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Chapter 490: Storytelling Man Revamps Drama

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers. The first issue of Dongjiang Times is selling like hotcakes. Don't miss it if you pass by."

"The Southeast Branch of Xinmin Times first published Dongjiang Times, which covers national events, people's livelihood, government affairs, and local customs. Don't miss it."

On the streets of Songjiang Prefecture, a group of small newsboys were hawking the newly released Dongjiang Times. Strictly speaking, the content of Dongjiang Times and Xinmin Times are somewhat similar. Most news about government affairs is reprinted from Xinmin Times.

News. It’s just different in terms of local public sentiment and literary columns.

There have been some tabloids appearing in Jiangnan in the past few years, but they were all small-scale and did not reach a large scale. The Donglin people started countless tabloids with a hammer in the east and a hammer in the west, and closed them down as they were running.

Few newspapers create a climate.

Why didn't the Donglin people run a decent newspaper? The key lies in the informal organization and unstable funding sources. When there is interest, everyone takes care of it, contributes powerfully, and those with money contribute money, it is very lively!

In the past period of time, there have been conflicts between various ideas and conflicts over the amount of money. It is completely different from Xinmin Newspaper. The silver dollars allocated by the palace are fixed every year, and there are a series of other revenue methods. In addition, the organization is formal and the management is

With unified standards, things will naturally get better and better.

The Xinmin Times in Beijing can now publish nearly 100,000 newspapers in each issue. With the advancement of printing technology, just selling newspapers can earn one silver dollar per copy. Business news published in newspapers can sell for 50 yuan for 50 words.

More than two silver dollars! The profit of one issue of the newspaper is nearly a thousand taels. With more than seventy issues a year, the total income can reach 70,000 to 80,000 taels. And the income from the completion of the book and the long collection of articles can easily exceed 100,000 taels.

Xinmin Newspaper has a total of more than 1,000 employees, and it takes 200,000 taels of silver dollars to support more than 1,000 people. The employees of the newspaper have a very comfortable life. Lao Ruan now feels that he is better than Zhou Yanru, and his skills are

He has people who want people, money, money, and a bunch of idle literati who live on manuscript fees as helpers. Such a well-paid official is a leader.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

This time the Dongjiang Times is run again, he will be in charge of all the public opinion circles in the north and south, and his status will skyrocket.

"Kid, how much does your newspaper cost?" A man on the street asked the newspaper boy who was yelling at the price.

"It's five cents a piece. All the newspapers you buy on the street are priced at this price. It's a no-brainer."

"So cheap? What's new in the newspaper?"

"State affairs, civil affairs, and commercial affairs are all included in it. You can read whatever you want. The gentlemen in the government offices also rely on newspapers to know everything about the world."

"What you said is too general. Do you have any more detailed information?"

"Hey, you want to know what's in the newspaper without spending any money. That's all. I'll send you two pieces of news for free. Do you know about the drama troupe from Beijing touring Songjiang? The newspaper has the exact performance time and ticket price.

There is also an introduction to the performance lineup. If you buy the newspaper, you can know everything. Did you know that the imperial navy recaptured Ningbo? The newspaper has the details of this battle. If you want to know how badly the imperial navy defeated the Zheng thief, hurry up.

Buy a newspaper and read it."

"Is there any news about Jianlu? How is the recent fight between the imperial court and Jianlu?"

"Yes, Jianlu has already sent people to sue for peace from the imperial court. They wanted to let the imperial court stop the war and stop the war between the two dynasties. However, the emperor refused and proposed new ceasefire conditions to them."

"What new conditions?"

"You have to buy a newspaper and read it yourself."

The idle man took out a five-cent bill from his sleeve and bought a large-faced newspaper from the newsboy. He took it in his hand and eagerly read it in the street.

It seems exciting to buy a newspaper yourself. There are newspapers posted at the gate of Songjiang Prefecture, as well as at the port and several prosperous places for everyone to watch for free. However, there are so many people in that place that it is impossible to read the newspaper properly.

After reading the newspapers of later generations, most of them became waste paper and should not be used for other purposes. Even most of the newspapers were not read by anyone. After the units bought them, they were piled aside and no one cared about them. The situation in this era is different.

After buying a newspaper for five cents, most people are reluctant to throw it away even after reading it. They will collect it specially and take it out to read again when they have nothing to do.

There are tea stalls on the streets and dedicated newspaper readers who interpret each issue of the newspaper so that illiterate people can understand the news while drinking tea.

"I heard from the newspaper that all the props used in the play are real, and the scene has to be changed in every scene. You said changing the scene is so troublesome, will the performance be stopped for a long time?" A person drinking tea at the tea stall recently

The content of the chat in the past two days was mainly about the upcoming drama. This thing is too new. I have only heard people say it is very good-looking, but most people have not seen it. It is all based on imagination. Naturally, the more I think about it, the more mysterious it becomes.

"You guys have never seen a play. It doesn't take long to change scenes. It can be done in a quarter of an hour at most. The best thing about the play is the lights. During the performance, whoever speaks has the lights shining on them. It's so beautiful.


"Can lights still follow people? Have you ever seen the play, Lao Wu?"

"A few days ago, I went to Tianjin on a sea voyage. There was a drama being performed there, but it was not a drama like Feng Yu Lou where famous actors gathered. What I watched was a sketch drama, and the people in it acted very funny."

"Sketch drama? What's the difference between it and a serious drama?"

"I heard someone say that a big play takes more than two hours to complete, while a short piece can be performed in just a quarter of an hour. The difference is probably that the excerpts of the opera are different from the complete version."

"So that's it? If you can watch the whole play, you have to read the whole play. This time, our house finally has a big actor who comes from Beijing to perform the whole play for the emperors. We have to line up quickly.

Just buy the tickets."

"I heard from people that it's hard to get all the tickets sold in Beijing. I don't know if the tour tickets in our house are easy to buy!"

The tour of the Wu version of "Once Upon a Time in the Wind and Rain Tower" in Songjiang Prefecture was a great success. It ran for five consecutive days, and more than 500 tickets for each performance were sold out in seconds. People who could not buy tickets even gathered around the theater.

Waiting for the show to end at the door, I wanted to hear from people who had seen it how good it was.

The clever teahouse storyteller tried his best to buy a ticket. After writing down the content of the play, he adapted it into a fan story the next day and lectured in the teahouse to provide fresh listening to those who could not watch the original play.

Those storytellers, although they take notes carefully when listening, there will be some discrepancies when speaking. Moreover, there is a big difference in performance between talking drama and storytelling. Therefore, when Songjiang Prefecture became popular, the script of "The Past in Fengyulou"

At that time, the content presented was very different from the original drama version.

Ruan Dacheng wore casual clothes to listen to several performances of the storytelling version of "Once Upon a Time in the Wind and Rain Tower". After listening to it, he felt that although the magical changes were serious, the core meaning remained the same, and that was enough! With the reprocessing and dissemination of these storytelling artists

, the public opinion effect formed will only be better.

This chapter has been completed!
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