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Chapter 518 Which place has the most bad guys?

Since September, Shenyang and Liaodong have become the focus of all the work of the government and the public. Concentrating all resources on Shenyang City is the consensus of everyone from the emperor to officials from all over the country. This time, Shenyang City must maintain long-term peace and stability, and make the entire world the most peaceful place in the world. Unstable factors are firmly blocked to the east of Shenyang. In the eyes of officials, the so-called internal rebellion is nothing compared to the Liaodong rebellion. It can pin the Manchus to their home base and the world Complete peace is not far away. Transferring officials to Liaodong is definitely the most necessary thing to move forward.

"Fu Li, you must have heard some rumors. The old man in the court did recommend you to be the governor of Shuntian. However, your majesty did not approve it. Instead, he felt that it would be more appropriate for you to serve as governor of Liaodong. I will give you some advice on this matter. Make your interests clear, otherwise I fear you will have resentment against the imperial court. Letting you go to Liaodong is a move of His Majesty's love for talents. You should be able to see that in recent years, His Majesty has given top priority to his ministers, and Liaodong is where great achievements have been made. At that time, you can show off your talent far better than staying in the bustling capital. Although compared with the Shuntian governor who can join the cabinet, the governor of Liaodong is indeed a lot worse, but you can only go far if you work steadily. At this time, you are suddenly pulled out As a cabinet minister, for the imperial court, it disrupts the current method of selecting officials, and it is not a good thing for you. The right way is to take a more steady step."

When Liu Lishun went to Liaodong to take up a post and passed through Tianjin, Wu Di specially handed over a handwritten message to him, asking him to go to Beijing to interview him. The fact that Lao Zhou strongly recommended Liu Lishun when he was about to retire will definitely reach Liu Lishun's ears. Wu Di is naturally very fond of it. It is necessary to call him over and explain the matter clearly in person. Otherwise, if Lao Zhou has been a good person, wouldn't his current position become a bad person? If it were someone else, Wu Zong would not have to worry about it, but Liu Lishun is different. As a Mesozoic of the Ming Dynasty The backbone of officials may take over from Lao Wu in the future. It would not be a good thing if such people have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

"The Prime Minister clearly knows that Fu Li knows the deep intentions of His Majesty and the imperial court. This trip to Liaodong is just in line with Fu Li's intention. Isn't it a pity in life that we have learned strategies to stabilize the people but have no place to implement them? As time goes by, Liaodong returns to the hands of the Tartars, and people's livelihoods wither. , it is the time to correct the path, if the restoration of rites can make a difference, and it is possible to leave a name in history, how can you complain?"

"Shan, if you have this intention to restore rites, I won't worry. The current governor of Liaodong, Yan Zhi, has rich experience in managing old officials, governing people, and governing borders. When you work with him, you must learn from him. I have gained a lot of good experience, which will be of great benefit to you in the future."

What Wu Di said in the end was mainly because he was afraid that Liu Lizhun would be too conceited and not take Zhu Dadian seriously after arriving in Liaodong! So I would like to remind him that Zhu Dadian is a bit higher than you in terms of status and qualifications. When you go, you must unite, don't sing different tunes, and make the governors at odds. If it were anyone else, there would be no need to worry. Zhu Dadian has been in officialdom for many years, and he can't handle a young man anymore. Live, he is not worthy of the title of official. Liu Lishun's situation is different. This boy's background is not counted as the number one scholar. He also served as the emperor's chief secretary. He is a legendary figure with talent and connections. The whole situation is different. It's not impossible to be a moth.

"Students know the responsibilities of the governor and will definitely share their duties for the governor."

"Your Majesty attaches great importance to the restoration of people's livelihood and economy in Liaodong. You also had experience in this area when you were in Jiaodong. After arriving in Liaodong, these matters will be your main responsibilities, so you will start now on how to restore people's livelihood and economy in Liaodong. Thinking about it. Yanzhi is already doing something in this area. After you take office, you must first understand Yanzhi's thinking in this area, and then combine your ideas to report an overall implementation outline to the court. In this way, the cabinet can also A good person knows what he is doing."

"Prime Minister, everything else in Liaodong is fine at the moment, except for the shortage of people, which is a major issue. It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. I would like to ask you for advice on what the court's thinking is."

"My original intention is to forcibly move 200,000 households from Beizhi and Shandong to Shibian, Liaodong. However, Your Majesty does not agree. Your Majesty believes that the premise is that the people should immigrate voluntarily. For now, it is just The main ones we can rely on are the refugees accepted by the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Refugees accepted by the Civil Affairs Bureau? In any year, at most 100, 200,000 people will be moved to Liaodong. The current population of Shenyang City is only more than 10,000. Even if all these people are moved to Shenyang , may not be enough, not to mention that other prefectures in Liaodong are also short of people. At this rate, it may not be possible to fill the number of households in Liaodong in three to five years."

"Your Majesty and all the ministers in the court are aware of these situations. We are currently discussing possible solutions! You should also think about it. Is there any good way for the people to take the initiative to go to Liaodong Shibian? After you finish the memorial, come here. If it is true, If it is feasible, the court will definitely adopt it."

Is there any good solution? It’s hard to leave one’s homeland. The land in the provinces where people can immigrate now is completely sufficient. There is no need for coercive administrative measures. If you want people to voluntarily migrate to Liaodong, what are you thinking about?

When setting off for Shenyang, Liu Lishun looked sad. Isn't the emperor a woman's benevolence? How can Liaodong be enriched quickly without forced immigration? If Liaodong is not real, border chaos cannot be cured, and the Ming Dynasty's existence in Liaodong will only be superficial. Isn't it difficult for them to be superficial but not to have a firm foothold?

How can we get enough people to flow into Liaodong without resorting to forced immigration? This matter has troubled Zhu Youjian in recent days. After thinking hard for a few days, he finally figured out a bad way. .


Ordinary people cannot use coercive means, so what about extraordinary people? For example, criminals and their family members, Zhu Youjian has no psychological concerns about using coercive means against these people. I heard that although the Ming Dynasty New Style Movement just started Not long ago, due to the rapid economic development in the capital, there were more and more chaotic people on the streets.

It seems that another round of severe crackdowns is needed in the major cities of the Ming Dynasty. Sent these people who are not doing business to Shenyang, which can be regarded as using waste to kill two birds with one stone.

Just by cracking down hard, you may not be able to gather enough people! Where else are there the most people doing bad things? After walking a few steps in the office, Zhu Youjian thought of a group. Far away, close in front of you, in terms of crime rate , the proportion of the bureaucratic group is definitely not low. As long as 10% of the bureaucrats are found, plus their close relatives and family members, it is easy to gather tens of thousands of people.

The simultaneous crackdown on corruption and corruption can not only bring a new population to Liaodong, but also purify the social environment and officialdom ecology. At the same time, it can also remove the original officials who were used to making do with it from the official ranks and provide university graduates with more opportunities. Freeing up positions with veterans is a clever trick that kills two birds with one stone, and it is not used in vain!

This time we are going to take a more ruthless move and dig out more people. Therefore, relying solely on the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Criminal Department and Dali Temple may not be able to handle things beautifully. Jinyiwei must make some moves, otherwise they will feel marginalized. !

This chapter has been completed!
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