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Chapter 535 This is the territory of the Ming Dynasty! You are going to fight, and I will accompany you to the end!

It is not only the officials and people in drought relief areas such as Beizhili and Shandong who are working hard under the scorching sun. In the distant waters of Fujian, the Ming Dynasty's navy is also still fighting hard.

Fang Ruocheng stood on the deck of the flagship, looking at the looming Fuzhou coast in the distance, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After nearly three months of naval battles, they finally had results. In the past few days, the number of Zheng family ships departing from Fuzhou Port and Xiamen Port to fight the battle has decreased significantly. It is obvious that they cannot withstand the consumption and have to stick to the port.


Naval battles these days are purely wars of attrition and endurance. Battles occur every day in the sea, and the losses on both sides are very high. As of now, more than 50 large and small ships of the Navy have been scrapped, and other small ships have been destroyed.

There are at least 300 ships. This means that the two large shipyards, Dengzhou and Tianjin, are replenishing them in time, otherwise the navy may have reached the point where it has to cease the war.

The imperial court's navy suffered heavy losses, and the Zheng family's navy suffered even greater losses. They lost at least five hundred ships. This should have destroyed their family fortunes. No matter how exaggerated the Zheng family was, they wouldn't have much to lose.


"Let the messenger ship send a message to the commander-in-chief. For three consecutive days, Zheng Kou no longer has a large fleet to go to sea to fight. It is time for the headquarters to make a decision and launch a general attack on Fuxia."

It's time to end this naval battle. After fighting for such a long time, if we don't fight a decisive battle, the consumption will be a bit unbearable. The navy is really a gold-swallowing beast. Like these platoon cannons mounted on the Fuzhou ship, they can be counted once.

One hundred taels of silver dollars. And the sinking of a large warship, regardless of casualties, was reimbursed for more than 10,000 taels of silver dollars. What is the concept of ten thousand taels of silver dollars? It is enough to feed, drink and stir up an army regiment for several months.

Just as Fang Ruocheng and his fleet were blocking the vicinity of Fuzhou Port, waiting for orders from the fleet headquarters, a sea-going ship came from the outer sea.

"Commander, judging from the flag of the incoming ship, it should be Hongmao and Ren's ship. They came to our combat zone. I don't know what happened."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

"Send two small ships to stop them and ask them about their purpose of coming. If they want to send someone to explain in detail, they can let their representatives take our small ships to the flagship to talk."

The other party only came with one ship, and they should be here to talk about something. I wonder what these red-haired people came to talk about at this time? Fang Ruocheng was a little murmuring in his heart. But he was still happy to have contact with the Dutch. The imperial court

The Dutch told them to pay attention to the direction of the generals during the battle. No place should be occupied by the Dutch for a long time. After the Zheng family's affairs are almost settled, it is time to consider dealing with them. Since these people are underworld

It is definitely best to contact the opponent you are going to face in the first step and understand the reality in advance.

After some contact, the small ship finally arrived at Fang Ruocheng's flagship with several Dutch people and their translators. At the same time, the people in contact also reported the purpose of this group of people to Fang Ruocheng. They said they were here to mediate between the Zheng family and the Daming officials.

of military warfare.

Mediate the war? Who are they? After hearing the purpose of this group of people, Fang Ruocheng felt disgusted. He really doesn't know how many bowls of food he has eaten. It's your turn to make irresponsible remarks about the war between the Ming Dynasty and the Zheng family?

"I heard that you are here to mediate the war between the Ming army and the traitor Zheng family? You don't need to say anything about this matter. I can answer you now. It is not the turn of any foreign country to interfere in the state affairs of the Ming Dynasty. This is not your responsibility.

What you are worried about is not something you can interfere with."

After the translator below translated Fang Ruocheng's words, several Dutch people who came to negotiate murmured excitedly for a long time. Then the translator said: "General, these people said, how can the naval battle between the Ming Dynasty and the Zheng family be regarded as just a war?"

What is the state affairs of the Ming Dynasty? Your naval war has affected the normal trade of the entire route, and the normal interests of them and their people, as well as the Sifran aircraft, have been deeply affected! This is unacceptable to them, and they came to urge an armistice because of this."

"Urge for a truce? Tell these ghosts to stay where they can. This is the territory of the Ming Dynasty. It's not their turn to speak."

"General, they said that the attitude of the officers and soldiers is very disappointing to them. If the officers and soldiers insist on going their own way again, they will take military measures to stop the officers and soldiers from disrupting maritime trade. This is not the opinion of Kazuto's family.

They have also had contact. When it comes to maintaining peace in the maritime areas, their interests are consistent and they will act in unison."

The trade routes in Fujian waters indeed not only involve the interests of the Dutch, but also have a great impact on the interests of the Spanish. If the silver they transported from South America is not converted into Ming freight and returned to Europe to make money, the losses will be very huge.

A pile of money is useless. At the same time, the large-scale fleet of the Ming Navy appeared in the sea, which also made the Spaniards aware of the danger. If they did not actively stop the Ming Dynasty's behavior, they would be in big trouble when they appeared in the Luzon Sea.

Precisely because they sensed the crisis, Spain and the Netherlands, a pair of incompatible forces in Europe, made an unprecedented alliance in East Asia and used concerted actions to put pressure on the Ming Navy. The purpose of their pressure was naturally to hope that the Zheng family would

The power was preserved, and fortunately there was power in the sea to restrain the Ming Dynasty's naval operations.

The three forces of the Zheng family, the Dutch, and the Spanish have great conflicts in themselves, and military confrontations often occur. However, in curbing the Ming Dynasty's navy from going south, their interests are consistent. The Dutch and the Spanish see it

Understand that if the Zheng family is lost as a local leader, with their limited military presence in East Asia, it will be difficult to prevent the Ming Navy from continuing to move south to control the sea routes. Their strongholds in East Asia will face the Ming army in the near future.


"Please tell this group of people! If they want to get involved in Ming Dynasty's national affairs, they can come. Our Ming Navy is waiting for you! If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end."

Logically speaking, Fang Ruocheng was not qualified to say this, but since the founding of the navy, the emperor had given them clear instructions. Maritime territory was also territory, and any Ming soldier had the right and obligation to protect the territory from infringement and threats.

When encountering an enemy invading our borders, we must fight back and deal with them forcefully!

Under the influence of the emperor, Fang Ruocheng became angry when he heard that these outsiders actually threatened to use force. We haven't caused any trouble to you yet, but you have actually come to the door yourself. If you have the ability, come and fight, just give it a try.

Try the water from these red-haired ghosts.

"Detain this translator who is a foreigner, send the others back to their ships, and expel them out of the controllable range of the fleet." There was nothing more to talk about, so Fang Ruocheng had people forcefully send the guests off. But he had a second thought.

, and turned his attention to the translators brought by these Dutchmen. From the words of the translator, Fang Ruocheng felt that this person seemed to be useful, so he should detain him first, maybe he could dig out some good stuff.

This chapter has been completed!
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