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Chapter 618 Public Trial of Jiang Tuan in Yan'an

To go to university, one has to rely on the imperial court, and even ordinary civil servants look down upon them? Who got them used to this problem? Zhu Youjian felt a deep toothache at the thoughts of the important officials in the DPRK, represented by Wu Sheng.

"Hey, Your Majesty, what is the general plan for the placement of retired soldiers in the future?" Since the employment of college students was involved, Wu Sheng immediately raised the issue of how to solve the problem of retired soldiers' placement.

As soon as Wu Sheng's words came out, the ears of Huang Degong and other important military officials next to him immediately perked up. This matter related to the vital interests of the soldiers, so they naturally wanted to take it seriously.

"This matter is easy to handle. Among retired soldiers with military ranks, they will naturally be appointed according to their merits. Those without military ranks will be assigned duties according to their merits. For ordinary soldiers without titles and merits, the imperial government and the private industrial and commercial system will recruit workers on a two-way voluntary basis.

The rest returned to their hometowns to make a living on their own. After the world was pacified, the dangers faced by the soldiers were not the same as they are now. The treatment was lowered and the process was being sorted out. There was always a difference between those who could not risk their lives and those who had not.

What is the standard of remuneration? There is a principle in retirement placement. Soldiers who have made meritorious service should not be treated poorly."

The dedication of soldiers in times of war and peace is completely different. Those who have joined the army and fought in big battles in times of war must not be let down. As for those who join the army in times of peace and then retire safely, the court will naturally not be able to guarantee them.

Of course, if conditions permit, we should try our best to find ways out so that they do not serve as soldiers in vain. Zhu Youjian’s idea is that all soldiers currently on active duty and those who have joined the army in the past year or two have made no mistakes on the battlefield.

Yes, no matter what, you have to give someone a review for your military exploits. You will definitely have to arrange a job after you retire. Others should be dealt with flexibly based on the actual situation.

After hearing the emperor's thoughts about retired soldiers in the future, the military elders who attended the meeting had an idea in their minds. It seems that if any relatives in the family have the idea of ​​joining the army, they should be persuaded to do so earlier. It will be two years later.

, there are no big battles to fight, so where can you earn credit? At that time, joining the army was just a job for the court for five or six years, and finding a future would be much more difficult than it is now.

The officers participating in the meeting in the main hall are all at the senior level, and their direct descendants naturally don't have to compete for credit. But having said that, who doesn't have a large group of relatives, tribesmen and fellow villagers behind him? These people

But opportunities are needed.

It was not only the officers who had ideas, but the civil servants who attended the meeting also began to think about whether they should give some advice to their relatives after returning and mobilize more people to join the army to find a future. After all, being able to take care of the country's job is important to ordinary people.

It’s attractiveness is difficult to achieve with other outlets.

After talking about foresight for a while at the court meeting, an official brought the topic to the present. There was a matter that was not related to the overall situation, but urgently needed for the emperor to decide. When Ma Youliang and others stormed Yan'an City, Jiang Yu was captured alive.

This old thieves is also a good-for-nothing. He didn't even give himself a knife when the city was destroyed. He was a coward and became a prisoner. Faced with such a sensitive person who was on the blacklist, Ma Youliang and others naturally wanted to ask the capital for instructions on what to do.

What to do? Although the important officials in the capital had their own opinions on how to deal with Jiang Quan, the final decision on the matter had to be made by the emperor.

Regarding how to deal with Jiang Gu, the opinions of the courtiers were roughly divided into three categories. Some people thought that the guy should be taken to the capital and executed in a hurry outside the Meridian Gate. Others thought that asking Ma You to forgive them would kill him with a single shot in Yan'an City.

Just bring the head to the capital. There is no point in taking such a mortal man to the capital for a big fight. In addition to these two mainstream opinions, there are also a few people who have asked whether they can not kill him for the time being for the sake of united front? Is it better to keep him?

It is possible to win over some generals in northern Shaanxi anyway! Of course, the last opinion is not loud and can almost be ignored.

At present, most of the elders in Beijing seem to have a grudge against Jiang Yu and Wu Sangui. You can imagine how many people can speak to these two people.

How to deal with Jiang Yu was nothing for Zhu Youjian to consider. What he really had to consider was how to properly deal with his soldiers. In the battle of Yan'an City, two to three thousand soldiers who followed Jiang Yu were captured.

After all, there are two to three thousand people, so there must be a way to deal with them.

"The Procuratorate and Dali Temple sent a special team to Yan'an to conduct a public trial against Jiang Quan and those who followed him for treason. The principle of the public trial is that the first offender must be punished and publicly executed. The accomplices are mainly exiled. At the same time, the severity of the crime is severe, and all those who participate

Everyone must be judged for their crimes, not the numbers. The place of exile should be in Liaodong. The exiles must be centrally managed in the form of labor camps!" After everyone chatted for a while, Zhu Youjian said decisively.

the overall strategy.

The so-called culprits must be punished and public executions actually set the tone for the people in Dali Temple. Jiang Yu must die. If he doesn't die, Zhu Youjian, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, will go too far. As for the others, they will be given a lighter sentence.

It is most appropriate to go to Liaodong to engage in border construction. Whether they are officers or ordinary soldiers, they are all people who have stabbed Jiang Yu, and it will definitely not work without punishment. Even when they stabbed Jiang Yu, many of them could not help but were guilty.

It is sinful, and everyone must be responsible for their own choices.

After discussing how to deal with Jiang Quan and his rebels, the emperor and his ministers chatted for a while before leaving.

After the meeting, Zhu Youjian asked Chen Yan and the minister of Dali Temple to stay and explained to them the specific details of the public trial of Jiang Yu: "Censor, when Jiang Yu is tried, the scale must be large, and not only the Jiang thieves must be tried together.

The generals under his command must also have a certain number of ordinary followers, and at the same time, some anti-Japanese soldiers and surrendered soldiers from northern Shaanxi must be brought to the trial site so that they can observe the trial. The public trial of this case is to make it clear that Jiang Yu will die.

, and also awakened the generals and soldiers in northern Shaanxi. We must let them know that as soldiers of the imperial court, they eat the food of the imperial court and the people of the Ming Dynasty. To follow the traitors and commit treason without any brains is to do things that are not loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

Those who bear the consequences are responsible for the consequences. The generals are Ming Dynasty generals, and the soldiers are Ming Dynasty soldiers. If the generals and generals do not even have this principle, they must bear the responsibility!"

"I will obey the imperial edict and will make appropriate arrangements for the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Dali Temple to go to northern Shaanxi to handle the public trial according to His Majesty's wishes."

After glancing at Chen Yan and the Minister of Dali Temple, Zhu Youjian said again: "Well, the world is about to be settled, and the burden of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple is not light. Whether the people's hearts can be stabilized quickly, the role of the law cannot be underestimated.

.If the people have the law in their hearts and respect the law, they can act in an orderly manner and live a stable life. On the contrary, the people will be unstable and the government will have no authority! Therefore, the departments in charge of law must take active actions. The new areas will be formed within three years.

An effective legal atmosphere is the top priority. The professional development process of the personnel of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple must also be accelerated. At the same time, it is also urgent to rebuild the Ming Law according to the content of the New Deal, formulate a basically complete Ming New Law system and promote its application!

After returning, Chen Yushi took the lead, together with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, to establish a Ming Dynasty University of Political Science and Law and a preparatory committee for the revision of the new law. They arranged capable forces to prepare the University of Political Science and Law and draft university textbooks and new Ming Dynasty laws.

The Law of the Ming Dynasty will be basically formed this year, and then it will be submitted to the Advisory Council for discussion and deliberation. It will take two to three years to finalize the New Ming Dynasty Law and announce it to the world. From now on, the New Ming Law will be the basis for governing the country and bringing peace to the people!


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