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Chapter 505 Set the tone for the military and political adjustment!

Regarding the case of the Six Gentlemen of Donglin, Zhu Youjian's idea is to confirm the fact that he was corrupt, and at the same time acknowledge the fact that Wei Zhongxian and others did persecute and political revenge against him back then. The situation in the Xu Xianchun case is similar. To put it bluntly, he wants to make the case that he was corrupt.

Things are defined as dogs biting dogs, and neither the Eunuch Party nor the Donglin Party are good people. No one can say who is just, and they will all be swept into the garbage heap of history.

Beat these two forces into stinky shit so that Ming Dynasty can start again in a new direction! If it weren't for these two piles of stinky shit, how could Ming Dynasty be as corrupt as it was in previous years? It can't be said to be wise and correct.

Did the emperor make a mistake? Whether from the perspective of historical facts or self-interest, someone must take the blame for the chaos of the previous decades. The party struggle between the Eunuch Party and the Donglin Party members is the most suitable in Zhu Youjian's view.


Chen Yan led his people south, how could the lawsuit turn out? Zhu Youjian really didn't pay much attention to it. The matter was already a certainty, so why bother with it anymore?

In the eighth lunar month of the 22nd year of Chongzhen, in the autumn of 1649 AD, the war in Liaodong, which had been silent for half a year, started again. While the Ming Dynasty opened peace talks with the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it divided its troops into two groups to attack Shenyang from the direction of Liaoyang and Dalinghebao.

Talk while fighting, talk while fighting. Huang Taiji was very good at this trick back then, but this time the Ming army also used it very skillfully.

At the same time that the war in Liaodong broke out, the trial of Donglin's old case in Songjiang Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River was underway. Several Zheng family ships on the sea came north under the surveillance and guidance of naval ships. From this eight

Starting from January, Zhu Youjian, who originally liked to play single-line operations, had to enable multi-threaded operations.

Previously, Zhu Youjian had always had a principle that no matter how chaotic the situation was, there was only one focus of work for a period of time. But when things have developed into the current situation, it seems a bit inappropriate to use this kind of thinking to solve the problem.

"The war to regain Shenyang is ongoing, and the negotiations with the Zheng family are about to begin. Today we have summoned all the military and political officials to talk about what we will do in the next six months. Let's talk about political matters first, before the end of the year.

The Ming Dynasty Advisory Council will be formally established, and many new places will be restored. I am not sure how the official system and the democratic system are implemented, and whether the officials in various places perform their duties as diligently as the officials in the capital and Beizhi. I have no idea.

After the Xuntang was established, the first thing the main officials had to do was to inspect Shandong, Yunzhong, Liaodong, Songjiang, Ningbo and other provincial capitals on behalf of me and the imperial court. Taishi and others should serve in the Xuntang, and cabinet bachelors and six ministries would serve.

There is a vacancy. My idea is to appoint Wu Xueshi as the first assistant to the cabinet and the minister of the Ministry of Rites. Yin Songying of Shuntian Prefecture will be promoted to the second assistant of the cabinet and the minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Ma Shiying from Shandong will have served for two years by the end of the year. He is in the local government.

He has a lot of experience, so it’s time to join the central government. He will be promoted to the cabinet as a bachelor of the palace, and also as the minister of the Ministry of Industry. The remaining cabinet ministers and the six ministers who are missing will be replaced by the court!"

The matter of a major blood change in the central government has been fermenting in the court for a long time, and it is time to make a decision and set the tone. The entry of Wu Di, Song Yingsheng and Ma Shiying into the cabinet will basically set the tone for selecting officials from local officials to the central government. Wu Di had previously

He served as the governor of Shanxi, and after joining the cabinet, he also served as the governor of Beizhi for several years as a cabinet minister. He was the chief minister of the cabinet. It is said that Song Yingsheng's qualifications were a bit shallow, and he was not a Jinshi, so he could not stand the emperor's liking and approval.

His political achievements are obvious to all, and it’s time for Song Yingsheng to set a precedent for appointing someone to the cabinet!

The emperor picked the biggest peaches, and Zhou Yanru and his colleagues had to carefully consider and divide the remaining peaches after they went down. The matter of cabinet adjustment had reached this point, and there was no room for further discussion.

"The Governor's Office and the Military Command Hall also need to make appropriate adjustments. The Counseling and Patrol Hall is not only a consulting and patrolling department. It also has the responsibilities of consulting, supervising, and patrolling in the military and national defense. There is a need for experts in the military.

A mature and prudent person is admitted to the hall. Jian Heng has been in the military for a long time and is quite familiar with the military. Over the years, he has been responsible for local military affairs, has been in charge of temple affairs in the Ministry of War, and has also led a large army. He is the most appropriate candidate to join the advisory council hall.

It is most suitable to lead the military advisory affairs of the country. He will join the post before the end of the year. His positions as Minister of the Ministry of War and Governor of the Houjun Governor's Palace will be taken over by Liu Yuanbin. In addition, Ma Ke, Tang Tong, and others also need to be transferred to the Advisory Hall to enrich them.

Military personnel of the Counselor’s Office.”

In terms of military affairs, there is relatively little room for adjustment now. All it takes is to send Chen Xinjia and others to the second line and transfer Liu Yuanbin to the military decision-making level. Liu Yuanbin's military rank is high enough, and his status in the current Ming Dynasty army is also unique.

He joined the decision-making level to send a signal to the generals below that the future of a general lies not only in leading troops in battle, but also in the court when the time is right.

"In terms of military affairs, I will say a few more specific things. After the Battle of Shenyang is over, foreign military operations in the second half of the year will mainly focus on sea routes. Regardless of the progress of the negotiations with the Zheng family, Fuzhou and Xiamen will have to wait until the end of the year to the beginning of next year.

At that time, they must return to the rule of the imperial court. If the negotiations with the Zheng family go well, the strategy can be more radical, and it is also possible to recapture Guangzhou City by sea. As for the army, from the second half of this year to the middle of next year, we will focus on expanding the army.

The main focus is on soldiers. By the middle of next year, the number of combatable soldiers in the imperial court will need to be expanded by about 200,000 to form a force to pacify the world."

After taking a breath, Zhu Youjian continued to expand on his military plans: "In view of the fact that the scale of war will continue to expand in the future, I have decided to set up a regular organization on top of the existing military-level organization, called a group army. A group army

It is composed of a main battle army, an artillery brigade, a baggage brigade, a cavalry brigade, an engineering brigade, and five security auxiliary brigades, with a total strength of about 50,000. Such a composition is almost capable of independently undertaking military operations under any circumstances.

The ability to carry out missions is a serious war corps, which the country relies on. In addition to this formal establishment, in the future, the group army, independent army, independent division, and the security brigade temporarily transferred to the battlefield will be combined into a front army according to war needs to carry out peace of the world.

Everyone in the Governor's Office must also be prepared for a big battle. If necessary, you must serve as the commander of the front army and go to the theater to lead the army in combat."

With such a military presence under his command, Zhu Youjian was too courageous to designate his chief military officer as a permanent officer. He could only use central generals as temporary commanders, who would be quickly transferred as soon as the war was over.

It goes back to the center. Such an organization certainly cannot exist for a long time. It must be prepared to be split at any time. The permanent military organization is already frighteningly large when it reaches the size of a group army, but it cannot be expanded further. Even the size of a group army

In terms of quantity, Zhu Youjian doesn't plan to build more. There are six or seven such heavy military groups, which should be about the same!

This chapter has been completed!
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