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Chapter 658: I'm Really Going to Dig in the Dirt!

In the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Li Yuting issued a decree that disrupted the land of northern Shaanxi.

As long as anyone registers at the registration point run by the government, he can open an oil well and dig for oil. The oil he digs can be purchased at a refinery run by the palace, and he pays 20% of his income in taxes (10% of mineral tax and 10% of income tax).

The rest is yours.

Is it difficult to dig an oil well? It does take some effort, much more laborious than digging a water well. But what is the difference between collecting food from the soil and collecting money? First, people in Yanchuan County took action after hearing the order and brought their families with them.

He rushed to dig a hole where the oil might come out.

They set up a shack and started digging without caring about anything. A few days later, someone dug out the oil from Heihu Lake. Old people and children used buckets to get the oil out, and the men held their hands.

The donkeys carried the oil to the refinery for sale. That night, someone lit a fire to cook meat in the oil digging area, and the whole family ate snacks with their mouths full of oil.

In just ten days, dozens of oil wells popped up in Yanchuan County, and oil diggers turned the nearby roads black.

At this time, the real oil mining storm started, and everyone in Yan'an Prefecture went crazy. Some people rushed to Yanchuan County to find places to dig oil, while some people came directly to Yanchuan County with shovels.

Find it near your home. Why is it that only Yanchuan County has oil? Our county seems to have produced something like this from Heihu Lake.

The team of oil diggers is getting bigger and bigger. At first, it was small families who dug oil. Later, because this was too inefficient, it became dominated by large families. Dozens of members of a family moved to the mountains and valleys.

They dig the soil day and night to extract oil. Some families are lucky and can drill out the oil in just a few days, while some families are unlucky and work hard for more than ten days without getting anything out.

But no family will complain. They still dig wells regardless of fatigue, thinking of improving their own lives in one fell swoop. Some families are small, and several families will work together to dig wells.

In short, with Li Yuting's simple and rude decree, the oil industry of Yan'an Prefecture was launched in a simple and rude way. The people of Yan'an, just like their predecessors who participated in the rebel army, participated in this undertaking with incomparable enthusiasm.

"Prefect Li, our factory exploded again today, killing seven or eight people. We have to think of something, we can't risk our lives so much for oil." Wang Tianqi, chief engineer and director of the Yan'an Refinery appointed by the palace production system, was counted

This production accident made me mentally exhausted. Several people died. If this were in Zhili, I would probably have been held accountable long ago.

"Wang Gong, can you see the weeds growing on the hills in the distance?" Li Yuting ignored Wang Tianqi's complaints and asked himself.

"Can't see? What does the prefect mean by asking?" Wang Tianqi was a little confused and confused as to why Li Yuting asked such irrelevant questions. We are talking about a matter of human life, so why are you talking about not being able to see weeds?

"But can you see the crooked trees on the top of the mountain? Northern Shaanxi is suffering from hunger, and the people are like weeds. They live and die one after another, and no one notices them. Only when they grow into trees will they be noticed.

People care about life and death. In the past few days, nearly a hundred people have been killed and injured in your refinery, but who did the people of Yan'an say to you? With so many lives, tens of thousands of taels of silver dollars were exchanged for Yan'an Prefecture. This is worth it. As long as the oil can be used

Once the road is out of the way, the sacrifices made by the people of Yan'an Prefecture will be worth it. For the dead and injured people, this government will arrange pensions, so that the families who have lost their mainstay will not be able to survive.

To put it simply, Yan'an's annual oil production will exceed 100,000 barrels within two years! In this way, the people of Yan'an will have a serious way of living, and will no longer be like weeds, growing and dying one after another!"

This young prefect is very cold-blooded! After talking with Li Yuting, Wang Tianqi gave this evaluation.

Cold-blooded? Li Yuting, who was born at the bottom of the class, doesn’t think so. He knows what serious poor people need. Life is not that valuable compared to a difficult life. If the oil industry is not scaled up as soon as possible, Yan’an will only die more.


If oil can be sold, grain can come in. Yan'an Prefecture's purchased grain will also reduce transportation costs because of the take-out of oil. A steady flow of oil going out and a steady flow of grain coming in will allow Northern Shaanxi to get rid of the status quo in a short time.

The only way. After all, the financial support of the imperial court is limited, and it is difficult to solve the people's survival problems on a large scale and in a long-term way. To survive and get rich, you have to rely on your own production. Digging black gold from the soil cannot do such good things.

Stay, what else can you do?

It is impossible for everyone in Yan'an Prefecture to make a living by digging oil, but as long as this industry can provide employment for 10% of the people and bring in revenue of more than one million taels of silver dollars every year, the entire Yan'an Prefecture will have a completely new look.

During this period of time, Li Yuting was not only focusing on oil, he also seriously observed the sentiments of the people. For most families, even if they did not pay taxes on the grain they produced in a year, if all the grains were added together and distributed to an individual, it would be just over one stone.

What is the concept of per capita ration of just over one kilogram? It means that the food eaten every day is only half a kilogram at most. In most cases, it is less than half a kilogram. The per capita ration in Beizhili is more than one kilogram. The Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers

The daily standard is seven taels of staple food, three taels of miscellaneous grains, two taels of meat and eggs, and one tael of oil! Compared with this standard, it is a miracle that the people of Yan'an are still alive.

It is unrealistic to change the agricultural environment in the short term, especially with the natural conditions in northern Shaanxi. The only thing we can count on is the oil industry. Relying on the high profits of the oil industry, northern Shaanxi can enter a positive cycle trend.

You can make money by selling oil, and you can buy grain and build roads with the money you make. After the transportation environment improves, other minerals in northern Shaanxi will have the conditions to continue to develop. There are not only oil in northern Shaanxi, but also coal mines. As long as the

Driven by the coal mining industry, people in northern Shaanxi will be able to change their destiny of relying on the weather, and their way of living will undergo qualitative changes.

After Li Yuting arrived in Yan'an, he actually had the idea of ​​​​coal mines. However, after actual investigation, he found that, as the emperor said, it could not be developed for the time being. There was no large-scale consumption of coal in Yan'an. It was shipped out of Yan'an Prefecture. Recently,

The largest market is Chang'an City. Where to transport coal? If your head is bigger than your body, who would do such an uneconomical business?

If you want to develop the coal fields in northern Shaanxi, it is best to build a railway. At present, the imperial court will not consider building a railway to Yan'an Prefecture. There is no railway from Beijing to Chang'an. Where will the money come from to invest in northern Shaanxi?

It is very difficult to build a railway in Yan'an, and the cost is several times higher than that in plain areas. As a result, the possibility of a railway connecting Yan'an is even smaller. Let's just use donkeys to sell oil first! God has not given Yan'an

The people have created land suitable for farming, but they have also created black oil that can be dug out of the soil. Eating food from the soil can also change destiny!

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