with a tax payment certificate can get a temporary residence permit, even if they only paid one tax.

This is also in line with the principles of government governance." The director of the household bureau in the prefecture was the first to express his thoughts.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Some mine owners who have already prepared their mining rights can't take back their mining rights even though they haven't paid taxes, right? In addition, there are also some people who have been here for several years and haven't made any money from the mines.

Pay the money, but after all, they have been here for a long time, so it is not appropriate not to issue a temporary residence permit. Besides, it is not appropriate to not issue a temporary residence permit to workers who work in palace factories and Mongolians who have settled in several military towns for a long time."

"Director Nie, according to your statement, we can all issue temporary residence permits to everyone. In this case, what is the significance of issuing temporary residence permits? The purpose of issuing temporary residence permits is to make the transition to household registration and all residents. Those who do not pay taxes

Why do you want to get benefits from Daning?"

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing! I have made a decision on this matter. All those who pay taxes will be issued a temporary residence permit. Anyone who does not pay taxes needs someone to guaranty before the certificate can be issued. There are several ways to provide guaranty: 1.

First, the Mongolian people decided that tribes would provide guarantees for their own people in the form of tribes. Second, tax-paying businesses could provide guarantees for their own employees. Workers in palace factories also received temporary residence permits in this way. Another option was to provide joint guarantees for more than ten people.

The transition period for guaranteeing the issuance of the residence permit is three months. After March, the temporary residence permit is only for people who have been registered in Daning for more than six months, and no one is exempted."

In the end, Liu Xingyuan was annoyed by everyone and directly announced his plan to prevent the heads of various ministries from quarreling over this matter. The second-in-command was the second-in-command after all. Since he could not manage officials, the power of personnel rested with the magistrate.

, so the officials from various departments below always shout non-stop during meetings. They know that it is okay to fight for benefits for their departments in front of the state order, even if they offend the state order, he has no right to do anything to themselves. When they come in front of the magistrate,

, they don’t dare to make a fuss, they can directly remove themselves from office with a seal.

Hurry up and finish this term of state order. In the future, you will have to fight for a top leader to do anything. Although the top leader cannot directly issue civil orders, in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, as long as the officials are under control, they can say anything. Officials are most afraid of it.

What’s wrong is that they have lost their jobs, not that they are unable to benefit the people. I heard that everyone has a lot of opinions on civil affairs, but in fact no one knows what they think! For example, this time, two people from the Household Bureau and the Works Bureau

The director keeps arguing. Are they really arguing for the sake of the people?

This chapter has been completed!
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