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Chapter 616 Those who should be stretched have resisted, and those who should not have stretched have become sinkholes!

"Did Jiang Gan, the traitor, eat pig iron? The fighting in Yan'an City was so hard, our artillery bombardment lasted for three days, but he still held on!" Ma Youliang angrily yelled outside Yan'an City!

After crossing the river from Yanshuiguan, the army quickly arrived at Yan'an City! Facing Jiang Gan, a frequent running general, Ma Youliang thought that the city would be broken quickly. However, something strange happened this time. When Jiang Gan arrived in Yan'an City, he seemed to have changed.

Like a single person, he withstood May Youliang's fierce attack!

After three consecutive days of bombardment, Mayu Liang found that the inexhaustible bombardment of the city had lost its effect. He seemed a little helpless.

The fortifications of Yan'an city are quite strong, and heavy turrets are specially built, which will not be able to be broken open by artillery fire for a while. More importantly, due to logistics and transportation problems, there is no continuous supply of artillery shells, and the fire suppression can only be intermittently.

The method continues to output.

The main reason why the army was blocked in Yan'an City was to affect the entire battle situation. It was marching towards Pingliang. The big city of Yan'an could not be bypassed. The army bypassed Yan'an Prefecture and continued to advance westward. If such a large enemy army was left on the back road, it would be easy to be defeated.

People were inserted diagonally to cut off the Yanshui Pass and Yanchuan river crossing channels. In addition, Yanchuan and Yanshuiguan are basically mountainous areas. Logistics materials are crowded here, making transportation troublesome. Logistics materials must be concentrated around Yan'an Fucheng.

After that, the army can march westward without any worries.

"Let Commander Lu send two brigades to occupy Ganquan County first!" After staring at Yan'an City for a long time, Mayou Liang made a helpless tactical arrangement. First occupy Ganquan County to the southwest of Yan'an City, and then

It depends.

If we can't capture the city of Yan'an, we can't continue to advance westward even if we capture the main force in Ganquan County. This is just a way of using troops to express our stance! We can't capture Yan'an City in a short time. Mayu doubts whether he can successfully rescue Pingliang.

Sun Shoufa, who is in the city, lacks confidence. Calculating the time, it has been nearly a month since Sun Shoufa anyway, and the Shaanxi army has begun to besiege the city no matter what. If this pace continues, it will be too late to rush to Pingliang City! It is better to start planning.

What’s the next step?

Taking Ganquan County, Ma Youliang's plan was to kill two birds with one stone. If there was still time to rescue Sun Shoufa, he would move west along Ganquan County. If not, he would use Ganquan County as the front line of defense to block the large Shaanxi army from coming to aid Yan'an Prefecture.

Then use the main force to recover Yan'an, Suide, Yulin and other places first.

After recovering these cities, the army can either march westward to capture Qingyang and Pingliang, or go south directly into Guanzhong.

At this time, Sun Shoufa and others, who had been holding on to the city for nearly twenty days and engaged in difficult city and street battles with tens of thousands of Shaanxi troops, did not know that the commander of the main reinforcements they were waiting for had no confidence in the successful rescue.

"Brigade commander, there are still more than thirty miles to go before we reach the base camp of the Shaanxi bandit siege under Pingliang City. Our vanguard troops have already made contact with the enemy's blocking troops on the periphery. Next, how do we formulate a battle plan?" Bypassing the city

The cavalry brigade that penetrated directly into Pingliang Prefecture completed its combat mission and successfully arrived near Pingliang City. Wang Yongcheng, the brigade staff officer, asked the brigade commander Zhang Tielang about the main idea of ​​​​the next battle.

"Is there any news about the main force now?"

"There is no news. Our reconnaissance cavalry is more than two hundred miles behind us and we still cannot contact the main force. It is estimated that it will take at least six or seven days before they appear near us."

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【Emperor Chongzhen to Survive in Desperate Situation】 【】

"I can't wait! Pingliang City has been besieged for nearly twenty days. According to the confessions of the captured enemy soldiers, they entered the city ten days ago. Now the people in the city are fighting to the death with blood and courage. They must be insisting on

It won't take a few days. In this case, order the whole brigade to assemble, and we will march into Pingliang City to join forces with General Sun and others. Only in this way can Pingliang City be defended until the main force comes to join forces."

"Enter Pingliang City? I will order the investigators to determine the enemy's situation and formulate an advance plan!"

The Shaanxi Army coaches Zuo Xiang and Zheng Jiadong had already learned about the news that Zhang Tielang and the others had appeared near Pingliang City, and they were extremely nervous. They quickly withdrew nearly 10,000 troops from the city and arranged an interception.

"There are about 20,000 enemy troops blocking the outside of the city. It is not easy to break into the city. The opinion of the brigade commander and the staff team is to use a regiment of troops to storm the enemy's main camp in order to disrupt the enemy.

The army's blockade arrangement is made, and then the main force waits for an opportunity to rush into the city from the chaotic weak point!"

After listening to the combat layout introduced by Wang Yongcheng, Zhang Tielang's first reaction was that it was too crude. It was a bit too whimsical to think of using 800 men to rush into chaos and mobilize 20,000 to 30,000 enemy troops. But it seemed that other than this crude method, there was no other way.

Other good options are available!

"Let's use this plan. Tomorrow morning, one regiment will be responsible for storming the enemy's tent. Remember not to spare any firepower and only focus on the enemy's flag. After the main force launches a surprise attack, you can then converge in the direction of the main force's attack.

Enter the city!"

Early the next morning, the regiment responsible for assaulting the main camp of the Shaanxi Army took the lead in taking action! More than 800 people entered the enemy's formation regardless of the situation.

Gunshots were everywhere, artillery roared, and Sun Shoufa and others in the city heard the movement outside the city. They were fighting hard, and suddenly they felt energetic and morale boosted, and they began to attack suddenly outside.

The Qin soldiers who were still rushing into the street fighting were affected by their morale and began to shrink away.

"The main reinforcements from the imperial court have arrived. Let's rush out of the city and catch all the thieves!" Sun Shoufa shouted, and led a charge into the enemy's formation on a white horse.

There were only a thousand or so soldiers left in the city. When they saw their general entering the enemy's formation, they followed him regardless and shouted to kill him.

"Retreat, retreat quickly! If you stay in the city, you will be killed by the imperial army." Someone in the Shaanxi army in the city panicked and started shouting.

This random shouting was deadly. The Shaanxi army suddenly became confused and ran out of the city one after another!

"Block it, let me block this enemy force." Zuo Xiang was directing his men and horses to block the imperial army that was attacking the camp. When he turned around, he found that the soldiers and horses in the city were noisily withdrawing out of the city.

What's going on? Why were the soldiers and horses in the city in chaos first? Just when Zuo Xiang hadn't figured out the situation yet! Zhang Tielang, who had been observing the situation and waiting for an opportunity to rush into the city, discovered a fighter opportunity.

"The First Clan"

In this situation, it seems that rushing into the city is not the best option?

"Change the battle plan and launch an attack on the enemy's main camp with the whole army. Break into companies and platoons in separate units, and be sure to disrupt the enemy's main formation." With an order, the remaining troops of the cavalry brigade dispersed into several small groups.

The team went straight to the main camp where Zuo Xiang and Zheng Jiadong were and killed them.

After beating the old master to death with random punches, Zuo Xiang's main camp was suddenly thrown into chaos. At this moment, a shuttle of bullets hit a guard next to Zuo Xiang, and the guard's blood spattered Zuo Xiang's face.


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【Emperor Chongzhen to Survive in Desperate Situation】 【】

"Retreat!" Zuo Xiang, whose face was spattered with blood, shouted, and then he rode his horse and ran out of the formation regardless. As soon as Zuo Xiang ran, his soldiers began to follow. It was already in chaos.

The main operation was completely out of control and fell into a pile of sand!

Zheng Jiadong, who was still commanding his soldiers to think of ways to intercept and reorganize the military formation, turned around and saw that his face turned green! This Zuo Xiang is really a deceitful person. If he takes the lead and runs away, how can the military formation be reorganized? Forget it, soldiers.

They're all gone, so you might as well run away.

Because of Zuo Xiang's escape, the 40,000 Shaanxi troops who besieged Pingliang City were defeated by more than 3,000 people, and the entire army collapsed. After running to Lingtai County, Zuo Xiang and Zheng Jiadong counted and found that only more than 10,000 people had escaped!


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