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Chapter 576 Starting next year, start the recovery campaign!

Zhou Yanru was very angry at Ruan Dacheng's words. This old boy is now unable to spit out ivory from a dog's mouth, and he chokes people with words all day long! Zhou Yanru is even a little envious of this old boy. From the perspective of fame and fortune, Ruan Dacheng is almost the same.

It will definitely leave its name in history. The newspaper has flourished, its reputation among the people is booming, and a large number of literati have gathered to create around the platforms of newspapers and theaters. The history books will definitely not forget the grand literary and artistic event that resulted!

While the two old men were eating boiled mutton and chatting about their past and present lives, in the main hall of the Forbidden City, Zhu Youjian and a group of important civil and military officials were busy holding a meeting for next year's work.

"The first priority next year is agriculture. This year's drought has caused a reduction in grain production. Our grain reserves have been used. We must ensure the harvest next year, otherwise food will become a big problem." At the beginning of the meeting, Zhu You

Inspector first brought the topic to agriculture. Agriculture is the foundation and fundamental, and everything must be done around food.

"Next year, Liaodong will be able to open one million acres of new farmland. With this million acres of new farmland, the food situation in Liaodong will be greatly improved, and it will even be able to support Guan Nei. I think the situation will be better than this year." Wu Hong said.

We are still confident about next year’s harvest. At least Liaodong will no longer be a drag from next year!

"It is a good thing to have one million acres of new farmland, but what I am most worried about is the impact of floods and droughts. Natural disasters are ruthless. If there are another major disaster next year, it will be a bit bad!"

"We can only do our best according to the changing weather! Fortunately, the area we can control is now larger, and the room for maneuver will be larger. It is no longer like the previous two years, where we only had one or two provinces, and the room for maneuver is too small."

"Well, what the Prime Minister said makes sense! There is a lot of room for maneuver, so we have to make good use of it! I think the current water conservancy construction needs to continue to be advanced. We are also affected by disasters. The degree of disasters in Beizhi District this year is lower, which shows that

Our efforts in the past few years have not been in vain. In the next two years, Yunzhong, Shandong and Liaodong will increase investment in water conservancy construction and build a basic water conservancy system as soon as possible. In this drought, steam pumps have played a very important role.

In two years, my idea is to deploy about 1,500 more steam pumps to the four provinces for drought relief and disaster preparedness."

"Fifteen hundred units? Your Majesty, Tiangong Bureau's current annual production capacity of steam engines is only close to a thousand. I'm afraid it's difficult to guarantee sufficient shipments!" Song Yingxing was also present at the meeting, and when he heard Zhu Youjian's loud mouth

Zhang couldn't help but feel anxious because of the order for over a thousand units.

"Starting next year, the uterine delivery system will participate in the manufacturing of steam engines. At present, the first generation of steam engine manufacturing has basically matured. It is time to build another steam machinery manufacturing plant for mass production."

"Your Majesty, I believe that there is still a lot of room for improvement in steam engines. It is not yet mature at present, and it is too hasty to build another large factory. Recently, several professors from the Agricultural University in Shandong have figured out a new steam engine and pump structure.

They sent the sample to the Tiangong Bureau. After reading it, the veteran felt that the improvements were very large and the performance was much better than the first generation. Therefore, the veteran suggested that the construction of a large factory should be slowed down a little. After the new machinery is perfected, it can be directly focused on

New machinery to build factories.”

"Hmm? What are the new steam engines and water pumps they developed? What major improvements have they made?"

"They found that they used a rotor blade directly at the bottom of the water pumping bucket, and then made the water inlet and outlet pipes smaller. After increasing the speed of the rotor blade, water can also be lifted. Such improvements will make the steam pump much easier to use!"

"Oh? This method is indeed easy to use, but the requirements for the speed of the blade shaft and the stability of the power output of the steam engine will be very high. It is difficult for the current steam engine to ensure stable output, right?" This improvement idea will be common to future generations.

Zhu Youjian understood the method of pumping equipment as soon as he heard it, but he felt that the current steam engine was a bit unable to withstand such high requirements.

"As His Majesty said, this method will have very high requirements on speed and stability. Fortunately, Wang Huashen and his colleagues thought of the direction of stabilizing the output power of the steam engine, and designed a clever spring-linked mechanism for adjusting the steam valve, Lao Chen

We are working with the master craftsmen of the Tiangong Bureau to perfect this machine. As long as this machine is perfected, the stability of the steam engine will be greatly improved." When Song Yingxing spoke, his eyes were shining. When you meet a knowledgeable boss, you can do business.

It's really much more convenient. Our emperor is really a knowledgeable person, and he can get things to the point as soon as he opens his mouth.

Could it be that the centrifugal speed regulator was invented? If the professor named Wang Huashen mentioned by Song Yingxing invented this thing, the steam engine would have taken the most important step towards maturity.

"Well, after the meeting, I will go to the Tiangong Bureau to take a look. If there is really a direction for major improvements, the construction of a large factory can be postponed a little. The professor named Wang Huashen from the Agricultural University is quite a talent!

The purpose is for him to come to Beijing quickly and assist the Tiangong Bureau in improving steam engines. If this improvement is successful, it will be regarded as a major meritorious contribution, and he will be promoted to a full fourth-grade professor, and at the same time, he will be promoted to a full fourth-grade vice president of the Agricultural University! Okay!

Okay, let’s not talk about this matter for now. Let’s discuss next year’s military arrangements first.”

Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already entered the ninth year after time travel. The foundations have been laid almost. No matter what, we will have to organize some major military operations in the customs next year! Otherwise, it will continue to be delayed like this.

I am already old.

Since last year, the army has undergone a new round of expansion. The security brigade and main battle troops total about 350,000. Liaodong and Yunzhong have a combined 150,000 troops, and the navy and other places have 50,000 troops stationed there.

Sixty thousand, which means that no matter what happens next year, there will be 150,000 troops that can be put into the battlefield. It will definitely be enough to regain the Central Plains and Shanxi provinces!

"The Central Plains and Shanxi must be liberated by the end of next year. If possible, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces should also be included in next year's plan. The Military Command will use this as a goal to formulate next year's operational outline. My opinion is that it is best to divide the troops into two.

Road, attack simultaneously from the directions of Datong and the Central Plains in order to quickly resolve the separatist forces in Shanxi and the Central Plains, thereby laying the foundation for the recovery of the country. In the next three years, a large-scale march and a large-scale military expansion will be the main tone. In addition to military preparations, relevant preparations must be made

In addition, logistics, military academies, and administrative departments must also be fully prepared."

To regain the country, the size of the army must be at least doubled. The main battle troops must be at least 300,000, and the security brigades and other ancillary troops must also be 300,000 to 400,000. Fortunately, the conditions for army expansion are now in place.

, it is not difficult to select qualified grassroots officers from the existing army. It is not like a bunch of illiterate soldiers in the past. The production capacity of ordnance production can also keep up. The conditions are basically mature!

This chapter has been completed!
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