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Chapter 574 Reinforcements Arrive, But Zhungeer Turns In!

"The leader asked us to lead some soldiers and horses to the battlefield of Guihua. Deputy lord, what do you think of this?" Lord Aoga of the Rock Tribe in the northeast of Guihua City asked the deputy lord Aoga with a simple document sent from Guihua City.

Lord Achitu's opinion.

"Going to the naturalization battlefield to help Mingren fight? What benefits did Mingren give us this time? Did the leader say anything?"

"The document doesn't say anything about benefits! It's not Mingren who summoned us to Guihua City this time, but the leader of the Guihua gang. I guess Mingren won't give us any benefits."

"No benefits? How can we help others for free? I'm afraid it's meaningless!"

"How can it be boring? Those people in Guihua City are all bosses who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks. Do you think they only want to help Akito?"

"What's their plan?"

"It's not difficult to guess! They don't want to miss the opportunity to attack the Oara people so as to open up the road to the north and west. As long as the Zhungeer people are severely weakened and our Monan Mongolia expands herding to the northwest, there will be no big

It’s hindered!”

"Oh! Is this what they are planning to do? Chief, do you think this time the Jungar people's vitality will be seriously damaged?"

"It's no problem for Mingren to defeat them. The situation on the battlefield in the past few days can confirm this. It's just that they have too few cavalry and too few soldiers and horses, so they can't hurt their vitality. But if there is

With our help, the situation will naturally be different!" After being a leader for several years, Nao Ga's vision and vision are now much higher than before, and he still has the ability to basically judge the situation.

"But we don't rely on wool to survive. Can we get any benefits if we send troops?"

"Yes! In addition to pastures, mines and people can also be occupied. I heard from the gangsters of the profiteer surnamed Ma that they discovered copper mines in some places in Mobei. You think if our tribe can occupy more

A copper mine is nothing like what it is now, and becoming an alliance leader is not a problem. The number of people in our tribe has increased a bit slowly this year, and now it is only worth more than 5,000. In the past few years, Monan

As people live a good life, it becomes increasingly difficult to gather rogues. It’s time to think of other ways.”

In fact, the development of the Rock Tribe is quite fast. Within a few years of the merger, it has become a medium-sized tribe with a population of more than 5,000. However, people are just not satisfied. Aoga and Aqitu are not satisfied with the current situation of the tribe.

Satisfied. How can a tribe of 5,000 people match the financial resources of the current tribe?

Because they are an emerging tribe, their population growth mainly relies on absorbing wanderers from the grasslands. In recent years, the tribes in Monan have been living well, and there are fewer and fewer wanderers. Naturally, the speed of tribe development is limited, so

They are lacking channels to obtain people.

On the northwest battlefield of Guihua City, after Yu Jian sent three brigades out of the city, the Jungar tribe's rangers were completely suppressed to a distance of fifty miles. Battelle's commander even withdrew to sixty or seventy miles away from the city to ensure safety.


"Taiji, it's been six or seven days since we arrived in Guihua City. We haven't had any advantage in the past few days. More and more naturalized Ming troops are leaving the city to fight. I'm afraid we won't have a chance to enter Guihua City?" The person who spoke

It was Battle's eldest son, Sengge, who was ready to persuade his father to find another way.

"Akito's firearms are indeed as fierce as the legend says. I thought they were no more than the Rakshasa people, but I miscalculated this time! But now, it's hard for us to withdraw our troops! The supplies brought by the army from the east are not

It's not much, and we have consumed a lot in the past few days. We have no supplies to go home, what should we do?" It's not like the Mongolian people didn't feed them at all when they went to war. Horses can eat grass, but people can't live by eating grass, right?

?Battle’s original plan was to get the supplies to Guihua City, but it backfired as he couldn’t get into Guihua City, and there were no supply points to rob nearby, so they were immediately at a loss to advance or retreat.

"The Ordos people in the Hetao should be very prosperous. How about we turn to the Hetao? Now, the Yellow River in the Hetao area is frozen, and it's time to cross the ice across the river."

"It's a good idea to replenish supplies from the Ordos people and then return. I'm afraid that the Ordos people are like the gang in Mobei and don't have much supplies to replenish. They won't be able to get enough supplies for our return trip." We can't grab Guihua City.

The Ming people will rob Monan's own people. If thieves don't leave empty-handed, robbers won't leave empty-handed either. Battelle doesn't have any psychological pressure on this.

However, he was worried that the harvest from robbery would not be very large. Meng people lived in scattered places and were relatively poor. Robbery would require a lot of energy and time, and the harvest would not be much, so it was not the best choice.

"If we don't get enough, we can also take the road to the pass. The Ming people there don't seem to be the same as the Ming people in Guihua City."

"This is also a way. Send an order. The army will change direction and march to the Hetao area early tomorrow morning." After discussing it with his son, Battelle quickly adjusted his strategy. The supplies were basically bottomed out, and he couldn't do it quickly.

Early the next morning, Yu Jian was sorting out the military situation at the temporary headquarters outside the city and discussing adjustments to the military layout. Xiong Daheng's troops, who had arrived from Xuanhua, were already approaching Guihua City. He had to come up with a combat plan before Xiong Daheng arrived.

Plan, so that we can start the battle after reinforcements arrive. At this moment, urgent news came from the front line, and the enemy troops moved in!

What's going on? The enemy has disappeared before the battle is officially started. Aren't the reinforcements that came here in vain?

Immediately afterwards, the Mongolian leaders in Guihua City sent people to the headquarters one after another, saying that they had summoned their troops to assemble in the Guihua City area to help the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers fight against the Zhungeer rebels.

Let's have another woolly battle. What have you been doing? The enemies have all run away, but the expected and unexpected reinforcements are rushing towards Guihua City. Yu Jian is really a big one, and his liver is shaking with anger!

"Commander Yu, has the enemy indeed withdrawn?" After receiving the news, Song Quan in the city rushed to the headquarters outside the city to inquire about the specific situation.

"The information just passed by the investigators said that the enemy's rear has withdrawn to a hundred miles away, and is still retreating quickly! The enemy must have retreated!"

"Why did they retreat so suddenly? What are they going to do? Our reinforcements are almost here. Could it be that we received the news in advance and retreated so simply?"

"Probably not! The enemy's withdrawal was unexpected. It's reasonable. They didn't bring much combat supplies and gained nothing in Guihua City. After spending six or seven days, they really reached the point where they could no longer hold on. So retreating means

Within a few days."

"Without supplies? How can they return to Desert West? You must know that Desert West is thousands of miles away."

"The Jungar people did not retreat towards Moxi, but turned towards Hetao! They probably want to go to the Ordosmen's territory in the Dongsheng area and find some time before going back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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