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Chapter 631 There Are Many Standards for Measuring Sensibility!

"Did the imperial court discover good mines in northern Shaanxi? If there are large-scale gold and silver precious mines, it would be a great thing for Yan'an and other places."

"Yuting! The imperial court has not discovered gold and silver and other precious minerals in northern Shaanxi. Besides, northern Shaanxi is a big land. We cannot use the experience of developing Daning to treat northern Shaanxi. Gold and silver and other precious minerals are not suitable for northern Shaanxi.

It is difficult to play a leading role." Facing a young man like Li Yuting, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but feel like an elder and teacher.

Precious metal mines such as gold and silver, even if they are large enough, are difficult to serve as supporting industries for the development of large regions. The driving effect is limited, and they can play a key role in promoting newly developed desolate areas like Daning. Moreover, it is said that

To be honest, the development of Daning and the gold and silver mines are mainly used as a gimmick. Fundamentally speaking, it is other mineral deposits that support the development of Daning, not gold and silver mines.

"So, I wonder what mines the imperial court has discovered in northern Shaanxi?" No precious mines were found. Li Yuting was a little confused as to what kind of mines the emperor wanted to go to Yan'an to mine. It couldn't be to quarry stones, right? It was a bit whimsical. Don't

Speaking of gravel, it means coal mines. Considering the transportation conditions in northern Shaanxi, there will be no big problems if they are developed. Transporting them to big places will definitely cost a lot, and there will be no price advantage.

"In the Yan'an and Qingyang areas, there is a kind of mine called kerosene mine, also called petroleum mine, which is used by local people as fuel. I wonder if you have heard of Menghuo oil? Menghuo oil is made from things coming out of petroleum mines.

The way out for Yan'an Prefecture lies in the oil mines.

Petroleum mines can refine fuel oil like kerosene like coal. In terms of oil yield, it is much higher than the current oil refining from coal tar, and it can also refine oil better than kerosene.


Fuel oil has high profits, wide uses, and a broad market. Even if it is produced in northern Shaanxi with inconvenient transportation, it is very competitive. The most valuable thing is that this is a large industrial project with many people involved.

, the driving effect is obvious. Capturing this industry will not only benefit the entire northern Shaanxi, but at least it will make the local government and private people have sufficient financial resources. Only in this way can we lay the foundation for the sustainable development of northern Shaanxi and gradually improve the appearance of northern Shaanxi."

Zhu Youjian gave Li Yuting a summary of the benefits of developing the oil industry in northern Shaanxi. He was appointed as the prefect of Yan'an just to let him do this. If the oil industry is developed in northern Shaanxi, the rest

Things will become much easier. If you have oil and money, what do you have to worry about? Things like building roads will no longer be a problem.

Can Yan'an Prefecture refine minerals that are better than kerosene and have a higher oil yield? This is really a good start! Although oil is not as valuable as gold and silver mines, it is a consumable that every household uses.

In terms of value, it is much more practical than gold and silver mines. Li Yuting's heart instantly heated up, and he understood the key to this.

"I wonder if the oil mine is difficult to mine? Does it require a lot of investment?" After being enthusiastic for a while, Li Yuting asked a key question.

After all, this kid is a malleable talent who can ask key questions at once. "Currently, there are several difficulties in developing the oil industry in Yan'an and northern Shaanxi. First, there is a serious lack of oil mining technology and it has to be created from scratch.

The second is that there is no accumulation of kerosene smelting technology, and it also has to start from scratch. The third is that Yan'an lacks an industrial foundation and is almost a blank slate!

So, the prospects look bright, but there is still a long way to go before you can really take root and get things done. This is why I transferred you to Yan'an as the prefect. Previously, the candidate I had in mind was actually

It's Dong Liming. But during the interview, he told the truth. The performance in Xingcheng was mainly due to you, so he changed his general at the last moment and ordered you to kill him!

In the development and establishment of the oil industry in Yan'an, the uterine delivery system must fully participate. They have the technology accumulation of refining kerosene and also have funds, so they should be able to play a big role. However, we cannot rely entirely on the uterine delivery system. Can the local

It is the government that has to take the main responsibility for the change in appearance.

In other words, when the oil industry is being pioneered in Yan'an, the government cannot sit idly by and must have the awareness to walk on two legs at the same time. It must find ways to actively mobilize private resources and participate in this matter. It is best to organize it like you did in Xingcheng

Like the bicycle factory in Yan'an, Yan'an relied on people's power to get this thing started. As a result, Yan'an's oil mining and smelting industry developed rapidly and matured, driving the economic development of the entire region.

By the way, in addition to letting you be appointed as the prefect of Yan'an this time, Dong Liming will also be appointed as the prefect of Qingyang Prefecture. You two are old friends, and now you are going to northern Shaanxi together to serve as officials in Linfu. My idea is that you two

We need to keep in touch frequently, exchange information, learn from each other's strengths, and make the oil industry a success as soon as possible, opening the way for long-term peace and stability in northern Shaanxi."

Zhu Youjian didn't want to give up on Dong Liming. At least he had the advantage of being self-aware. After thinking about it, he felt that sending him to northern Shaanxi might play an unexpected role.

Four days later, Li Yuting and Dong Liming formed a motorcade and, led by officials from the Ministry of Personnel, left Beijing to take up posts in northern Shaanxi.

The two people were a little embarrassed when they met again, especially Dong Liming. In the past, his official position was higher than that of Li Yuting, and he had always been Li Yuting's superior. As a result, now the two of them have been transferred. Currently, the positions of the prefect of Yan'an and the prefect of Qingyang are

The grade is the same, but the importance of Yan'an Prefecture is not comparable to that of Qingyang Prefecture. Li Yuting, as the prefect of Chongfu that attracts worldwide attention, has a much higher political status than Dong Liming, the prefect of Qingyang.

Although the two of them were in a convoy, Li Yuting's carriage was better equipped than Dong Liming's. As for the people around him, Dong Liming was accompanied by a life secretary brought from Xingcheng, and the other secretaries would not be fully equipped until they arrived at the place.

As for Li Yuting, the imperial court not only provided two administrative secretaries in the capital, but also specially allocated a coachman and two bodyguards.

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Comparing people with each other will lead to death, and comparing goods with others will lead to throwing away goods. The identity change is so fast that it can really shame Dong Liming to death.

"Brother, the fate between the two of us is really deep. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, we must keep in touch frequently and don't let our friendship go to waste." Seeing that Dong Liming looked a little unhappy, Li Yuting had no choice but to break the embarrassment and come over to chat.

"What are you talking about? Brother, you have achieved what you have today. How dare I become indifferent? In the future, I will need my brother to take care of you in the officialdom."

"Brother, I'm seeing you! My brother's appointment in northern Shaanxi this time is the result of my good words in front of His Majesty. I will never forget this kindness. By the way, Your Majesty gave me a special explanation when I met the Holy Spirit.

, I have a message for you. Don’t let this adjustment in your duties affect your mood. His Majesty recognizes your ability. I hope you will achieve great results again in your term as Qingyang Magistrate. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. A measure of ability.

There are many standards. Being able to know what you can do, being good at employing people, and being good at accepting clear explanations are also the qualities of a famous minister and official!"

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