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Chapter 56 Post-war Summary of the New Army

After the imperial meeting, Chongzhen ordered the new army to enter the city to rest.

"Send a message to Brigadier Liu. After the new army enters the city, it will immediately organize all officers above the platoon level to conduct post-war summaries and discussions, and report the gains and losses of the battle out of the city in a written form. I will go to the camp to communicate with the front line in the next few days.

The officers jointly discussed the gains and losses of the new army's first battle."

Pre-war mobilization and post-war summary are one of the key factors in the rapid growth of the people's army in later generations. This good experience must be learned and used.

By summarizing after the battle and identifying strengths and weaknesses, the team will make more purposeful progress, and gain and grow with every battle.

The soldiers of the first brigade thought they could relax a bit after returning to the city after such a huge victory. However, they did not expect that as soon as they returned to the city, the emperor ordered the entire brigade to conduct post-war discussions and summaries. The battle was all over.

After the battle, how should we summarize it? Is the emperor not satisfied with the result of this battle? This requirement is too high!

When Liu Yuanbin returned to the military camp and had no time to rest, he gathered nearly two hundred officers of the entire brigade, large and small, for a meeting to discuss the gains and losses of the war.

Liu Yuanbin sat at the top, and after everyone sat down, he said: "Everyone, Your Majesty wants us to formulate a summary of the gains and losses of this war. I don't have a definite idea yet. Let's discuss how to write this summary?


"Sir, we have all won such a big victory. It's not easy to write a summary, so why not just write down the results?" Cao Ruohai expressed his opinion carelessly.

"Captain Cao, what's the difference between this and the previous battle report? The saint asked us to summarize the gains and losses of this battle. It's definitely not possible to just write down the results. Let's not discuss it haphazardly.

As a regiment unit, we should first consider the gains and losses of each battle, and then speak in turn. No one can hide." Liu Yuanbin saw that everyone attending the meeting was confused and had no clear ideas, so he simply decided to turn this thing into a task.

If you have a share, no one can hide!

Zhu Youjian, who was busy running around, still took time to read carefully the post-war summary document submitted by Liu Wenbin and others overnight. What these guys wrote was a bit broad and abstract, which was not satisfactory. It was just a rough summary.

After the battle, I briefly said a few things that I did not do well.

It seemed that they still didn't know what to summarize in the post-war summary, so Zhu Youjian had to pick up a brush and write a summary outline for them personally, and then asked the generals of the New Army to fill it in.

Zhu Youjian's post-war summary outline mainly put forward requirements from several aspects: whether the battle formation and coordination were reasonable, the characteristics of the Qing army's tactics, the actual use effects of firearms, cold weapons and armor, as well as battlefield command and connection. Let them

Compare these aspects and summarize them in detail based on your own experience of this war.

After rejecting the rewrite, the second summary sent by Liu Yuanbin and others was barely satisfactory, and they were finally able to start analyzing the war in a truly insightful manner.

"The main reason why I came here today is to work with you to implement the post-war summary. The reason why I attach so much importance to the post-war summary is that the most important thing is to let everyone learn war in the war and not waste any opportunities for growth. Fighting

To win a battle, you need to know how to win it, and to win a battle you need to know how to lose it. If you fight a battle in a daze, it will be like the wars of the Ming Dynasty in recent years. The more you fight, the more you fight, the soldiers do not grow, the situation becomes more and more corrupt, and the war

Post-war summaries will be a regular lesson for the New Army generals, who must summarize every battle." After receiving the new post-war summaries, Zhu Youjian quickly arranged for the New Army officers to gather together all the officers at the platoon level and above and give them a formal formal ceremony in person.

summary meeting.

After taking a breath, Zhu Youjian began a formal summary speech: "Based on the report you submitted, I will briefly summarize the gains and losses of the New Army's battle. This battle proved that the triangle formation that the New Army has been practicing is

It is adapted to the battlefield and can bring into play the characteristics of our current army. It proves that the effect of constantly strengthening running and physical training is quite obvious, otherwise you would not have been chasing the Qing army for many miles. It proves that grenades can play a role in fighting the enemy.

It has a relatively good enemy-killing effect, especially in breaking the formation and charge of the Qing army's white-armored soldiers. It proves that the Qing army's combat power is not as high as imagined, and they still have certain skills in specific tactics and on-the-spot command.

We have huge shortcomings and deficiencies, but as long as we act properly and with the same force, we can completely defeat and annihilate the enemy. The overall performance of the New Army in this battle against the captives was excellent, and it lived up to the expectations of me and the people of the world.


After hearing these affirmative words from the emperor, the generals present applauded excitedly. After the applause stopped, Zhu Youjian continued: "Of course, this war also exposed some problems. There were more than eight casualties.

Hundreds, the casualty ratio is a bit unacceptable. In terms of combat command, the battlefield reactions and judgments of officers at all levels are not qualified, especially senior officers. The responses of the brigade headquarters and the three regiment headquarters are seriously lagging behind. This shows that the response of our senior officers

The professional ability is not solid, and it is too affected by the original combat thinking of the old army, and it will not adapt to it for a while. For example, the first regiment has obviously intercepted and entangled the enemy. Why didn't the second and third regiments cover the two wings?

Instead, they rushed into the formation in a straight line! What are the cavalry and artillery at the brigade doing? At this time, they should take advantage of the chaos to disperse the enemy formation and provide the infantry with an opportunity to annihilate the enemy on a large scale. In terms of weapon configuration, currently

The muskets still cannot provide stable fire support. The Qing army's bows and arrows are more efficient than our muskets. The current new armor is still somewhat deficient in preventing arrows and thrusts. Many of the wounded soldiers this time

Most of them are arrow wounds and stab wounds!"

If we go into details, this war exposed far more problems than what has been mentioned. However, some problems cannot be solved for a while, so Zhu Youjian did not talk about it. In his opinion, the current New Army

There are three main problems. The commanding officers have conservative thinking and are not satisfactory leaders. The front-line officers are too immature and have a serious lack of battlefield experience. The weapons and equipment are also unsatisfactory.

Not to mention one matchlock gun for four people. The key problem is that the rate of fire of this thing is too worrying. On the actual battlefield, it can only fire one shot at most! The archers of the Qing Dynasty can at least shoot from charging to receiving.

Shoot four or five arrows. In this comparison, the gap is quite big!

Liu Yuanbin sat upright at the front of the summary meeting. It sounded interesting at first, but then he couldn't stop sweating. The emperor said that the reaction of senior officers was seriously unqualified, and they were influenced by the old army in their command thinking.

His combat thinking has a great influence, isn’t this what he is talking about? In the New Army, platoon leaders are basically students from the General School, and even regiment leaders have almost all been teachers in the General School. Only he and a few people from the brigade headquarters

This officer was transferred from the old Yongwei camp. It seems that His Majesty is not very satisfied with officers like them who are not from the general school! If you have time in the future, you should go to the general school more to learn more and make progress.


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