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Chapter 648 Will there be hidden dangers in exporting a large amount of steel to other countries?

The railway from the capital to Shenyang has been directly connected. Three days later, Chen Dayou and Liu Lishun boarded the train at Shenyang Station, bidding farewell to Liaodong and embarking on a new official journey.

Shortly after Chen Dayou and others left, Fang Yizhi arrived in Shenyang City. He would succeed Liu Lizhun as governor of Liaodong.

"Secretly, there have been a lot of changes in officials in Liaodong this year, both in the province and in the lower counties. It is urgent to get out of the period of change as soon as possible and adapt to the work rhythm of Liaodong. At the same time, we must ensure that the immigration work does not go wrong.

It is also a key task. It is estimated that immigrants from Shaanxi will be accepted one after another by the end of the month. The number of surrendered troops and dependents will be at least 89,000. It is best to complete the work before winter." Zhu Dadian met Fang Yi.

After thinking about it, he arranged his work. During this time, the old man was very busy.

"Governor, with so many immigrants, is the food in Liaodong still enough? Do you want to report it to Beijing and ask them to help provide some food for the winter?" Although Fang Yizhi already knew something about the situation in Liaodong, he still had a problem in his heart.

I don't know the bottom, and I feel that the crowd of nearly 100,000 people is not so easy to digest.

"I dare not draw a conclusion yet, but according to my judgment, there is generally no need to export grain. The local grain in Liaodong is enough to cope with the extra immigrants. This matter will depend on the situation in autumn and winter. Now it is clear

Even if there is a gap in the railway, we can find a way to solve it in a short time."

"Now that the governor has a secret, I have made up my mind. Regarding the development plan of Liaodong in the next few years, I wonder what your thoughts are?"

"It should be said that Liaodong has passed the most difficult moment, and now it is the time for the sun to rise. In fact, His Majesty and the court have already made a general plan for what to do in the next three to five years. There are only two main tasks. One is

Stabilize and expand agriculture, and strive to double the cultivated land and grain production in Liaodong within five years on the current basis. The second is to build a heavy industry center with Shenyang as the center, mainly military industry.

What is the core purpose of these two tasks? Naturally, it is to completely solve the Manchu issue. Leaving the Manchu people east of Shenyang will ultimately be a disaster. The Battle of Pingliao must be done with full force. Secretly, you are in charge of large-scale factory affairs

The experience in the area is exactly the purpose of transferring you to Liaodong.

The country is large, but there are not many provinces that can be cardinal provinces. Liaodong and Shaanxi are also cardinal provinces. The world's chaos originated from these two places, and it will also end in these two places. I will put you and Fu Li together.

The east and west are divided into these two provinces. You should carefully understand the depth of the intention. If you can support the stalls in these two provinces well, you can also support the larger stalls in the future."

The transfer of Fang Yizhi to Liaodong was decided after careful communication between Zhu Youjian, Wu Sheng and Zhu Dadian. Compared with the northwest, Liaodong needs to give priority to the development of an industrial base. Fang Yizhi is developing industry

He has more experience than Liu Lishun, so he was asked to take over Liu Lishun's class first, and then Zhu Dadian's class in the future.

The pace of development in Liaodong must be accelerated, and it must grow into a general base that can support the complete solution of the Manchu Qing regime in recent years. Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty is no longer a major fatal threat, it is also very difficult to completely eliminate it.

The area east of Shenyang is very wide in depth, and the level of development is very low. Transportation, people's support, and customs are all major constraints. The cost and investment of the war will be several times that of the mainland. Defeating the Manchu Qing is only the first step to continue the pacification of Liao.

In order for Mandi to mature, the entire hinterland of Liaodong must be developed, otherwise it will be like Emperor Chenghua. Not many years after the plowing of the caves, Mandi was still a source of disaster.

Therefore, Liaodong, west of Shenyang, must make great progress in agriculture and industry, and grow into a large rear area and a large base to support the Ming Dynasty's continued eastward expansion.

"Your Majesty had a special conversation with me before I went to Liaodong! Your Majesty is very confident and supportive of the future of Liaodong. The palace delivery system will build a large-scale machinery factory in Shenyang, mainly to produce steam engines. Except,

Agricultural University will also set up a branch in Liaodong, with the same enrollment scale as in Beijing. It will recruit students together with the main campus in Beijing, and then be assigned to the Liaodong branch to study and conduct research. His Majesty requires us in Liaodong to fully cooperate and support these two things.

." Fang Yizhi told Zhu Dadian the tasks assigned to him by the emperor.

After hearing this, Zhu Dadian was a little puzzled. Good things are indeed good things, but how can we cooperate with them? Can't we just build factories and open universities directly? "I wonder how your majesty wants Liaodong to cooperate and support these two things?"

"If the steam locomotive plant is to be successfully completed and put into operation, it must be supported by corresponding metallurgical plants. Liaodong has to raise and build its own large-scale steel plants and other necessary metallurgical plants to cooperate with the establishment of the machinery plant."

"Well! This can be in line with Liaodong's plan to develop industry. I am a little worried about whether the size is too big and whether Liaodong can eat it. After all, it is not like Guan Nei and there are few people. There is also the problem of funds. Liaodong

Not long after the restoration of Xinjiang, there were not many wealthy private businessmen, so raising funds was a problem." In the entire Liaodong, the total number of people in Liaodong is only one million. According to Zhu Dadian, the steel plants built in Miyun and other places can easily exceed 100,000 tons.

. One hundred thousand tons of steel are probably not used up just for the production of steam engines. Can Liaodong consume the remaining steel?

"The governor's concerns were also mentioned by the official when he met the emperor. In terms of funds, the Royal Bank will provide certain financing support. At the same time, his majesty also asked us to go to the Tianjin Stock Exchange to find a way. It is said that financing there is easier.

As for production capacity, His Majesty asked us to look at the market a little bigger and a little further. Shenyang is relatively close to North Korea and has a large population. Moreover, Liaodong cannot consume it now, which does not mean that it cannot be consumed in the future. The uses of steel are increasing.

The more we have, the greater the production capacity may be now, but it may not be so in ten years.”

"Selling a large amount of steel produced in Shenyang to North Korea? Will there be any problems? This can be used to make sharp weapons." Zhu Dadian was very worried about exporting large amounts of steel.

"We don't sell crude iron, only finished products. If they want to melt the finished products to make weapons, let them do it and see how much money they have to do it. Now they want to make the Ming army

Such weapons and equipment cannot be achieved with steel. As long as our industrial system continues to progress, it will only become more and more difficult for them to fight against the Ming Dynasty." These words were not what Zhu Youjian said to Fang Yizhi.

, but he thought of it himself. Due to his experience as a county magistrate in Miyun, and later as the Chief Secretary of Beizhili, Fang Yizhi was very clear about the current form of industrial systematization in the Ming Dynasty.

The industrial system cannot make a forest by itself, and it will definitely not work if they just learn one thing, unless they have the ability to copy the entire Ming Dynasty's industrial system. But to be honest, this is easier to think about than to do. There is no first-mover advantage. You are one step ahead.

Slowly, step by step, you will find bottlenecks everywhere.

Watch\Despair Survive Chongzhen Emperor\just\remember\domain\name\:\w\w\w\.\8\2\z\w\.\c\o\m\

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