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Chapter 592 The source of chaos in Ming Dynasty still exists!

"The Second Front Army successfully captured Ningwuguan. Now the troops are divided into two groups. They are pursuing Jiang Yu's troops and marching towards the northwest of Shanxi Province. The main force is attacking Taiyuan Prefecture. Now the forward troops have pushed into the vicinity of Taiyuan City. The Third Front Army has also made progress. The main force

After passing Niangzi Pass, we are now rushing towards Taiyuan City, preparing to join forces with the Second Front Army. The First Army, which is responsible for the Central Plains battlefield, has already broken through Kaifeng City and is approaching Zhengzhou. Their progress along the way is the fastest. Now, as long as Zhengzhou is conquered

, Taiyuan is restored, our three-pronged army can realize the idea of ​​joining the Central Plains, and the first phase of the Western Expedition is expected to end within two months." At the imperial meeting, Huang Degong excitedly reported the war to Zhu Youjian and other important ministers.


Although there were some minor twists and turns in the process, the overall rhythm was still planned. As the specific planner of the war, Huang Degong was certainly a little excited!

"Jiang Quan fled to northwestern Shanxi, and is very likely to flee to northern Shaanxi. The pursuing troops should pay attention to it, and it is best to stop him in Shanxi. Intelligence shows that Wu Sangui of Taiyuan is already preparing to flee south, Ma Youliang

The pace with Ren Shuangyou should be a little faster. Lost dogs like Wu Sangui and Jiang Yu may not be good at fighting, but they are very capable of running away. It will always be a pity not to completely annihilate them."

"The military command hall will issue a marching order to convey His Majesty's instructions to the frontline generals, asking them to do their best."

"The military order adds that my instructions may not be suitable for the front line. The decisions of former enemy commanders and fighters must be based on the actual situation on the battlefield. In the first stage of the Western Expedition, the overall goal is to regain the land. This premise cannot be changed. It is impossible to pursue it.

Shang Jiang Yu and Wu Sangui, don't worry about them. Although the world is big, it is not that big. They can run away for a while, but can they run for a lifetime? If they have the ability, they will run outside the Ming Dynasty. I

I still don’t believe it, there is no chance to catch up with them.”

Wu Sangui and Jiang Quan were the ones who had been stabbed, and Zhu Youjian would naturally not give them a chance to change their ways. However, the overall situation should still be given priority, and the entire strategic direction should not be affected because of these two scourges. Guangfu

Shanxi and the Central Plains are much more important than their lives.

"Judging from the current progress of the war, our understanding of the restoration of the world is biased. I originally thought that the resistance and enemies to the restoration of the world are the obvious enemies who are thieves based in the territory, but in reality, the obvious enemies are not

Not a real opponent. The real opponent is the paralysis and hidden dangers accumulated by the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years! If I remember correctly, Northern Shaanxi and Taihang Mountain are the two major sources of the chaos for more than 20 years. This time, Ren Shuangyou and the others will go through it.

Judging from the situation in the mountainous areas, the source of the chaos is still there! In fact, the front army also encountered some situations when passing through the Jiaxiang area, which is a big problem."

Cao Ruohai's front army was also taught a lesson by local civilian armed forces in the Jiaxiang area. Various attacks from holes in the ground killed eight or nine hundred soldiers. And this place has been the most popular place in Shandong for a long time.

Unstable places. A glimpse of one spot tells the whole story. Judging from these twists and turns, the source of chaos in the Ming Dynasty has not improved. The unstable places before are still not much better now.

On the surface, these difficulties are due to the weak foundation of governance in the mountainous areas and the lack of awareness among the mountain people. But what is the real core? The real core is the marginalized people of the Ming Dynasty, who are extremely disappointed with the imperial court. They resisted in the past

The imperial court still distrusts the imperial court. The mountain people are not just fighting against the imperial court representatives themselves, but the entire marginalized group that has been ignored for a long time. In their view, the Ming Dynasty is not their imperial court at all!

In the Ming Dynasty, marginalized groups do not only exist in mountainous areas, but in terms of geographical space, people in mountainous areas are where marginalized groups are most concentrated. In other places, marginalized groups do not have large-scale physical space to gather, so their

Resistance is difficult to see and easy to detect and solve! However, in mountainous areas, this problem is concentrated.

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"The cabinet needs to formulate a systematic governance and improvement strategy for the chaos in mountainous areas and special geographical areas. The fundamental purpose of Ming Zhong's resurgence is not to restore the world, but to eliminate the source of chaos. If the source of chaos is not eliminated,

The Ming Dynasty's resurgence was just a flash in the pan, not a complete one. This strategy requires treating both the symptoms and root causes, combining the long and short term, and using both suppression and appeasement. Specifically, the first step is to clear out the bandits in the mountainous areas through military operations, and to deeply penetrate the governance of the mountainous areas.

It is necessary to greatly improve the transportation and living conditions in mountainous areas, and some of these can be achieved in the short term, some can be improved in five or ten years, and some require twenty to thirty years, even fifty or even a hundred years.

Fundamental improvements can only be made in years! Our policies must have plans within five years and long-term plans for continuous advancement. The Ming Dynasty did not abandon its people, and there should not be any."

At this time, Zhu Youjian actually had the idea and impulse to profoundly change the social environment of the Ming Dynasty. Maybe he would not be able to achieve it in this life, but he still wants to try to do it. At least in his lifetime, he will spare no effort and continue to do so.

to advance this matter.

The imperial meeting was originally supposed to discuss military operations, but as it went on, the emperor got sidetracked, and the main focus was transferred to administrative governance. The biggest result of this meeting was the establishment of a cabinet-led

Mountain and Border Residents Administration.

The main job of the Mountainside Management Agency is to plan and formulate policies to improve the living conditions of people in mountainous and marginal areas, and is responsible for supervising the implementation and implementation of local governments. Currently, their main job is to plan how much repairs the court will do in mountainous areas within five years.

Roads, how much financial resources should be allocated to support mountainous areas, the improvement of living conditions of border residents, and how to strengthen the presence and coverage of administrative agencies in mountainous areas.

Today, the Ming Dynasty's financial situation is not very comfortable. Even if the profits from the uterine delivery system are included, the annual income is only 50 to 60 million silver dollars. This money must be used to support the army and officials.

The popularization of education also had to be used to build a series of urgent projects. Calculated, it was very tight, and it was even difficult to make ends meet. As a result, the emperor had to squeeze out a part from the inside out specifically for mountainside management. Although the ministers who attended the meeting did not say so

What, but I feel in my heart that this step is a bit too big and too whimsical!

Is it a big step forward? Not necessarily! The finances will never be rich enough to be used! The realistic way is to tilt the income to where and where to spend money. Like Comrade Lao Zhu

Our fiscal policy is to put our own family first, let our children and grandchildren have enough to eat first, and then save other places where we can, and use cost-free solutions if we can solve them without spending money.

This chapter has been completed!
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