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Chapter 469 Jianlu's money has become waste paper, and it is not just caused by the flood of fake money!

The Qing Dynasty actually started to fight a currency war? After Zhu Youjian in the capital received this information, he sighed in surprise. He didn't even have the idea of ​​​​a currency war. They started to mess up themselves.

It's really an interesting phenomenon.

"Let the attendants inform that Mr. Zhou Ge, Fu Shangshu, several deputies from the Ministry of Accounts, the chief and deputy chief officials of the Supervision Department, all the full-time professors of the Economics Department of the School of Science, and several directors of the Royal Bank will be there tomorrow morning.

Discuss politics in the bedroom."

The currency thunderstorm of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is a rare practical example of observing financial phenomena. We cannot miss such a rare opportunity. We must make the officials of the imperial court's economic department attach great importance to this matter, spend time observing and researching, sum up experience, and learn from it.


"Everyone, this is the latest information from Liaodong sent by the intelligence department. Please circulate it first, and we will discuss business later."

The twenty or so people who attended the meeting received a dozen or so pieces of information that had been compiled and copied by the Attendant's Office, and they began to circulate them to Mimi Huhu. They couldn't understand why the emperor called them over to see the military situation! Come to the meeting.

Most of them have nothing to do with military affairs. Isn’t it a bit misleading to come to them to discuss military affairs?

"Your Majesty, this is the military situation in Liaodong! I wonder what the ministers are waiting to discuss?" After flipping through a few pages of information, Fu Shuxun, the minister of household affairs, couldn't hold back his doubts and asked the emperor, what is this?


"Shang Shu, this is not military sentiment! This is a matter of national and people's sentiment. The people I have sent to attend the meeting today are basically economic people. It is appropriate to call you here to discuss this matter. Yes, today, except for Grand Master Zhou

, others, I will classify you as officials who mainly do economic and oral work. In the work of governing the country, I think the most important ones can be divided into the following categories: politics, military, economy, people's livelihood, culture, agriculture and industry, and rule of law. Among them

Economy and finance are one of the foundations of the country, and they must not be underestimated. The economy is also the foundation of all policies. If there is a slight mistake, the country will be in catastrophe. What happened recently to Jianlu is a big flaw in the economic policy. This is a rare thing for you.

It’s a good opportunity to learn, observe, summarize and learn from it.”

After the emperor finished speaking a long paragraph, most of the people attending the meeting did not understand the situation very well! Mainly because some of the terms and concepts he used were a bit ahead of their time.

"Your Majesty is saying that the country should use what happened to Jianlu as a warning to prevent similar counterfeit money incidents from happening in the country? This really needs to be taken seriously. Although our military stamps are much better than their paper products,

But it is inevitable that some evildoers will try their best to imitate it. You must be prepared for this and act as soon as possible!" Confucian Zhou Yan is old, but his brain reaction is faster than anyone else, and he is the first to start to figure out the holy intention.

"What the grand master said is just a small aspect. I define what happened this time as a thunderstorm of banknotes and a collapse of credibility. Thunderstorm means that they buried something like a landmine in advance.

Prompted by various reasons, it suddenly exploded. Look at how much Jianlu's banknotes have depreciated, that is, they have lost more than 90% of their value in less than a month. Is it possible that Jianlu's banknotes have lost value in one month?

Counterfeit money worth several times the currency value was put in? This is simply impossible! At most, about 50% of the counterfeit money passed through in one month! Why did Jianlu's money turn into waste paper in such a short period of time? The core is theirs

The credibility of money has collapsed, and people no longer believe that the banknotes in their hands are money!"

"I have called you here to discuss how Jianlu planted mines, what mistakes they made when issuing banknotes, how to ensure the credibility of banknotes, and under what circumstances did the common people , will you believe that the banknotes in your hands are money and not waste paper! The bankruptcy of banknote credibility is not just something that happened to Jianlu. Didn’t the previous Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes also become waste paper?"

After Zhu Youjian spoke in plain language, everyone in the palace roughly understood the purpose of their participation in this meeting. Apparently the emperor was frightened by what happened to Jianlu, and was afraid that the same thing would happen to Ming Dynasty's military tickets. The purpose of calling them here today is to allow them to have a full discussion so that they can check for any omissions and fill them up to prevent anything from happening to the military invoices.

Nonsense! What are you doing with less than half a bottle of water to check for leaks and fill them up? I asked you here to let you learn knowledge through negative examples. If Zhu Youjian knew what the courtiers below were thinking at this time, he would definitely Will complain like this.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen believes that the first thing Jianlu laid when he printed money was that he did not have anti-counterfeiting technology, but he insisted on printing money. Their money was too good to be copied." Gong Yonggu expressed his thoughts.

"There is no counterfeiting technology that can never be leaked. Although it is unlikely that the money-printing technology of China and North Korea will be leaked in a short time, this matter must be considered leniently. There must always be a sense of urgency that it will be copied, and manpower must be invested at all times. We and material resources, think about research on banknote anti-counterfeiting technology, we must keep improving, and we cannot rest on our laurels! But this is not the only mine that Jianlu buried when he was printing paper money. There are other mines, let’s think about them again!”

You can still think of something! Zhou Yanru and others felt that the emperor was treating them like primary school students. He was trying to persuade them, but he didn't express his thoughts directly.

Everyone tried to guess some reasons, but they did not satisfy Zhu Youjian. As a last resort, Zhu Youjian had to talk to himself.

"Jianlu used the goods of the imperial dynasty as a credit guarantee for the issuance of banknotes. This was the biggest mistake. At the same time, Jianlu did not establish a tax operation system based on paper currency. Their main tax collection method was physical tax and The poll tax is the main one, and the circulation of banknotes is naturally limited. In the same way, why has the value of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes been drastically depreciated since its emergence? It has a lot to do with the fact that it has no circulation scene. In this regard, What Jianlu did was better than what the previous court did. At least they wanted to recycle it after sending it out. Why has the value of the military coupons I promoted always remained stable? The Prince Consort should know that the mint has not printed less money in recent years. .The general reason is that I have tied the military coupons to a series of value-preserving things. Paper currency has advantages and disadvantages compared with silver coins and previous copper coins! Don't think that gold and silver are the most reliable money. These There are also big problems with gadgets.”

"For example, before, all the money of the Ming Dynasty was concentrated in the hands of a few rich people. About 60% of the civilians could not even see one tael of silver in a year. This is the disadvantage of using gold and silver as money! Understand the money It is very important for all of you here to understand the advantages and disadvantages of banknotes, master its basic laws, understand how banknotes maintain credibility, and be able to recognize them as money in the hearts of ordinary people. You must think deeply about Jianlufeng Lei and conduct detailed research. The entire development process, especially the observation of Jianlu's response measures. In a few months, each of you will be required to submit a carefully thought-out protocol to me. Let me see if there are any talented people in Ming Dynasty who understand economics and finance! "

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