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Chapter 564 Fleeing is like boarding a pirate ship, being tricked out of Shanhaiguan by accident!

"Okay! I met with our own bicycle factory in Liaodong today. I am full of confidence in the revitalization of Liaodong. We, Liaodong, can even build such exquisite and useful things, so what else can be difficult for us? To this day, Liaodong It only took less than a full year for the full restoration, but various achievements have been performed well. Now, several cities in southern Liaoning have basically emerged from the shadow of war, and the counties under Jinzhou Prefecture are also making joint efforts. Shenyang The city is recovering rapidly. With such a good situation, our officials and people in Liaodong should work hard every day and work hard for another three to five years to realize His Majesty's great wish to fully restore Liao and build a province of peace and prosperity for the whole world."

After Liu Lishun walked around the Xingcheng Bicycle Factory, he started talking to the workers in the factory and the accompanying officials. He was very interested. Mainly because he was very interested in people like him who had never seen industrial production. Generally speaking, the bicycle production line looks a bit too high-end.

In his opinion, being able to build such an exquisite object as a bicycle is absolutely amazing and worthy of boasting. But he doesn't know that the current Xingcheng Bicycle Factory is actually a bicycle assembly factory. , flywheels, wheels and other high-precision parts are all imported from Beijing. They are really made by the car factory, that is, the frame, pedals, handlebars, seats and other accessories. However, Liu Dazhuang still did some technical work. After improvement, there are still some differences between the finished car and the one produced by the major manufacturers in Beijing.

That is to say, the governor was not very knowledgeable and did not ask in detail. Otherwise, he would be like the leader of a certain country who inspected his own motorcycle factory in later generations. The more he asked, the more embarrassed he became.

After making a bunch of high-profile remarks, Liu Lishun left the depot and went to the county government office for a brief chat with Dong Liming and Li Yuting. Then he left Xingcheng County by carriage and embarked on his journey back to Shenyang.

During this inspection, Liu Lishun was basically satisfied. The progress of railway construction is good. The roadbed from Xingcheng to Shenyang has been built, and materials such as sleepers are now being prepared. The railway track from Jinzhou to Shenyang will be open to traffic early next year. The roadbed has also begun to be tidied up and sanded. We will work harder to finish the roadbed in the spring of next year, so that it can be opened to traffic the year after that.

In addition to the railway, another important thing to inspect is winter immigration protection. From now on, a large number of refugees have been transported to Xingcheng by railway. Then they have to arrive in Shenyang City by carriage and on foot. In the middle of winter, this journey is very difficult. It was not easy in the past. Fortunately, I have been immigrating to Shenyang City this year, and many immigration protection facilities have been built along the way. These facilities can basically ensure that refugees do not sleep on the streets when passing by, and there is hot water available for heating, and even a certain amount of food. medical insurance.

"Publish an order to the support points along the way, and ensure that the supply of hot kang, hot water, and hot rice is in place. If there is a mistake at that point, all personnel will be punished without mercy. At the same time, transportation to and from various stations There must be as many vehicles as possible, and we must make every effort to ensure that the people who come to Liaodong travel lightly, and that women, children, the elderly and the weak have cars to ride on. In addition, we must always pay attention to winter clothes and prepare more straw clothes. All immigrants wearing thin clothes must I need to add some straw clothes!"

When passing an immigration point, Liu Lishun temporarily issued an immigration protection order in Liaodong Province. Detailed regulations were made on the protection system along the way to ensure that every refugee coming to Liaodong would arrive at the destination as safely as possible. In the cold weather, , it is not easy to send an immigrant back and forth from the customs. If something goes wrong on the way, the gain outweighs the loss.

Of course, the fact that Liu Lishun and Liaodong officials attached so much importance to immigration protection was also related to the emperor's strict requirements. Zhu Youjian wrote a personal letter to the governors of each province, clearly stating that whoever fell short on immigration protection would definitely lead to the emergence of refugees. In an incident involving more than a proportion of deaths, dismissal from office is considered a minor matter, and killing is not out of the question. In this matter, there is no upper limit on accountability.

Wu A Niu is a citizen of Puyang Prefecture in the Central Plains. Central and eastern Henan were hit by drought this year, and the fields planted in the fields basically lost their harvest. Originally, in such a disaster year, the people would think of fighting against it. Besides, Wu Aniu had the same idea at first, but since September, his fellow villagers have been fleeing in groups towards Yanzhou Prefecture.

All the neighbors around him ran away, and he couldn't sit still. He made up his mind and took the whole family on the escape road to Yanzhou Prefecture. Anyway, Yanzhou was not far from Puyang, so he could escape and wait until the situation stabilized. , and then go back to my hometown. I heard that the emperor whose portrait is printed on the silver coins over there has been very good to the people in the past few years. Maybe he will be able to get some glory after escaping there.

"First Evolution"

The whole family of nine people, carrying large and small bags, followed the fleeing army to Yanzhou Prefecture. Not to mention, the situation here is similar to the legend. The government does know how to take care of the food. It is not porridge but solid rice. .

After three days of hard work, several officials came to the place where the refugees were resettled. They said that all those who stayed for more than three days would follow them to Jinan Prefecture, where there would be an official immigration office to receive them. If they were forced to stay, they would not leave. He will be caught and sent to a labor camp to work as a coolie.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and besides, they were still in charge of the food, so what else could they say, just follow along. After putting the luggage, the elderly and the children on the cart specially used for transporting people and goods, Wu Aniu followed the large group and walked again. Jinan Prefecture.

After arriving in Jinan Prefecture, they still had to eat for three days. Then they divided each hundred of them into a team and sent three so-called Anmin Bureau chiefs to take them on a carriage that could run on the railway track, saying that they were going to resettle the farm. .

Good guys, this time they were on a pirate ship. The rail car pulled them all the way. They traveled during the day and rested at night. Wu Aniu, who was sitting in the car, became more and more panicked. What was going to do to pull them there? Where are we going? He couldn't read on the way, but he just heard people talking about what he said, what station, and the place names seemed to be in Beizhi. Could it be that they want to relocate us to Beizhi? It's a good place. It's not a bad thing.

But later, someone in the car realized what they were thinking. How could they be accommodated in a good place like Beizhi? They were obviously going to Liaodong.

Obviously he only wanted to take refuge in Yanzhou, not far from home, but now he was dragged all the way to Liaodong. When the convoy arrived at Shanhaiguan Station and stopped to replenish supplies and distribute winter clothing to everyone, Wu A Niu felt like crying. Okay, this escape is really regrettable.

There was no regret medicine to take. They all arrived at Shanhaiguan, and it was too late to turn back. Fortunately, the people in the government treated them quite well. They were able to eat well along the way, and they could also eat meat dishes the next day. This was issued by Shanhaiguan. Things are pretty good too. Adults can receive straw clothes, and children and the elderly can also receive cotton quilts.

After leaving Shanhaiguan and riding for more than a day, we arrived at Xingcheng. The accompanying officials asked us to get off. However, this was not the destination yet. The officials said that we would have to walk for several days to get there. This trip The real destination is Shenyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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