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Chapter 664 Crying!

"Your Majesty, the two subjects offered do not seem to have much to do with the current curriculum of the military academy. How should they be included in the scientific examination?" Sun Chuanting also read some military academy tutorials recently and knew that the subjects of the military academy are mainly based on practical officer skills.

Lord. It seems that the two courses the emperor asked him to teach cannot be too specific.

"The two courses you teach are elective courses and are not counted in the scientific examination results. They are arranged to be taught during the leisure time of the military cadets. Of course, you should not think that you do not pay attention to your courses. For grassroots officers, these two courses

The course is optional, so it is designated as an elective course.

But among the military academy students, there will always be those who will become senior officers. As long as your lessons are effective for them. The scientific examination of these two courses is not in books, but in the army and the battlefield. If you are destined to save people,

Whether they can have a chance or not depends on them personally. The purpose of establishing a military academy is to make junior officers qualified and to provide certain opportunities and platforms for those who may move towards the senior officer ranks.

Therefore, most courses are designed around how to cultivate a qualified junior officer. Only a few courses are designed for future general officers. Over here, first spend a year teaching students at the military academy.

And the courses will be explored and matured. In the future, these two courses will mainly be taught in senior officer classes."

Sun Chuanting is at least at the level of the commander of the front army. If he is asked to teach a course designed mainly to cultivate qualified company and platoon leaders, isn't he overqualified? The purpose of opening these two courses in the military academy is just to make the military students grow up.

It's just knowledge. Whether they want to gain more knowledge or not depends entirely on themselves. Anyway, for most military students, there is no chance in their lives that they will be exposed to the issues that a general of Sun Chuanting's level has to think about.

Are Lao Sun's thoughts and summaries useful? Of course they are, but not all of them are useful. As long as there are senior officers who learn something useful from them, the few class fees spent are worth a lot of money. Because you have to think about his courses.

When it comes to some of the issues involved, a correct decision can even change the destiny of the country, affecting the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people. The mistakes he made are all of great value, and such a character cannot be wasted.

"I understand your Majesty's intention. I must carefully prepare these two courses and teach them well!" The emperor's words greatly benefited Sun Chuanting, and his vanity and enthusiasm were aroused.

When he first heard that his class was designated as a dispensable elective, Sun Chuanting was a little disappointed and felt that he was being perfunctory. After hearing the emperor's explanation, he understood that the class he was asked to teach was originally

It is prepared to cultivate top talents, and it is only used to teach military students to practice their skills. Is this the right positioning? Is it worth the effort to teach ordinary junior officers?

I will work harder in the future. If I can teach a few generals, I will have a lifetime of fame. Sun Chuanting is full of energy.

There are many problems among the literati of this era, but one thing is worthy of recognition, that is, they attach much greater importance to their posthumous reputation than those of later generations. Most of the outstanding figures still have some basic beliefs and obsessions. Not to mention Sun Chuanting,

Even people like Zhou Yanru are extremely important to their posthumous reputation.

Of course, not everyone values ​​their posthumous reputation. Among the landlords in the Ming Dynasty, most people value their own land. Xu Deli, a landlord in Zhongmu County, Zhongyuan, has recently become angry again!

It was now the final stage of the autumn harvest, and even the winter wheat had been planted in the fields. This year's harvest was pretty good. It was the largest harvest in recent years, and there was no need to pay taxes. But this situation did not

It didn't make him happy, but made him feel like crying without tears.

The government has built a large canal to divert water from the Yellow River, and it has already reached the fields in their town. I heard that it will continue to be built. With this large canal, the Xu family's existing fields have no advantages at all, and it is difficult to recruit them.

Tenants came and went to vacate their land one after another. Even the old tenants who had farmed their own fields for generations were preparing to give up their leases and go farm official fields.

The attractiveness of Guantian is really great. In the first three years, you have to work to earn money. After three years, the fields are divided into households and you only need to pay 10% of the agricultural tax every year. According to people who have already farmed in Guantian,

This year, their income from working is much better than that from farming. In the future, the land will be distributed to each household, and the land will belong to the family. How can it be compared with farming land for the landlord's family?

A few days ago, people were worried that the land in Guantian was not good and the yield from planting would not be large. After seeing the large water diversion canal, this worry was unnecessary. We can water the Yellow River, so what else is there to worry about?

The small river water poured into the landlord's land is much more reliable. In this era, there have not been a few major droughts that stopped the flow of the Yellow River.

The aqueduct built by the government is much higher than the average river land, so it is definitely more convenient to water than diverting water from the river to the ground. If you have good ones, then look at the bad ones. No matter how you look at it, you will not like it.

During the great chaos in the Central Plains, the government received a lot of wasteland. Even if all the landowners' tenants rushed over, it would be enough to accommodate them.

Xu Deli, who was originally full of confidence and felt that it would be impossible for his land to be rented out, was at a loss when faced with the wave of tenants quitting their land. At first, he was still hesitant about lowering the rent. Later, even if the rent was lowered, no one would be able to rent it, let alone

He said he would not lower the rent.

"Da Lang, go and tell people that we will charge 30% of the rent for our land next year and tell them not to leave." Helpless Xu Deli gritted his teeth and reduced the rent by another amount.

"Dad, if I want you to go ahead and tell me, I told you to lower the rent a long time ago. You yelled and scolded me. It's been delayed until now. Now, I have already planned my business for next year. Don't say it will be reduced to 30%. Now it is

There may not be people in Liangcheng who are tenants." Xu Dalang is getting more and more dissatisfied with his father. He is too worried and stubborn to get things right. He has a loud temper and a stubborn mouth. It is impossible to discuss anything with him!

"Why are you talking about this? Things are like this. If you don't think of a way to do things, why are you arguing with me? If we don't keep the tenants, we won't be able to manage our own land." The head of the Xu family

There is less than a hectare of land, and those who share their land have to do some free work for the Xu family every year, helping the Xu family plant the land and collect grain. This is an unspoken rule between tenants and landlords, and it is actually a disguised form of tenant farming.

land cost.

After most of the tenants gave up their land, no one took care of the Xu family's land. Xu Deli couldn't accept this situation, and saw that his family was about to lose.

"The method of lowering the rent will not work! If we lower the rent again, there will be no incentive for those poor people unless we can give them the land."

"What should we do? Is our Xu family no longer able to survive? We can't even cultivate crops even if we have land?" Xu Deli said, regardless of his old face, and started crying directly in front of his son. There is no land to cultivate, and the family is in trouble.

The lack of harvest is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that after two years of being barren, the fields will be taken away by the government. When he thinks of this, Xu Deli feels like the sky is falling!

This chapter has been completed!
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