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Chapter 473 Transforming the city wall of the capital into an elevated railway?

Strictly speaking, Guihua City and Yunzhong Province have not relied much on transfer payments from the imperial court so far! The big money spent now is the cost of construction. Apart from that, there are not many big investments in Yunzhong.


The country that really relies on transfer payments is Shandong. This place is full of Han people and has huge debts for infrastructure construction. It is the time to spend a lot of money. After Ma Shiying took office as the governor, he spread money every day, which made him a little scared.

What he is most worried about right now is that he is used to spending money lavishly. After building up people's appetite, how will he live his life when he is responsible for his own profits and losses? As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Get used to it.

How can you live in poverty after living a rich life?

The thought of having to support himself in two years gave him a headache. Ma Shiying, who was staying in Jinan City, now wanted the capital the most. When he was the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, he lived a steady life. Then

How happy was he at that time? He was thinking about how to spend money all day long, and he didn't have to worry about making money at all.

The capital is also strange. You don't have to think about how to generate income, and things that make money will naturally come to you. I heard that my successor Song Yingsheng is living a very comfortable life this year, and his hands are sore when counting money.

Which guy has successfully picked peaches, unlike me, who has racked his brains to make money and hasn't figured out a reliable way yet.

Song Yingsheng has really made a fortune this year. Excluding the fiscal revenue turned over to the imperial court, the capital has retained more than 1.4 million taels of silver dollars this year. Excluding more than 500,000 personnel salary expenses, 300,000 operating expenses, and 500,000 taels of silver dollars.

Despite the debt expenditure of RMB 100,000, there is actually a surplus of around RMB 100,000. According to this trend, next year's surplus seems to be even larger.

With the surplus, Song Yingsheng's first thought was to pay off more debt so that he could pay less next year and have a bigger surplus. However, after he reported this idea to the emperor, he was severely criticized.

How can you have such an idea? Now that your ability to make money has improved, why don't you find a way to borrow more! So why are you anxious to pay back the money? Is this the idea that a qualified chief officer should have?

"Mr. Da, the capital's infrastructure is far from shrinking, and it's time to spend a lot of money. How can you think about paying off the loan as soon as possible? This kind of thinking is unacceptable!"

"Your Majesty, although the capital is still building asphalt roads and renovating sewage facilities, in the future, there will be less and less places to spend money. There is no need to expand the debt, right?" Old Songtou really can't think of any other places in the capital.

It will cost a lot of money, unless we build another ring road outside the ring road. But now there is no space inside and outside the second ring road. Is it necessary to build another ring road?

"Why are there no places to spend big money? Haven't you noticed that it is still very inconvenient for people in the capital to travel and work? It is very inconvenient for some people living in the inner city to go to work outside the Second Ring Road. In the same situation, many people in Chaozhong Yamen are now

Officials who work have no means to live outside the city. As a result, housing in the city will become increasingly tight, which is not a good thing!"

"The situation is indeed what Your Majesty said, but I really can't think of a good way to solve this problem. Even spending money to build roads seems to be unable to solve this problem."

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. You can always find a way by using your brain. Normal road construction will definitely not solve this problem, but I think there are still ways to solve this problem. You see, if the road is built into a railway, it will be passable

Will the speed and capacity be significantly improved?"

"Building a railway in the city? I'm afraid this won't solve the problem, right? If the rail car runs away, it will indeed be faster than an ordinary carriage, and the same horsepower can pull more things than an ordinary carriage! But the problem is that the city is not a wilderness

, the roads are criss-crossing, and the railways have been built, but the railcars still can’t run.”

"Why don't we just build a railway that can close the road and not intersect with other roads?"

"Ah? How is this possible? Apart from other things, the roads are closed, and there really aren't that many open spaces in the city. How is it possible to avoid all the roads?"

"Mr. Big! There really is such a place in the capital. It is ready-made and can avoid all roads."

"Is there such a place in the capital? I am so stupid that I wonder where your Majesty is talking about?"

"After you finish, go and walk around the city. Whatever is in your way the most is a ready-made closed road!"

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the city wall?"

"It's the city wall. You said, if two tracks are laid on the city wall to form a Beijing loop railway, will this problem be perfectly solved?" The traffic efficiency in the capital is still a bit too low. Zhu Youjian thought hard and thought about it.

I came up with a genius idea.

When it comes to building urban expressways, there are only two solutions for later generations, either to build a subway or to build an elevated road! The genius Zhu Youjian couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the thick walls of Beijing! Isn't this a ready-made elevated road?

Is it? The city wall of the capital is quite wide, and two narrow-gauge railways are completely sufficient. The cars running on the current railways are not much heavier, and the city wall can fully bear it.

Converting the city wall of the capital into a ring-city express railway would have low construction costs, and it would also achieve the perfect combination of city wall protection and practicality. Doesn’t it take a genius to come up with such a wonderful idea? The most perfect thing is that the city wall happens to pass through the second ring road where office workers are densest. With this railway in and around the inner city, civil servants working in various government offices in the inner city no longer have to squeeze into the city. They can buy a spacious house in a residential area near the second ring road and take the rail to and from get off work. car.

Rail cars can be designed with four or five connected carriages, unlike carriages on asphalt roads, which can only have two carriages at most. In this way, a rail car can pull forty or fifty people without difficulty. If it is a two-lane road, it can pass

The efficiency is quite terrifying. If this is done, people in the capital will be able to start a fast-paced life.

"Your Majesty, will converting the city wall into a railway line affect the defense of the capital?"

"It will have an impact, but the impact will be good rather than bad. If an enemy invades the capital, the railway on the city wall will serve as a troop dispatching line. It can be used to defend the capital with fewer troops. It can even be designed to

Mobile artillery carriages hauled on rails will expand the scope of use of heavy artillery."

After listening to the emperor's analysis, Song Yingsheng felt that his imagination had been opened! The city wall could still be used in this way? Laying railroad tracks on it seemed to have all the benefits without any harm. Apart from anything else, the roadbed was

You can save a lot of money. Because the city wall is quite flat, there is no need to pave the shock-absorbing sand and gravel. When building it, only sleepers and rails are used! The only trouble is that some of the city gate buildings have to be demolished and converted into

The station for boarding and alighting.


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