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Chapter 656 Li Dingguo should be a soft persimmon, right?

Xia Guoxiang talked for a long time, and seemed to have said a lot, but also seemed to have said nothing, but it seemed that the meaning was reached again. Wu Sangui's mind was spinning for a long time, but he couldn't get an accurate idea, so he couldn't help but ask:

"Well, according to the opinion of the Prime Minister, where should our Guan Ning army retreat?"

"I think it is most appropriate to march into Nanchang. After entering Nanchang, you can enter Guangdong and Guangxi to the south, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the east. From the perspective of retreat, the route is wider than other directions."

"Nanchang? Why is it undesirable for a large army to enter Hunan?"

"It is not undesirable to enter Hunan, but compared with entering Jiangxi, the room is smaller. I am also worried that He Tengjiao, an old man, will lure the troops of the Northern Dynasty into Hunan after our army invades the border. After all, his

The Governor of Huguang was granted a title during the Northern Dynasty. In recent years, he had no bad relations with the Northern Dynasty. In terms of human relations, he and the Northern Emperor were still able to reconcile themselves to each other as rulers and ministers. Sun Chuanting could surrender without restraint and save his life, so why should he surrender?

If we go to Hunan, apart from losing our real power, high-ranking officials can still sit there, so why not lead the Northern Dynasty troops into the country?"

"My son is right. If the Northern Dynasty army enters Hunan quickly, we will be trapped inside, which is a danger. Entering Jiangxi is considered an option! However, after entering Jiangxi, the Northern Dynasty army came from Guangzhou in the south to block us.

, but what should we do?”

"The Northern Dynasty army in Guangzhou took the sea route. There should not be many soldiers in the past, not enough to pose a fatal threat to our army. I looked at the layout of the Northern Dynasty on the sea, and most of them captured the port cities near the sea. Think about it.

It’s because the troop transport capacity is ultimately limited that we act like this.”

"Well! It's settled that we can march into Jiangxi. Prime Minister, my father has been thinking about this matter for a long time recently. Since our army lost Ningyuan, it has been difficult for us to gain a foothold. But now, the Northern Dynasty is gaining momentum and is threatening to conquer the world.

.Considering this, we have to think of a long-term base as a base. Ezhou and Jiangxi don’t seem to be considered long-term bases!”

"If we want to hold it for a long time, the land of Zhongzhou is definitely not feasible. Sun Chuanting holds Sichuan and Shaanxi, and he cannot protect himself, let alone other places. For this reason, he should choose the border areas where the times are chaotic. There are only three border areas in the chaos of the Ming Dynasty, Liaodong,

Northwest, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Liaodong and northwest, now we can’t go there, so we can only focus on Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi.

In this area, the people are fierce and the mountains are large. The Ming Dynasty was founded nearly three hundred years ago and has been in chaos for three hundred years. The Korean army now seems to be invincible, but it may not be able to contain it. Besides, even if things are impossible, we can still retreat to

other countries in order to protect themselves.”

"My son persuades his father to march into Jiangxi. It turns out that he has figured out where we should go next. Without further ado, we have decided on the plan today and will hurry up to prepare starting tomorrow. Minister, you will stay behind as the rear army, so do

To control Ezhou, if the Northern Dynasty army goes south, they will abandon the ground and follow the main force. I personally led the main army and went to Nanchang one month later to observe the situation. After Nanchang was captured, Guozhu led an army and horses southward to Ganzhou, and finally

It would be nice if we could occupy part of Guangxi and give our Ningyuan army a front fortress to enter Guangxi and Yunnan-Guizhou."

It can be seen from Wu Sangui's arrangement when he entered Jiangxi that he wanted to take advantage of all the benefits but not enough to eat. Since he planned to go to Guangxi and Yunnan to settle down, he should work together, like Zhang Xianzhong back then.

Like them, they first arrived at the place before talking. But he didn't do that. Instead, he thought that Jiangxi was more prosperous than Guangxi and Yunnan-Guizhou after all, so he could stay as long as he could. Maybe the situation would change after a while.

Which change.

He talks about having a base area, but in his heart he has no real intention to run a base area well. This is not the quality of a qualified warlord. In other words, until now, he has not completely transformed from the mentality of a migrant worker to a base area.

Boss mentality.

The mentality of Wu Sangui or the entire Guan Ningjun system is the same as that of the chairman of a state-owned enterprise in a monopoly system in later generations. You may say that they are workers, but what they do is very similar to that of a boss, but you may say that he is a boss, but it is not true.

Have some hard skills. The thought of waiting, relying, and wanting is very heavy. Even if the state-owned enterprises are now transformed into their own private property, deep down in the heart, there is still a subconscious desire to wait, rely, and want. Typically, there is the greed of the boss, but there is no boss.

of responsibility.

Having decided on the strategy of entering Jiangxi as soon as possible, Wu Sangui and others did not even consider whether the opponent they faced was dangerous. What could be difficult about a leader of the Western Bandits? Can he be as fierce as the Eight Banners soldiers? Can he have the firepower of the imperial court? In the early years,

, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other big thieves can be easily handled by Guan Ning's army. Now that they are replaced by small thieves, wouldn't it be easier to deal with them? The performance of the thieves in this area of ​​Hubei illustrates the problem.

Li Dingguo from Jiangxi, in Wu Sangui's view, was definitely a soft persimmon, that is, he was just lucky enough to win against Jin Shengheng. Jin Shenghuan also spent some time in Liaodong back then and was a guy who couldn't get on the stage.

At this time, Li Dingguo, the soft persimmon, was also considering the strategy in Nanchang City. Guangzhou City was occupied by the Ming Army. In recent years, the rear area of ​​Xiying was lost. Wherever it was lost, he in Jiangxi was attacked from several sides.


Therefore, his idea was to lead the army south and recapture the city of Guangzhou. However, Sun Kewang, who was in Zhaoqing, did not agree with Li Dingguo's idea of ​​​​dismissing troops, but asked him to continue in Jiangxi.

Sun Kewang lost too many soldiers and horses in the battle of Guangzhou. If Li Dingguo returned to the camp with more than 100,000 troops at this time, Sun Kewang felt that he would completely lose the right to speak over the Western Camp. Therefore, Li Dingguo now,

We must stay in Jiangxi. Even if the Ming army takes Zhaoqing by then, it will be acceptable.

Zhaoqing could not be saved, and the worst possible outcome would be to retreat to Guangxi and Yungui. As long as he could still control Xiying, this result was acceptable. Just in time, he could also completely separate himself from Li Dingguo's headquarters in Jiangxi. At that time, there were nearly twenty of Li Dingguo's troops.

With tens of thousands of soldiers and horses at the mercy of the enemy, it was impossible for the Ming army to enter Guangxi with all their strength, so they had a chance to breathe.

At the same time, it can also teach Li Dingguo a lesson. It is best to lose some troops and flee to Guangxi in embarrassment. Sun Kewang summarized the reasons for his recent defeats in the two battles, and finally believed that the main reason was that his opponent was too strong. He faced fierce firepower.

At that level of the regular army of the Ming court, no one could take advantage. He did not lose unjustly. He, Li Dingguo, was just lucky and did not encounter a strong opponent.

To deal with the serious Ming army, it is impossible to attack forcefully as before. We must use strong terrain to defend. Guangdong is not suitable. The battlefield should be moved to Guangxi and Yunnan-Guizhou, so as to have a chance of victory.

Let Li Dingguo and the others teach them a lesson, and take advantage of the time they bought to make arrangements in Guangxi and prepare for the Ming army's invasion of Guangxi. This is what Sun Kewang really thinks in his heart! What he gave Li Dingguo

In the reply, it was roughly revealed, but the dark thoughts in my heart were concealed.

Sun Kewang told Li Dingguo: The Ming army is very powerful, so it is not a good idea to seize the city of Guangzhou by force. The best way is to tie up the Ming army in Guangxi and Jiangxi respectively, making it difficult for them to take care of their head and tail. No matter which way they attack, they will be taken out of the way.


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