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Chapter 51

Just after leaving the city, Liu Yuanbin wanted to follow the emperor's instructions and quickly build fortifications and trenches to allow the new army to establish their positions first.

Unexpectedly, the Qing army reacted very quickly. They rushed over without giving them a chance to dig fortifications. The Qing soldiers were eager to march and did not even set up artillery positions. It felt like they wanted to directly fight in close combat.


The situation was not what he expected, so Liu Yuanbin quickly ordered the army to form a triangular formation to meet the enemy. By the time the men and horses of the three regiments had completed their formation, the Qing army had already rushed forward.

Fu Kachan took a group of more than 3,000 elite Eight Banners soldiers (half of them soldiers, half of them soldiers) on horseback and arrived at a distance of one mile from the Ming army's formation before stopping.

"Anta, let the three Niulu in front of you dismount and prepare for foot combat. The remaining two Niulu are on the two wings. After the white-armored soldiers break through the Ming army's formation, they will cover and kill them from both wings. The coated minions behind them will follow up.


Tiefutu, kidnapping horse! This is a classic battle method inherited by the Jurchens for hundreds of years. Unlike the ranger tactics of the Mongolian cavalry, the most intimidating unit of the Jurchens and the Manchus is not the ranger but the heavy infantry.

Their infantry is not pure infantry like the Ming army, but infantry on horseback. The brave Baijia is not afraid of death in battle, charging into the formation regardless of care, and has horses to ride on, and its movement speed is very fast.

They are very fast and can enter the battlefield very quickly. They are the Qing army's biggest reliance on the battlefield.

Military theory divides the services of the cold weapon era into four main types: light infantry, heavy infantry, light cavalry and heavy cavalry. There is also a dragon cavalry that is not a military service. The so-called dragon cavalry is actually a fast-moving infantry on horseback.

For example, the Mongolian cavalry is a typical light cavalry. They move fast in combat and mainly rely on sudden advances, surprise attacks, wandering fights, and entanglement operations. However, when encountering a real tough battle, it is difficult to directly open up the situation on the battlefield. Heavy cavalry combat has the power and power.

It is the most destructive, but has very high requirements for cavalry and horse equipment. It requires both money and inheritance. It rarely appears on the battlefields of East Asia. Even the Manchus did not have the strength to raise an entire heavy army.

Cavalry. Relatively speaking, the most effective heavy infantry on the East Asian battlefield is the heavy infantry, especially the Longxiang heavy infantry like the Qing soldiers, who are almost invincible.

It was precisely because the Manchu Qing Dynasty had tens of thousands of Longxiang heavy infantry at its disposal that it was able to take advantage of the Ming and Mongolian armies and be invincible.

Seeing the Qing soldiers in front of the formation dismounting, Baoyi led the horse and retreated to the back of the formation. Cao Ruohai, the commander of the regiment at the front of the formation, quickly adjusted the formation, turning the three-sided formation into a single formation.

Face the enemy.

The three companies were lined up in a horizontal line, with two platoons of spearmen from each company standing at the front, and the grenadiers behind them, taking out their fire sticks and blowing them, waiting for the general's order to fire.

"When the enemy reaches sixty paces, drop bombs. Remember not to stop. Keep dropping bombs until you connect with the enemy. Just follow the tactical instructions and don't have any scruples."

Cao Ruohai rode on a war horse and loudly made the final arrangements before the battle. Just as he was making arrangements, the Qing army began its formal attack.

The white-armored soldiers rushed at the front, with archers behind them! Although the Qing soldiers were heavily armed, their charging speed was not slow at all. In just a few breaths, they had already reached a place only a hundred steps away from the Ming army.

At this time, the musketeers and archers on both sides had reached the shooting range and began to take action.

Mayu Liang stood behind the spearman, holding a fire stick, his hands shaking a little. Although he was not a grenadier, each platoon leader was also equipped with two grenades as platoon support firearms.

"Nanny, throw it away before we talk." He shouted, Mayu Liang lit the grenade and threw it out, then drew out his long knife and prepared to fight.

As the Ming army grenadiers threw grenades on the battlefield on a large scale, the entire battlefield became blurred, and smoke filled the battlefield. Chaotic shouts and explosions came one after another.

Shortly after the war broke out, both the Qing general Fu Kachan and the Ming general Liu Yuanbin had a feeling in their hearts that the war situation was out of control. They could not see clearly what was happening on the front line.

The soldiers who were in the middle of the battle were also confused about the initial situation at this time. The platoon leader, Ma Youliang, had already picked up a knife and started slashing with the white-armored soldiers of the Qing army. The grenade did not completely stop the Qing soldiers' charge, but it still

Some rushed to the front of the formation.

The spearmen under his command pinned a Qing soldier in front of him. Seeing this, Mayu Liang rushed over with an arrow and cut off the head of the ferocious Baijia soldier with his sword.

After killing the white-armored soldiers, Mayouliang looked at the entire battlefield and suddenly found that there were no Qing soldiers around him. He was a little at a loss for a moment.

"Strike hard, charge hard, chase hard!" I don't know who it was, but suddenly shouted on the battlefield the tactical standards that the emperor had taught in the general hall.

This shout suddenly made the graduates of the General School Hall on the battlefield think of what they could do next.

"The whole platoon is here, break up the triangle formation and charge forward." Mayu Liang reacted and immediately issued the combat order.

One platoon moves, the whole group moves! One platoon moves, the whole group moves! Cao Ruohai didn't even have time to make tactical arrangements, and found that his soldiers began to charge. At this time, it was too late to issue military orders, so he had to send the large troops to

Forward thrust.

"Why did the first regiment start to charge forward? Quickly order the second regiment and the third regiment to follow. We must not let them fall into a situation of fighting alone." As the head coach of the new army, Liu Yuanbin naturally knew the most important thing the emperor had for this army.

Tactical requirements. That is to say, coordinated operations are required. If friendly forces are deemed to be fighting alone, both the general and the relevant friendly force commanders will be removed from their posts and held accountable.

Fu Kachan never expected that his own attackers would not finish a single wave. The Ming army on the opposite side actually rushed over in a chaotic manner.

The distance of one mile was not that far, and while he was stunned, the Ming army rushing over had already started throwing grenades into Fu Kachan's military formation.

The white-armored soldiers are indeed highly skilled in tactics, but it does not mean that the Qing army's formation will not be disrupted after grenades are thrown in. At this time, there are many horses and coats in the Qing army's formation. The violent explosion impact caused Fu Kachan's army to fall into

There was chaos. The horses began to run wild, and the coaters began to run around.

At this moment of chaos, the Ming army, who were good at running, had already entered the formation. Four-man groups were divided into groups. When they encountered the Qing soldiers, they were beaten and slashed fiercely. When Fu Kachan saw this, he was about to ride to the Ming Dynasty.

In the military formation, he relied on his own bravery to control the situation. However, a grenade exploded next to him, and he fell to the battlefield with his horse and man.

The general trapped his horse, and the Qing deputy general Anta quickly rode out of the battlefield. It was impossible to fight in this chaotic formation. Anta's idea was to quickly get people out of the battle area, rectify the troops and horses, turn around, and fight again.

This idea itself is correct. The Qing soldiers are very capable of reorganizing their ranks. As long as they get out of the way, they can regain their gear and fight back to the battlefield without much effort.

But this thing is a bit insufficient when it comes to the new army of the Ming Dynasty. The main training of the new army is running. With the same two legs, the Qing soldiers really can't outrun the new army of the Ming Dynasty! After seeing the deputy general raise the retreat flag,

The Qing soldiers who were trapped in the formation quickly ran to the back of the battlefield. However, the Qing troops who were preparing to leave the battlefield did not realize their strategic intentions. Instead, they were chased by the Ming army.

This chapter has been completed!
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