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Chapter 40 Recruit Training

"You've all stood up straight. How long have you been standing for? Everyone is staggering. If we continue like this, we won't even have lunch. We are in a row, and we must compete for the first place in everything. Even if we stand in a row, we can't compare with others.

, how can we still fight?" Ma Youliang, commander of the first platoon of the first brigade, first regiment, first company, and first platoon of the New Army of the Yongwei Battalion, was shouting loudly at the front of his team so that his soldiers could train well.

Every soldier who leads the army has an illusion that this wave of soldiers under his command is the worst. Mayu Liang has this illusion. It has been several days, but these new recruits still can't stand still or sit down.

Sit like this. Stand at attention, stand in line, and turn left or right. How simple is this? But these people just can't practice it.

He was so angry that he beat people on the school field several times with a teaching stick, but it didn't work. When he should make mistakes, he still made mistakes. He was so forced that he had to use the method of starvation to see if these idiots would not be allowed to eat.

Can it be used at Vertex?

More than 800 soldiers from the fully-staffed First Regiment on the school field were scattered in rows, training separately. Each one was sweating profusely and suffering. Some of these people were veterans and some were refugees. They originally thought that after entering the new military camp,

It's nothing more than serving as a soldier to eat food and carry a gun to fight.

But I didn't expect that after arriving here, I would encounter hellish torture. People who stood in line were dizzy, and people who ran were out of breath. There was no physical training, and it even made people's legs weak.

It hurts. The most frustrating thing is housekeeping. A good quilt must be folded into tofu blocks, clothes, eating bowls and other utensils must be placed neatly, and even cowhide shoes must be cleaned and arranged in order.

The most unbearable thing for them is standing in line, running and folding quilts. After standing in line for half an hour, people feel like they are going to lose weight. Many people fainted in the line when they first stood. Running is even more painful.

, I had to run in unison with the large troops. After running for ten miles, my throat was smoking, and my chest was exploding with pain. The platoon leaders leading the team felt like they were not human, and I didn’t know how they practiced. Everyone was running away.

His head was spinning, but these animals acted as if nothing was wrong. After running around, they continued to curse and beat people.

After the team stood for half an hour, Ma Yuliang asked everyone to take a rest and prepare for the next array training. In the first half month of the new recruits entering the camp, they did not use ordnance, but just became familiar with daily military drills. I thought that daily military drills were relatively easy to practice.

, but when I actually led troops, I found that this thing is the most difficult to master.

The foundation of these soldiers is not like that of a cadet company. Most of them are illiterate, and it is difficult to distinguish left and right. If you understand military orders, you can kill people with great effort. When walking, many of them even walk with their hands and feet.

Come on, it can make people angry to death.

"Wang Er, your hands are tied with ropes, but you still can't tell the difference between left and right? Get out of the queue and do fifty push-ups." There is a recruit named Wang Er in the team. He is really stupid. The others are tied up and can tell the difference between left and right.

After using the red rope, basically no mistakes were made. But with Wang Er, it just didn't work.

If he had led these guys all the time, Ma Yuliang felt that his life would be shortened by twenty years. It would really make people faint. How can people be so stupid? When they were in the student company, the instructors called them stupid. Now it seems that they are stupid.

I have never met a real fool.

Even if you are stupid, everyone is still weak. Is it so strenuous to run ten miles with light packs? Every time I run, everyone feels like they are going to die. If no one is left behind, it will be a miracle.

It's strange. Normally, these people can walk dozens of miles without any problem, but why do they die when they run?

This is the disadvantage of no training. Ordinary people in this era have not practiced running much, so their lung capacity and breathing cannot keep up. They are used to breathing at the pace of walking. After suddenly speeding up the pace, their bodies cannot adapt.

After practicing all morning, the exhausted recruits were taken to the cafeteria to eat. This is the moment that these recruits enjoy and yearn for the most. The training is indeed hard, but they can eat enough and have meat every meal. One person has two meals a day.

Two pieces of meat, one egg, one ounce of oil, three ounces of tofu, two ounces of noodles, and some vegetables. This kind of meal is very luxurious for most people. People who come to serve as top soldiers generally don't have rich families, let alone

There is meat every meal, but it is very difficult to fill the stomach.

As soon as Wang Er arrived at the canteen, he wanted to rush over and grab a meal, but military discipline did not allow it and he had to queue up to eat.

"Today, the people in the third row will eat first, and we will be the last in the queue."

"Platoon leader, are we at the end of the queue not going to have much food?" The foodie Wang Er was afraid that he would not have any food when it was his turn. When he heard that he had to be pushed to the back of the queue, he felt a little anxious and started shouting in the queue.

"You idiot! You just know how to eat. It would be great if you were so smart when training. Just line up honestly and you won't be short on food."

After queuing for a while, it was finally Wang Er's turn. Wang Er quickly brought the newly delivered enamel rice basin to the cook. The cook used a huge spoon to scoop a full amount of rice into the cooking pot.

After scooping out the rice, the cook's trembling hands shook even more fiercely in the vegetable pot and meat pot. After one spoon was dropped, most of the spoon was shaken out.

"Everyone else has three pieces of meat, why do I have two pieces of meat?" Wang Er opened his mouth to complain when he saw that the cook had given him one less piece of meat.

"These two pieces of meat are so big, can't you see them?" the cook replied rudely to this fussy guy.

"No matter how big two pieces of meat are, they are still not three pieces. Besides, my two pieces of meat are not much bigger."

Mayou Liang was originally standing next to him, but the more he listened, the more he felt that Wang Er was too embarrassing. Seeing that he was still arguing with the cook, he angrily yelled: "Wang Er, if you do it to me again,

It's embarrassing here, so don't eat. Go directly to the dormitory door and stand there. We have a lot of things to do with you. If you mess with me again during training in the afternoon, I will take care of you with my military stick."

After being scolded by the platoon leader, Wang Er finally shut up and honestly carried the rice bowl to eat.

After lunch, Wang Er and the others took a nap in the Datongbu in the dormitory. The new army has rules. The platoon leader and deputy platoon leader must sleep in the Datongbu with the soldiers of the platoon. There were about fifty people, crowded in

It's not a pleasant feeling to live in a house full of rough men. At first, Ma Youliang was not used to it, but after staying together for a while, he got used to it. But he made a rule, no matter what

Training is so hard at night. After returning to the dormitory, I have to wash my feet before going to bed.

The new army's doctrine is that quilts must be folded into tofu blocks. In order to save themselves the trouble, the soldiers did not take off the quilts when they took a nap, so as not to have to fold the quilt again after getting up. Folding quilts requires both speed and beauty.

, I don’t know why I am so fussy about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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