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Chapter 478: The Battle Begins!

The guy who came over from Shang Kexi was named Liu Junhan. He was not a big military leader. He even brought more than 400 people with him despite being deceived. The guy was also a bachelor. After he came over, his requirements were quite low. He didn’t want an official position or salary.

It would be enough to give him the same treatment as the resettlement of the refugees from Shanxi, so that the brothers who ran away with him could have food to eat.

Faced with a demoted officer with such low requirements, Zhu Youjian was too embarrassed to make any decisions. He specially approved a document to let the demoted general go to the military school to study. The others were first escorted to Lushun Port to work as laborers, and they would be shipped by ship after the spring.

They came from Zhili and were sent to the construction team of the Guilin Railway to work as workers. Note that they were workers and not laborers. They had basic rights and received monthly wages. They were considered serious railway workers.

After hearing the resettlement measures, those people not only had no objections but were also very happy. In their opinion, the treatment of being a railway worker was no worse than being a soldier for the Manchu Qing Dynasty. In January, they could get more than 20 taels of valuable military coupons, and they also paid for it.

Heavy manual workers like them are provided with three meals! They experienced the standard of three meals when they arrived at Port Arthur. The portions of each meal are not small. In addition to staple foods such as rice and noodles, there are also supplementary foods such as fish, tofu, and oil.

For three days, there were still pieces of fat meat floating in the bowl. Such treatment was something they could not enjoy even when they were paying for their lives for the Qing Dynasty.

People in this era have the legendary big appetites. It is not uncommon for some people to eat a large bowl of pasta or ten or twenty steamed buns in one meal. On the one hand, it is because of the large number of people.

They are heavy manual workers, and on the other hand, because pasta-based foods are not nutritious enough, their bodies can only solve the problem by consuming a large amount of staple foods.

In view of this, Zhu Youjian proposed a diet improvement plan for the army and heavy labor teams that uses more oils, more salt, and more tofu. On the surface, this plan seems to be as naive as the idea of ​​not eating minced meat. Even the food supply

There are all problems. If you think of using more expensive items to replace food, isn’t that crazy?


Of course I'm not crazy. I can think of some ways to increase the supply of these things. In addition to the current domestic supply of soy products, dried beans, dried bean skins and other items can be obtained from the south through industrial products.

By mass-producing kerosene, the oil originally used as fuel can be saved as rations. By building fish canneries and fish oil refineries in Tianjin, Dengzhou, Lushun and other places, fishermen can keep their catch longer.

, increase the supply of oil and fat. Industrial products can also be used to exchange for a certain amount of high-calorie foods such as butter and dried milk from the grasslands. Coupled with the widespread cultivation of high-yielding grains such as potatoes, Beizhili and other places have used household products to

The scale of pig-based breeding has also increased, and the amount of lunch meat and lard processing is not small.

By using all kinds of means, the high-calorie and nutritious food in the military rations can be basically guaranteed, and some can be distributed to places with heavy manual labor such as railway construction teams. Like here in Jinzhou, the Civil Affairs Bureau has made several

There are fish canning and fish oil processing plants that produce a lot of oil.

There is always a way to solve any problem as long as you make great efforts and find the right direction. If people are only satisfied with the current guarantee, how can productivity improve? Anyway, in Zhu Youjian's consciousness, exchanging industrial products can improve the quality of life of the Ming Dynasty's military and civilians.

The raw materials are definitely more cost-effective than exchanging for things like gold and silver. As for better production tools and industrial products, to be honest, the current Ming Dynasty really doesn’t need them. What good products do they have outside? The production center of the world is in the Ming Dynasty.

, this is the greatest capital of Ming Dynasty.

In recent years, because the Ming Dynasty has changed the way of trade and implemented a series of policy guidance on the exchange of raw materials for industrial products, it has actually changed the pattern of world trade. Previously, ocean-going trading ships such as those of Spain, the Netherlands, and other Western European countries

, they came directly to exchange things with the Ming Dynasty with gold and silver. But now, their ships transporting gold and silver generally do not come directly to the Ming Dynasty. Most of them choose to go to Southeast Asian countries or Japan to exchange for grain, copper, cotton yarn, etc.

The items will eventually be exchanged for rice and grain in the south, and then they will be traded at ports such as Tianjin and Dengzhou in exchange for the industrial products they want.

Due to such changes, Nanyang, Japan and other places have also benefited from the water, and it feels like the entire East and Southeast Asia have benefited!

The ministers of the Ming Dynasty also seemed to see the benefits of changing the trade model. In the past two years, no one among them has made any irresponsible remarks about it.

The good news about the surrender to the Ming Dynasty soon spread among the Han Banners in the Qing Dynasty. The people of the Han Banners did not have the courage to return to the embrace of the Ming Dynasty before, fearing that they would be reckoned with when they came back. Now they no longer have this worry, and they will return to the Ming Dynasty.

After arriving in the Ming Dynasty, first of all, there is no life-threatening danger, but you can no longer join the army. If you don’t join the army, you will not join the army. What’s wrong with being a salaried worker in the Ming Dynasty? Aren’t you all working hard? You eat better than the Qing Dynasty

Okay, I got more than the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and I rowed back to the Ming Dynasty because of this before my life was in danger.

Those who have scruples are some big leaders, such as Shang Kexi and Kong Youde, who are on the list of big army leaders and traitors. They will definitely not dare to come back again. But the little leaders under them have no such worries.

"Wouldn't Liu Junhan be okay after taking his people back? I heard that he even entered the military academy and could continue to be an officer after coming out! Even if the officer is lower than what he was in the Qing Dynasty, it is not unacceptable! The Manchus

The Tartars are a bunch of bastards. They don't treat us as human beings. They even smashed the tiles in our house. Is there anything else they can't do?" The little army chiefs suddenly became alive.

"Brother Kong, how are your men recently? I let that bastard Liu Junhan trick me here. Nearly 30% of them were gone. Yesterday, even several of my soldiers were gone!"

Tian ran towards the Ming army's position. Shang Ke was so happy that he panicked. Having no idea, he hurried to Sun Youde to inquire about the situation.

"Hey! The situation over there is not much different from yours. Several people leading troops ran away. I had no choice but to have the generals gather all the family records together to take care of them. There were family members who were pressing down and running away.

There will always be fewer people. Lao Shang, how about you also learn from me and use this trick to control people first?"

"This is not a solution. If they are determined to run away, can you and I really order someone to get their family records? The people under you and me are all disciples of Pao Ze, and they can't do that. Besides, if

If you do things so absolutely, there will be no room left."

"Lao Shang, do you think there is any room left for you and me? We will all have no way out soon? Do you still care about leaving any room? By the way, you may still have some way to survive over there. After all, Huang Long is now being surrendered by the Dog Emperor.

Pay tribute! Unlike me, I have already committed such a heinous crime!"

"Hmph! Lao Kong, please stop making sarcastic remarks! I have some leeway! What I'm talking about is not whether you and I have leeway, but whether the gang of killers under my command have leeway. If you and I forcibly cut off their leeway,

, How can I become a lonely person, maybe I will become the Zhang Fei of back then, I don’t know when someone cut my head off in the middle of the night and took him back there."

"Is it really that terrible?"

“People’s hearts are unpredictable!”

"What should you and I do?"

"The only solution now is to quickly send a letter to Dorgon and the others, asking them to bring the main force to the front line for a decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty. If there is no decisive battle, it is not known whether the Han Banner will have any soldiers left to fight."

Just as Shang Kexi finished speaking, the captain of Kong Youde's personal army hurried into the tent and said: "Your Majesty, the regent sent a message saying that Shenyang has gathered 100,000 troops and is heading towards Liaoyang.

Let us quickly prepare for the war, and when Shenyang's army arrives, we will immediately start a decisive battle with the Ming army and regain Liaonan in one go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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