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Chapter 511 The seafood shop left after the storm may not be usable!

Zhang Qiushan is a leatherworker in Shenyang City. He is thirty years old. He is sitting at the door of the leather goods shop where he makes a living with a desolate expression, looking at the Ming army who are cleaning up and reorganizing Shenyang City.

At this time, his heart was filled with hatred. He hated the Qing army that had kidnapped his master, wife and children all over the place, and he also hated the Ming army that came all the way to Liaodong to fight. If the Ming army hadn't launched the war, he would have done well. How could the world be like this? Can't you just stay in the customs peacefully?

Regarding the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Qiushan has no concept of his parents' country. He has been under the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty since he was born. Shenyang City has been occupied for more than thirty years, which is enough for a generation to forget everything. His parents are not from Shenyang. They were Han Chinese who were robbed from the Liaonan area during the Qing army's war against the Ming Dynasty. Because the old father had a skill in handling leather goods, their family was assigned to a leather shop to make leather coats and leather armors for the Manchu nobles. Instead of becoming the cover of the Eight Banners soldiers like other Han people who were taken captive.

Fur processing plays a very important role in Shenyang City and the Manchu nobles. It is indispensable whether it is making armor or exchanging money for foreign trade. Because of the importance of the industry, Zhang Qiushan and his family can live a comfortable life in Shenyang City. When the Han people were starving, his family had food to eat, and when others were serving as cannon fodder in the war with the Eight Banners soldiers, he and his father stayed in the city sewing leather armor.

This time, he originally wanted to follow the Manchus and escape from Shenyang City, but things went counterproductive. During the few days of the evacuation, he offended a Manchu army leader because of a flaw in the sewing of his armor suit, and was beaten with a knife until he lay on the bed. He couldn't get up. Naturally, the Manchus would not bother carrying him out of Shenyang City because he was such a burdensome person. After taking away the man who could use his skin, Zhang Qiushan was left alone lying on the kang. Wait for the Ming army. This is already a very generous gesture from Man Man. It is not impossible for him to be ruthless and give him a blow.

"Are you the owner of this business?" Several Ming soldiers walked along the messy streets and visited door to door. When they saw a person at the door of the leather store, they hurriedly ran over to ask about the situation.

"This star really wants to retire"

"Me? No! I'm just a handyman in the industry." After all, I had been in a place where I often interacted with people. When faced with the Ming army's inquiries, Zhang Qiushan was very articulate.

"Brother? Can your family still stay here?"

"My master's family was kidnapped by officials...Tatars! I am the only one left in the group. I stayed because I pretended to be ill to Master Wang."

"You are the only one left? The name of this trading company is fur goods shop? Do you know how to make leather goods?"

"My lord Mingjian, my family has passed down the craft of leather processing, and I am pretty good at it. This business is for the palace of Gou Tatar, and I was captured as a laborer."

"Take us to take a look inside! Since you are a clerk, you should know the general situation. Tell me, can this leather shop still be used?" Several Ming soldiers walked into the leather shop minding their own business. , taking stock of the situation in the yard.

They are the security brigade temporarily assigned to Zhu Dadian Governor's Mansion from the front line. Their current task is to quickly take stock of how many businesses in Shenyang City have the ability to resume operations. A group of big soldiers who were still fighting on the front line a few days ago, What can you understand? After walking around on the street, I saw that this leather goods shop was still open, and there was a figure walking around.

After walking around in a big circle, Zhang Qiushui gave a general introduction to the situation in the leather shop. Almost all the valuable leathers and valuable goods had been robbed by the Manchus, except for a pile of tattered sheepskins and scattered pieces of clothing that had been smashed and robbed.

Processing tools and places, there is nothing valuable in this place.

"I see there are some leathers left in this leather shop. I'll put the things inside so that I can make do with them. How about this? What's your name? Let's register and this leather shop will be under your name from now on.

Come on. You clean up, open the door as soon as possible in the next few days, and do business quickly." After watching the scene, the leading Ming army did not ask Zhang Qiushui for his opinion, and made him the boss of the leather shop on his own initiative.

Zhang Qiushui was confused, and he was in a state of confusion, not knowing whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Seeing that this man was so stupid that he didn't say his name, Ming Jun couldn't help but scolded him harshly, and even frightened the salesman in front of him to tell his name.

"Squad leader, have we counted a shop that can be opened?" Walking out of the door of the leather goods shop, a small Ming Jun approached the leader and asked in a low voice. He felt that this thing was a bit too childish. In such a big place,

There is only one clerk left, and there doesn’t seem to be much goods left. Can we operate normally?

"Doesn't it count? At least this guy is familiar with the business in the business. We gave him a good fortune and got a big shop for nothing. Look at the ball on the street, Lord Governor.

The decree says that we must tap our potential and count as many shops as possible that can open for business. If we don’t think about it this way, how can we work?"

Let Shenyang's business resume normal operations as soon as possible. This is the emperor's order to Zhu Dadian. Zhu Dadian, who hurried to Shenyang City, first focused on this matter after entering the city. Naturally, the people working below also

Just do whatever it takes to implement this.

Three days later, the group of officers and soldiers who had previously registered Zhang Qiushui as the owner of the leather shop came to the leather shop again.

"I said, Mr. Zhang, why haven't you opened your shop yet? We are still like this! Your shop can operate normally, and I have handed over the paperwork to the boss. In the past few days, I heard that the Governor is going to personally inspect the streets. You are like this

Aren't you putting me in trouble?" When he saw Zhang Qiushui when he entered, the first thing the Ming army leader said was to complain about why he didn't open the door yet.

"Officer, I want to open the door, but there is no one or no goods, so I can't open the door at all." In the past three days, Zhang Qiu Shan also pondered whether suddenly becoming the boss was a good thing or a bad thing. He thought about it.

When he went there, he found that even if he wanted to open the door, he didn't have the ability. For such a big shop, even if he could open the door by plastering the walls with plaster and smoothing the surface, he couldn't do it by himself.

"Why are there no goods? I see there are still some leather goods in your shop? Can't you just take out those goods and put them on the table? As for the manpower, ask around, there are still some people left in the city, here.

There must be people you know. Recruit them to work in the shop first to make up for the appearance. How about this? Today and tomorrow I will lead some people to tidy up your shop and set it up for you. You can go to the city for a walk.

, let’s see if we can find some helpers who are just facades. In short, we must open the shop in these two days, otherwise my brothers and I will not be able to make the job and we will be in trouble, and you will never be able to get out of the relationship.”

Isn’t this just trying to catch up? Zhang Qiushan was speechless for this little leader of the Ming army who came to do good things and was always ready to fall out.

This chapter has been completed!
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