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Chapter 653 No technical secondary school students were recruited, but a college student was recruited!

There was nothing to say all night. Early the next morning, two staff members from Zhengfa Exchange were waiting for Jiang Yitao at the door of the room early in the morning.

Jiang Yitao actually felt a little regretful when he got up early in the morning, but when he saw the two people waiting at the door, he couldn't open his mouth to refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take them to the dormitory of Capital University to pick up their luggage.

When I arrived at the university dormitory, I found several roommates who were also drunk and lying on the bed. When Jiang Yitao came in, they didn't even say hello and continued to sleep. It was obvious that they also went to drink last night, but they drank

It's a graduation farewell drink, it's not like I can only drink alone.

Forget it, since it has nothing to do with the identity of a college student from now on, then go to Tianjin to work as an accountant for others, regardless of what he wants. Seeing the attitude of his roommates, Jiang Yitao firmly decided to go to Tianjin. He asked the two employees of the exchange

I helped pack my luggage and left the university without even saying hello.

On the way out, the two employees of the exchange became more interested in Jiang Yitao. Last night, they more or less suspected Jiang Yitao's identity as a college student. Now, what else do they have to doubt? If he is not a college student from Beijing Normal University, how can he live in a university dormitory?

?How could there be so many books in someone’s luggage? This time he has a treasure!

As for Jiang Yitao being a college dropout, they don't care. It's good to be a college dropout. How could a non-school dropout come to this small exchange like ours? I don't know if there are any such dropouts. We will send Jiang Yitao back to Tianjin later.

After that, it seems that I will go to various universities in the capital.

When they arrived at Beijing East Railway Station, the two exchange employees discussed it. One person went to send Jiang Yitao to Tianjin, and the other stayed in the capital to recruit people.

Taking the rail car, we arrived at Tianjin City in a little time one day. After arriving at the station, Guo Sihu, the clerk who accompanied Jiang Yitao, quickly called two man-powered three-wheelers to drive them to the exchange.

In the front hall of the exchange, Wang Enwen, the counter on duty, saw Guo Sihu and others, and immediately smiled happily and came over to greet him.

"Si Huzi, have you recruited someone? Is it a junior college student?" Wang Enwen glanced at Jiang Yitao and felt that he was a little older and probably not a technical secondary school student. It would be a great joy to recruit a junior college student.

"At the counter, we have recruited someone, but it's not a college student." Guo Sihu was very proud and prepared to introduce Jiang Yitao to show his working ability.

"Not a junior college student? A technical secondary school student is fine!" Before Guo Sihu's words were sold out, Wang Enwen intervened. The current popularization of education is not complete, and some technical secondary school students are indeed a little older, so he is inertia

I think Guo Sihu recruited a slightly older technical secondary school student.

"The counter clerk is not a technical secondary school student..." Guo Sihu was interrupted by Wang Enwen. He became anxious and quickly prepared to tell Jiang Yitao's identity as a college student.

As a result, his words were interrupted again. Wang Enwen's expression changed when he heard that he was not even a technical secondary school student, and he said: "Not even a technical secondary school student? Did you find an accountant in a different shop? Alas, now I'm here

Even if you have to learn more about the accounting department’s assessment organized here, even experienced accounting personnel may not pass the assessment.”

Wang Enwen's implication is that even a master accountant can't pass the test. Why don't you bring someone here who looks like he's half-baked in age just to make people happy? It's just for fun?

"Counter, can you please listen to what I have to say? The people I recruit this time are not technical secondary school students or junior college students, but college students. Do college students know? This is not an ordinary university, but from Beijing Normal University!" Wang Enwen said

After interrupting his pretense twice, Guo Sihu was really anxious!

"What? A college student? Or a college student from Beijing Normal University?" Wang Enwen was shocked by Guo Sihu's words. He lost his composure and loudly asked Guo Sihu what was going on in the front hall of the exchange.

Only then did Guo Sihu have the opportunity to introduce Jiang Yitao's identity. During the introduction process, Jiang Yitao pointed out straightforwardly that he was not a graduate of Beijing Normal University, but an undergraduate. His status as a college student should not be counted.


However, Wang Enwen and others did not take his explanation seriously. What happened to the undergraduate? The undergraduate is also a college student who is studying at the Capital University. How can such an identity be tolerated? Please go to the VIP room in the back hall to discuss in detail.

About joining the company. A college student came to the exchange to work as an accountant, and the general manager Liu Zheng hurriedly came to greet him personally.

"Mr. Jiang, the conditions Guo Sihu agreed to you are the conditions of our office, and we will not make any discounts. Look, how about we sign the contract now? By the way, as long as you sign the contract, the office will give you ten taels of silver dollars.

The settlement fee will help you settle down in Tianjin as soon as possible." After talking for a while, Liu Zheng hurriedly urged to sign the employment contract, for fear that the matter would be blown. As for Jiang Yitao's ability, he really didn't care, as long as Jiang Yitao is a college student

His identity is real, and the salary he spends is worth it. We have college student accountants in our exchange, and if the reputation spreads, how can we repay it?

"Let's just sign the contract now!" Having already arrived, what else could Jiang Yitao have to say no to? He was thinking of signing the contract quickly so that he could finally settle down.

Ma Liao asked someone to bring the contract, and Liu Zheng watched the contract in person, paid the settlement fee, and then his heart stopped.

"Mr. Jiang, the accounting office assessment jointly organized by the government and the trading center is held once a month. There are five days left in this month and there is no time to prepare. Do you think it can be used as a reference next month?" After becoming an employee, Liu Zheng's capitalist attributes were revealed.

Undoubtedly, he began to urge Jiang Yitao to complete the registration exam as soon as possible so as to create value for his exchange.

"There are still five days left in this month? Let's do it. I'll prepare and take the assessment directly this month." Capital University has a finance department. Jiang Yitao and others in the mathematics department have also been exposed to some related courses and have an understanding of the content of finance and accounting.

In Jiang Yitao's opinion, it is not that difficult, so he planned to take the exam directly, lest these people think that they are just freeloaders. Besides, the salary of ten taels of silver dollars per month for those who have registered is twice as high as the five taels of silver dollars for those who have not registered.


"Since Mr. Jiang is going to take the exam, why don't we try it first this month?" If Jiang Yitao was studying a subject such as accounting, Liu Zheng would definitely let him take the exam this month, but according to what kind of mathematics he was studying, he didn't know.

It's really not reassuring to take the exam after preparation. But if he wants to try, he can try it, just to see whether college students are really capable.

Five days later, Jiang Yitao took the accountant registration exam, and the results came out two days later. He successfully completed the exam, and his ability was beyond words. Everyone at Zhengfa Exchange admired Jiang Yitao's ability as a college student. He was so capable.

Many people cannot pass the graduation examination of Beijing Normal University. Are the requirements for graduates of Beijing Normal University too demanding?

The students at Capital University are definitely capable, but they are not as exaggerated as they imagined. Especially the undergraduates, who are usually the worst ones who will be rejected. But Jiang Yitao is a special situation. His major is university

Among the subjects offered, it is the most difficult and requires the highest talent, and Jiang Yitao is just a little behind. The graduation examination determines the admission quota according to the subject. Jiang Yitao actually suffered a loss due to the unreasonable admission mechanism. If he were

In ordinary departments, he really wouldn't be rejected.

This chapter has been completed!
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