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Chapter 624 Curve Immigration

Huang Chao was eating a pineapple in the newly built Da Yuanzhou Yamen. Su Shi said: I eat three hundred lychees a day and live a long life as a Lingnan native. This should not be just a complaint, it must be a true feeling. The South

The products are rich and abundant, which is difficult for northerners to imagine. In this season, eating seasonal fruits in the north is probably as difficult as going to heaven, right? But in Dazhan, there is no shortage of the best fruits in all seasons.

Others thought it was suffering when he came to be a senior official, but Huang Chao discovered that apart from being far away from home and the court, everything else was far better than expected. Not to mention suffering, his life could not be considered a blessing. Just like what he was eating

Sweet pineapple, how many of those poor people in the north have seen it? How pitiful! They have never eaten anything serious in their lives.

After happily eating a good pineapple and feeling sympathy for his northern colleagues, Huang Chao wiped his hands and mouth before starting to think about serious work.

People, you should enjoy less and worry more about business. Otherwise, if you keep your mouth shut and are transferred to other places in the future, you will suffer, right?

It’s been almost a year since he came to be a senior official, and Huang Chao wants to give his work a hundred points. Who among the whole government, working in new land development work, can think of himself like this, completing the work of self-sufficiency in food in the first year? Another one

Who in the second year wanted to lead the people on the road to wealth?

Judging from the current pace, within a few years, officials will be able to become one of the richest states in the world, and the kind of wealth that will make both the officials and the people rich.

"Have you heard back from the people who were arranged to recruit workers overseas? How far has this work progressed so far?" Huang Chao, who was officially working, called the director of the secretariat of the state government to ask about the progress of the work he was most concerned about.

"Zhoutai has recruited more than 5,000 people ashore. People who have gone overseas report that the operation is getting smoother and smoother. I believe that we can complete the recruitment tasks arranged by the state government as scheduled."

"For those who go overseas to recruit workers, where do they recruit the most people from?"

"The Fujian area has the largest number of people. Of the 5,000 people who came ashore, nearly 70% were recruited from Fujian."

"Fujian has a small land and a large population, so naturally there are many people making a living. But we still have to find ways to recruit more people from other places. Only in this way can we lay a good foundation for the long-term stability of the officials. Another one, setting up a school

, and the popularization of Mandarin must be followed closely. No matter where people come from, as long as they come, they are high-ranking officials. We must try our best to avoid gatherings of clans from the same hometown. Otherwise, just like Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi, conflicts between natives and guests occur frequently.

It will be difficult to cure it."

"The instructions from Zhoutai will be compiled into documents as soon as possible after I return home, and distributed to all levels of government offices for them to implement."

"Well! After that, let's inform Xingye Farm and ask them to report the progress to me every ten days. Xingye Farm is related to the prosperity of the whole state, and I am very concerned about it. Also, you can set a time and arrange for me to inspect Xingye as soon as possible.

Regarding farm construction matters, I want to conduct a comprehensive survey of Xingye Farm so that I can have a clear idea."

Da Yuan Xingye Farm is an official development organization established by Huang Chao in combination with An Min Farm and the method used by Zheng Zhilong when immigrating to Da Yuan. The main thing this organization does is to hire people from the mainland to Da Yuan and then cultivate Da Yuan.

land for sugar cane plantations.

The establishment of such an institution is, on the one hand, to facilitate immigration from the mainland, and at the same time, to increase the scale and quality of the sugarcane industry in Daguang as quickly as possible through large-scale plantations, thereby stimulating widespread participation of farmers across the state in this industry. On the other hand,

On the one hand, it is to make the state's finances richer through sugar cane plantations.

At present, the finances of the senior officials mainly rely on blood transfusions from the imperial court. It is urgent to get rid of this situation as soon as possible. Counting on agricultural taxes is definitely not possible. Even if the senior officials have a population of one million, the agricultural taxes collected will not be enough.

How much? Not to mention, the current number of senior officials is just over 100,000. It is impossible to achieve financial self-sufficiency by relying on agricultural taxes, the population size cannot be increased, and industry and commerce cannot be expanded. What should we do? Huang Chao thought for a long time.

That’s why I came up with the cunning idea of ​​setting up a government-run plantation.

For this matter, Huang Chao made a special report to the court, and in the end it was approved by Zhu Youjian after careful consideration. In response to this situation, a policy was even issued, and only some newly developed areas were eligible to receive the approval from the local government.

Approval document for running an industry in person. Except for special circumstances like senior officials, in principle, other places do not allow any direct operating business other than real estate leasing and buying and selling. To develop the local economy, the government can take the lead in attracting investment, but private property must be strictly guarded against.

The government is the government, don't do it like the later generations, who created a bunch of government-owned industries in a mess. In the end, you didn't make much money. Instead, you squeezed the living space of private assets and created a lot of burdens.

Most people who operate the market rely on the government life. In the Ming Dynasty, the state-owned capital was best to focus on the palace property system, and other things could be eliminated if possible. For special government-owned industries, the right to approve had to be controlled by the emperor and the court.

, other levels of government can honestly make money from taxes and commercial land.

Huang Chao knows that he can make a lot of money by setting up sugar cane plantations and the supporting sugar industry. This year, his idea is to recruit 30,000 to 40,000 professional farmers and open 700,000 to 800,000 acres of fields dedicated to growing sugar cane. According to one acre of real estate

At seven taels of silver dollars, the output value of Xingye Farm will reach about five million taels in one or two years. Excluding labor and other costs, it will not be a problem for the net profit to exceed one million taels of silver dollars in a year. With this income, plus

Regarding other taxes, it is not easy for senior officials to get rid of their dependence on imperial blood transfusions.

Directly asking people to come and immigrate. Many people have many concerns. They traveled across the ocean to work in Dajian, but they attracted people. The monthly salary is two or three taels, which people in Fujian would think of it. This kind of salary, even if

It's very competitive in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas.

As for how difficult it is to keep people after they come? You are proletarians in your hometown. If you stay in DaYuan, you have land and property and there are ways to make money. As long as you can come and work in DaYuan, the rest will fall into place.

Through this method, it is quite certain that about 20,000 serious immigrants will be converted in a year. After ten years of accumulation, it is conceivable that the number of Han people in large numbers will be close to or reach 500,000.

Back then, Zheng Zhilong managed to bring a population of 30,000 to 40,000 people to Dayuan Island with just a few taels of silver. Now that he is earning dozens of taels of silver a year, it's hard to attract people!

If the Curve Immigration is properly utilized, a prosperous high-ranking official will not be far away. Huang Chao's idea is to lay a solid foundation and build a platform for the sustainable development of high-ranking officials during his term, so that his tenure as chief official will not be in vain.

Whether it is one's own future or one's official reputation, it can have a long-lasting impact.

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