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Chapter 626 Stock and futures trading center?

One person was trying to figure out the shortcomings of others. Wang Keli, who couldn't figure out the direction, thought of holding a meeting to see if other people in the house could come up with good ideas.

The chief officials of the important departments under the jurisdiction of the Tianjin government were summoned to discuss how to make Tianjin Port more attractive.

The people attending the meeting talked a lot and said a lot, but not much was really useful. However, the meeting was not in vain. At least from what the people below said, Wang Keli understood Tianjin’s advantages more clearly.

Where is it? Although Tianjin Port is a port open to foreign trade, because it is a frozen port, the conditions are not advantageous. But one thing is that among the entire Beijing-Tianjin industrial area, this is the nearest outlet to the sea. This advantage is irreplaceable.


The industrial advantages of the Beijing-Tianjin Industrial Zone cannot be replaced by other regions. No matter how fast Songjiang Prefecture develops, the production capacity of some industries will exceed that of Beijing and Tianjin, but its industrial heritage will never catch up with Beijing and Tianjin. For example, the upgrading of industrial products, and

The frequency of new products appearing in the Beijing-Tianjin area is one era faster than that in Songjiang. Therefore, even if the journey is far, maritime merchants still inevitably have to come to Tianjin Port to purchase goods, and some goods are only available in Tianjin Port.

Chasing the new, fast product iteration, and high maturity are the advantages of Tianjin Port, and we must make a fuss around these advantages. How about the expanded port area, which specially organizes major manufacturers in Tianjin and Beijing to display new products in the Tianjin port area every year?

You can even consider providing free new product display areas to some key manufacturers in the port area for them to launch new products and hit the market. This will be convenient for both parties. The manufacturers will have a large promotion channel for their new products, and the port area will also have a way to attract maritime merchants.


In addition to product advantages, Tianjin also has the characteristics of easy to find markets for bulk commodities and a large amount of capital. After all, it is close to the capital and supported by the imperial court, a big spender. You can easily make many big orders.

No matter how good the Songjiang market is, it does not have this advantage.

"The new factory area will plan to set up a bulk commodity ordering field to facilitate transactions between large merchants and bulk material purchasers. In addition, the government will take the lead in establishing a loan guarantee and Chinese people's office. Maritime merchants have borrowing needs.

You can go to this institution to place an order for your needs. After evaluation, the agency will issue an order to find people with spare money to facilitate loans. In addition to normal loans, we can also provide joint stock intermediaries." Wang Keli summarized the opinions of a lot of people after the meeting and really sorted it out.

Two major innovative measures were taken.

The ordering of bulk commodities is generally required by the imperial court, the military and the palace delivery system, and the government must come forward to set up the stage in order to make it famous. With such a platform, how can the large merchants not go to Tianjin Port?

At the same time, it can also greatly improve the cargo throughput of the port, and the results will be immediate after implementation.

The establishment of lending and joint-stock institutions is also due to the special advantages of Tianjin. Beijing and Tianjin have a characteristic, that is, there are more working-class people. In terms of wealthy businessmen, the Beijing-Tianjin area may not have more wealthy businessmen than the Jiangnan area, but when it comes to working-class people, Jiangnan is definitely not as good as

Beijing and Tianjin. There is another characteristic of the working class in Beijing and Tianjin. Affected by the issuance of national bonds, they like to borrow their savings abroad. When maritime merchants do business, the demand for financing has always been strong, and there are also traditional. Traditional China

Maritime merchants, ships, and goods are mostly financed through family joint stock loans. The scale of family financing is limited and there are many conditions. Through the venues built by the government to provide a channel for both borrowers and lenders, the prospects should be very broad.

Ordinary people who have some spare money can lend out twenty or thirty taels of silver dollars each, and by pooling the funds of hundreds of people, they can sail a sea-going ship. Maritime trade is highly profitable, and both the borrower and the lender make money in one round trip.

It's a very promising direction.

Through these two measures, maritime merchants can not only find a large market but also raise funds in Tianjin Port. If combined with the product advantages of the new product exhibition area, wouldn’t Tianjin Port be in an invincible position? The more Wang Keli thought about it,

The more I feel that I have found a bright road for Tianjin Port District.

"Is Tianjin going to build a futures trading center and a stock and bond exchange? Did Ming Dynasty develop so fast? Is the capital market about to mature?" Zhu Youjian was idle and looked through the development reports from various places sent by the cabinet. He saw

After reading the contents of Tianjin Mansion, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although the terms and concepts used in the report are not consistent with futures exchanges and stock exchanges, at least the ideas are very close.

After being surprised, Zhu Youjian carefully thought about the feasibility. Does Tianjin have the conditions to do this? In the memory of later generations, Tianjin is not the national financial and futures trading center. There are also stock and bond exchanges and futures trading at this stage.

Is it suitable? Will something happen? The most important thing is whether it can develop healthily?

Futures trading is not too worrisome, but the stock exchange is a bit worrying. In a certain country in later generations, the stock market has been in ruins for many years. Now that Tianjin is going to do this, can people rest assured?


Judging from the conditions, Tianjin seems to be the most suitable place to do these things in the Ming Dynasty. Songjiang in the south has not yet matured, and its economic hinterland is still in chaos. The capital in the north has no port and relatively large traffic restrictions, so it is not a

A complete market. It is backed by the Beijing-Tianjin Industrial Zone, has a port, and has been developed for a long time. A horizontal comparison shows that the conditions are met.

Just let them do it! It is in the interests of Ming Dynasty to build Tianjin into a financial and futures center. However, the plan proposed by Wang Keli and others involves too much government involvement. It is better to make it a government-supervised and privately run one.

Let the market develop freely and find its own rules and methods.

"Preached an edict to the Tianjin government, ordering them to prepare bulk futures trading and a stock and bond trading center. These two institutions were changed from government-run to government-supervised and private-run. The government was only responsible for providing the venue and supervising whether it complied with the imperial criminal law. Specific preparations,

For operations, management, and rules and regulations, the Tianjin government will take the lead in attracting industrial and commercial institutions for operation. There may not be only one actual operating institution in the two trading centers. You can consider recruiting more operating institutions to participate. But there is a prerequisite, which is

All institutions participating in the trading center must centrally agree on a unified operation and management method for implementation! After agreeing on the terms, a joint supervision committee will be established to independently supervise the actual implementation. At the same time, the terms must be reviewed and prepared by the government.

If chaos occurs, the government will deal with it in accordance with the criminal laws of the country and their own regulations." In Zhu Youjian's mind, there is no need to legislate specifically for financial transactions such as stocks and futures. There is a problem in operation.

, it is more reliable to use criminal law to solve it. Like in later generations, people who cheat money in the stock market can be treated as fraudsters, so why bother?

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