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Chapter 554 Not everyone can do cooking!

Restoring a city is difficult or easy to say. With the geographical and natural conditions like Shenyang City, as long as you use the right force, it can actually be restored to life very quickly.

Since the end of last year, the imperial court has gradually transferred over 20,000 deportees. Together with the more than 10,000 refugees collected by the Civil Affairs Bureau and the people who fled from all over the country, Shenyang city and its suburbs have a population of more than 50,000. .

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

With a population of more than 50,000, it is certainly impossible to fill up the entire deserted Shenyang City, but there is no problem with its basic operation. At the same time, due to the peace talks with the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, border trade between the two sides has been restored, and the commercial activities in Shenyang City are similar to those before the war. Compared with the previous year, it has only increased. As a result, the city seems to be full of vitality.

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, the people who feel the rhythm of this city most strongly are not the government, nor people like Zhang Qiushan and Wu Ye who have already started big businesses. It is the peddlers who do small business on the streets, leading cars and selling goods. The flow of pulpers.

Han Zhenjie was dragging a cart full of vegetables, sweating profusely, as he passed through a street in the city. He was delivering vegetables to a military camp that had given him vegetables. This man could pick up and put them down. At this time last year, he was still With a monthly salary of a thousand taels in the capital, he could only be regarded as a small vendor selling pulp. However, this did not make him lose the motivation to live. He was sweating profusely and his heart was equally hot at this time.

It seems that he once again made a bet on fortune in life. After coming to Shenyang City, he used all his personal savings to buy more than 20 acres of land to grow vegetables. In the eyes of many people who had a similar fate to him, this was just a fool's errand. In such a situation, why don't you just feel comfortable being a fugitive, obeying the government's arrangements to be a migrant worker and a farmer, and still thinking about doing business! Isn't it because everyone is too involved in the business that they end up like this? Here we are. If you go to camp in Shenyang again, you won't be considered a prisoner by then.

The whole family mobilized and carefully planted all kinds of vegetables on the land they bought. After summer, the vegetables began to hit the market one after another. Han Zhenjie started his old job when he was young, pushing a frame truck in various streets of Shenyang City. He shouted and sold vegetables. Not to mention, he did have a good eye for business. He really took a leading position in the vegetable selling business in the newly reborn city of Shenyang. Every time he came back, the vegetables were basically sold out. He made a lot of money in two or three months. According to this trend, almost all the money he invested in buying land at the beginning of the year will be returned.

Winter is about to begin now, and a lot of vegetables have actually grown from the land cleared by the government. However, Han Zhenjie's business has not been affected. For example, why did the military camp have to ask him to deliver vegetables this time? It's because among the vegetables he grows, there are government officials There were dishes that were not available in the organized fields. When the military camp was stocking up on winter vegetables, I specially ordered dishes from him in order to have more dishes.

"Sir Chen, the dishes have been weighed! I would like you to write a note, so I can go to the Chief of Staff to exchange the money." After taking the dishes to the military camp and weighing them, Han Zhenjie hurried to the officer who picked up the dishes and asked him to He issued a delivery receipt so that he could withdraw the money.

"Old Han, what are you so worried about? Why are you worried about having to pay for this truckload of garlic sprouts in a military camp as big as ours? I'll write you a note right now! By the way, is this the only truckload of garlic sprouts you have at home? No way. You are playing tricks on me, if there are any left, you have to sell them to our camp." The officer who received the food complained about Han Zhenjie and opened a receipt on the small table.

If you buy garlic sprouts now and put them away in a dug cellar, they can be stored throughout the winter. When the weather is cold, green vegetables are very good as seasonings, so they are bought in large quantities in the military camp. Enter to reserve! However, this year in Shenyang City, there are too few people who can supply garlic sprouts. The field vegetables organized by the Shenyang government are basically cabbage and other vegetables, and no one has thought of planting some garlic sprouts and other condiments. .Rare things are more valuable. The garlic seedlings planted by Han Zhenjie are now rare, and most people can't decide.

"Sir, I have only planted more than five acres of garlic seedlings. Now I have an official asking me for garlic seedlings. How can I have any leftovers? This car sent to your camp is really the last one. Even if I ask the little one to throw away all the soil in the field, I can't find a single garlic sprout."

"You said that since you want to plant garlic seedlings, you can't plant more than a few acres! The same goes for the government here in Shenyang City. They can't even think of growing garlic seedlings. They really can't do anything."

"Yes, yes! I will definitely plant several acres of garlic seedlings next year!" Han Zhenjie nodded in response to the young officer in front of him, while cursing in his heart. I only have about twenty acres of land, how many more can I plant? Who can make such a fortune if it is not because of their experience? When harvesting other vegetables, they will try to remove dirt and other things as much as possible. But garlic seedlings are different. If you want to keep them in the cellar for a long time, you must have more roots. Bring some soil. In other words, when Han Zhenjie bought garlic seedlings this time, he also bought the soil in the field and made money. It was really a good profit.

After taking the receipt and exchanging the money from the chief of staff, Han Zhenjie pulled the cart out of the city quickly and arrived at his temporary shack home on the outskirts of the city. In fact, he had a small yard in Shenyang City. , but it is not convenient to live and take care of the vegetable plot, so now his whole family lives in a shack on the ground.

"Master, are you back? Did you go well with the food delivery today? While you were gone, someone came to our house again and asked if there were any garlic sprouts. I followed your instructions and said there were none." Han Zhenjie's wife saw her man. When I came back, I quickly handed him a handkerchief and asked him to wipe his face, and at the same time he started talking.

"What do you mean by saying there are no more garlic seedlings according to my instructions? There are no garlic seedlings in our house, okay?"

"Didn't you put a cellar of garlic seedlings in the cellar? How can you say there were no more garlic sprouts in the first place?"

"You bitch! They were sold in the twelfth lunar month, but they are no longer available now! Anyway, remember, no matter who asks, there is not even a garlic sprout left in our house. In the past few days, you and the two dolls have been digging How's the cellar going?"

"The digging is big enough. What are you going to put in the cellar? There are no vegetables left in our vegetable patch."

"What to put? Let's put radishes! I'll go check out the newly dug cellar later and see if it's suitable. Tomorrow I'll take my boss to the government-run fields to collect radishes and put them in our cellar."

"Collect radishes and put them in the cellar? Doesn't that happen in every household? Can we still make money if we put them there?"

"Everyone is putting radishes in the cellar, but how many of them know how to put them? Let me tell you which radishes they put in. Most of them will be exhausted after a while! Putting radishes in the cellar is a skill. It’s something that ordinary people can’t do. There are so many ways to cook in our restaurant, and not everyone can get involved!”

This chapter has been completed!
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