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Chapter 54 Doing one less of these seven items will cut off your dog's head!

"Wang, Supervisor, took fifty thousand taels of silver from the inner treasury, and sent fifteen thousand to the capital camp guarding the city as a reward for this city defense battle. Another fifteen thousand was sent to the king's army camp outside the city to reward them.

After several days of heroic fighting, the remaining silver was distributed to the new army, and Liu Yuanbin was asked to divide the reward according to the heads of thieves captured and captured today. Remember to instruct him to divide the reward according to the team group, not according to the individual.

It must be fair, and a detailed form must be made and kept, and I will arrange for someone to supervise it." Chongzhen arranged for Wang Zhixin, the Royal Horse Supervisor, to quickly distribute silver rewards to the victorious army, while thinking about what to do next.

Regarding the distribution of silver rewards, other ministries should not make irresponsible remarks and dislike the uneven distribution. The Ming Dynasty has regulations on combat rewards. For example, the head of the Qing army is fifty taels. This time the New Army sent

There were nearly 500 heads, plus the 20,000 silver reward given to the prisoners, it was really not too much. The other camp leaders had nothing to gain, and even if they wanted to make trouble, there was no reason.

After talking about the silver reward, Chongzhen thought about the issue of prisoner disposal again. The hundreds of prisoners sent by the new army must be put to good use. "Mr. Cheng Guo, please arrange for people from the Beijing camp to carry out the brave defense this time."

The bandits who captured the prisoners took over and took some of them to the city wall and beheaded them to show off the power of the army, while the rest were taken to the streets of the capital and paraded in public, so that the people in the city could see the results of the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers."

"Your Majesty, do you want to keep some of the captives to sacrifice in the Imperial Ancestral Temple to comfort the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty?" Zhou Yanru was also the Minister of Rites, so he put forward his own opinions on the handling of the captives.

"Forget it this time, just a few captives are going to the Ancestral Temple to sacrifice. I am afraid that Taizu will blame my unworthy descendants for losing their face."

The total total was less than 500 Qing troops, many of whom were undercover traitors, and the real Manchus were less than 200. With these few people, they could go to the Ancestral Temple to sacrifice prisoners. If Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di drove out the Tatars,

The fierce man who conquered and restored China really has a spirit in heaven, and I really can't bear to see it.

After making these arrangements, Zhu Youjian had no time to rest. He had more important things to do. Liu Yuanbin sent five to six hundred wounded soldiers into the city. These people must be treated properly. At the same time, there were more than two hundred officers and soldiers killed in the battle.

Hurry up and decide on burial specifications and pension standards.

The Xiyuan military camp was chosen as the place to treat wounded soldiers. When we rushed there, we could only hear the wailing inside, which was very miserable.

"Your Majesty, the people from the Imperial Hospital are already in the camp for treatment. It's so dirty and messy that it scares the dragon body. It's better for Your Majesty not to go in." Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch in charge of the daily management of the military camp in Xiyuan, was outside the sick and injured camp.

He stopped the emperor who was about to walk in to learn about the treatment of wounded soldiers. The scene inside was very bloody, and Fang Zhenghua felt that it was better for the emperor not to see this scene.

"Go away! I must see with my own eyes the warriors who were injured in the battle for my great strength. Anyone who blocks his path will be killed on the spot." After scolding Fang Zhenghua in a very bad tone, Zhu Youjian led the guards and barged in.

Wounded Barracks.

What I saw when I got inside was really infuriating. The wounded were all placed in one place regardless of their severity. The hospital only sent a few doctors to briefly treat the wounds.

The treatment methods were also chaotic. The better ones included splinting and bandaging. Some soldiers' wounds were still exposed. The clothes they wore were all the clothes they wore on the battlefield, and no one organized to change them.

The soldiers kept groaning in pain. When they saw the emperor coming in, they stood up and shouted long live and saluted him.

"Mr. Magistrate of Taiyuan Hospital, where are they?" After gesturing to the soldiers to refrain from courtesy, Zhu Youjian searched for the Magistrate of Taiyuan Hospital with his eyes. After searching for a long time, he did not see the Magistrate and Judge of Taiyuan Hospital that he knew, and this

Among the several doctors, I didn't see anyone who looked like an official, so I had to ask, and I had to find my head first!

"Your Majesty, envoy Wen Yuan is not in the hall today. He has gone to see Zhou Guozhang for medical treatment." Fang Zheng saw that the emperor was looking for the envoy from the Taiyuan Hospital and quickly explained the situation.

"The hospital envoy didn't come? Where are the left and right wings of the hospital? I didn't see them at all?"

"Your Majesty, the two judges from the Imperial Hospital had patients to see today, but they didn't come either!"

"Okay, very good! The soldiers on the front line are fighting hard and bleeding! The gentlemen in the capital are too busy! Come, go find Wang Daban and ask him to bring my Emperor's Sword over, and command Luo Yangxing, commander of the Jin Yiwei, to personally

Bring your sword to invite all the imperial doctors who have important matters. Those who did not arrive at the sick camp before dark today will be beheaded and abandoned."

No wonder he couldn't tell that he was an official from Taiyuan Hospital! Chongzhen thought that they lived a simple life, had a simple style, and were passionate about medical skills and integrated with the masses! There was no serious person in charge at the time, and he only sent a few miscellaneous doctors.

Come and take care of things.

The capital has reached such a tense moment, but I didn’t expect this bunch of idiots to be so ignorant! They have no concept of wartime at all, and they don’t take fighting on the front line and soldiers fighting to the death seriously.

"Fang Zhenghua, take note of my instructions and send someone to do it immediately. If you do anything less, I'll chop your head off. First, transfer three hundred servants from the palace to the wounded soldiers camp to take care of the daily care and diet of the wounded soldiers. Second,

Thousands of pieces of new clothes and yarn were transferred from departments such as the Shangyi Supervisor and the Internal Weaving and Dyeing Bureau. Soldiers entering the wounded barracks from now on will be given new clothes and wrapped with uncolored gauze. The gauze must be boiled in boiling water before use.

Then they can be used after being exposed to the sun. Third, the wounded soldiers in the current camp are divided into three wards: light, severe and severe. The three wards should be cared for separately and cannot be mixed. The treatment wards should be adjusted at any time according to changes in condition.

Fourth, immediately arrange for people to send some of the salt, white wine, and quicklime in the palace treasury to the Long Live Mountain. I will go there and watch the people make new wine and new salt. From now on, I will use the new wine to clean the wounds three times a day. If there is no

For new wine, use salt water that has been boiled and left to cool down. Do not use raw water to wash wounds. Five, arrange for people to collect a large number of poplar and willow roots and branches in Beijing. Remember to ask for fresh ones and send them all to Long Live Mountain! Six, all injured soldiers’ diet

It doesn't have to be hot, and you can't eat cold food! Seventh, arrange for people to spread lime every day in the wounded barracks to disinfect and eliminate evil! Don't let random people enter the wounded barracks! Have you written down these seven items?"

"Go back to your Majesty and remember it!"

"Just take care of it as soon as you write it down. I will keep an eye on you at any time. If you don't do anything, I won't cut off your dog's head!"

I don't know why, but after today's battle, Zhu Youjian felt that his temper had become much louder, and he wanted to chop off people's heads at every turn.

After coming out of the wounded barracks, he immediately rushed to the Craftsman Research Institute in Long Live Mountain. Due to negligence, he didn't get out the alcohol before. Now when he wanted to use it, he could only catch the horse! Fortunately, the tools used to make this thing

It's not complicated. Just put quicklime into the liquor to absorb the water, and then find a sealed container with a tube for distillation. The steam will be condensed to obtain usable alcohol.

In addition to producing alcohol, he also wanted to squeeze some poplar sap and willow sap and use it as salicylic acid, which can barely be regarded as an anti-inflammatory antibiotic.

This chapter has been completed!
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