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Chapter 676

"Sihu, weren't you asked to stay in the capital and walk around with the college students all the time? Why are you back again?" Liu Zheng, the general manager of Zhengfa Exchange, just went to work when he saw that Guo Sihu, who had been sent to the capital to guard the gate of the university, had returned.

Exchange. He couldn't help but began to cross-examine in a stern tone.

After recruiting an out-of-school college student and reaping the benefits, Liu Zheng set his sights on the long term. He specially arranged for Guo Sihu to bring a helper to visit the entrances of various universities in the capital. The task given to Guo Sihu was very simple, and he usually just used the funds to do things.

If they have nothing to do, they will invite college students to dinner, make them familiar, and wait for the graduation season to recruit a few undergraduates. For serious graduates, they don't dare to think that just one undergraduate is scary enough.

"Director, the situation in Beijing has changed. The students who will graduate next year have all been organized into working groups and moved south. It's not like this year! We can't pick up the mistakes like Mr. Jiang." Guo Sihu saw Liu Zheng's unkind expression.

Quickly explain. Jobs that cost money are not that easy to do. The whole person is under a lot of pressure, okay! If you spend money and can't recruit people by then, Guo Sihu won't be able to take advantage of it. So when he heard

Next year's graduates have all gone south, so they rushed back to Tianjin to resume their careers.

"Ah? They've all been incorporated into the working group? How can we recruit college students? It seems that it will be difficult to encounter such a good fortune as this year."

"Don't be upset, Chief Manager. This is actually a good thing for our exchange. We can't find college students, and other families can't find them either? We have Mr. Jiang in charge, and other families don't have such a god."

"Hey! That's really true! But it's hard to say how someone with good hands and eyes might be able to recruit college students."

"Sir, let's keep this in mind. It's hard to find a god like Master Jiang. I've had a lot of dealings with college students in the capital these days, and I've learned a lot about the inside story of the university. You

Do you know why Mr. Jiang did not graduate from college seriously? It’s not that Mr. Jiang did not study well, but because the subjects he studied were too difficult. Even college students and ordinary people cannot learn the mathematics major that Mr. Jiang studied. Listen.

People say that those who can study mathematics at Beijing Normal University are geniuses.

After Mr. Jiang was dismissed last year, Capital University changed its rules this year. Mathematics majors, if they fail the graduation exam, can transfer to other subjects and study for another year. In other words, it is no longer possible for a genius like Mr. Jiang to be as good as this year.

I have dropped out of school. Moreover, students in the mathematics major will be paid much better after graduation than those in the general subjects. They will either stay in school or go to important departments in the government. It is difficult for ordinary local yamen to find graduates in the mathematics major. After graduation, they will receive

The monthly salary is higher than that of other majors, and the future is promising! The students at Capital University are very envious!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true! Many college students said so."

"Oops! After you said that, my heart skipped a beat. I don't know if a treasure like Mr. Jiang can stay in our exchange forever. Recently, because Mr. Jiang is in charge of our exchange, our business has been declining.

It is more stable than other exchanges. If such a person is taken away by others, our losses will be huge."

Since Jiang Yitao's stock trading method was developed, Zhengfa Stock Exchange has quickly stood out from the many exchanges in the Tianjin Stock Exchange Center. The stocks they trade now are not only stocks issued by their own exchange, but also

For stocks issued by other exchanges, almost 40% of the stocks in the entire stock market are traded on Zhongfa. As time goes by, the share is still growing rapidly.

Faced with this dimensionality reduction attack, other exchanges have not thought of ways to deal with it. Most of them are now learning the method of Zhengfa Exchange to list and sell stocks. However, the form is easy to learn, but the core is difficult to learn. Jiang Yitao

The calculated daily stock selling price is more reliable than those calculated by others, is more in line with the stock trading conditions, and can be recognized by the stock market.

Today's daily valuations of the Zhengfa Stock Exchange have even become a benchmark for the entire stock market. Some exchanges simply don't do valuations themselves, and instead send people to keep an eye on the Zhengfa prices and copy them for immediate use.

What's even more amazing about Jiang Yitao is that he can estimate the cycle of shipping stocks. Most of his predictions for shipping stocks that are likely to be unable to recover their capital are accurate. He can calculate the approximate probability based on various information and variables.

Jiang Yitao did not hide this set of algorithms and shared them with the accountants of Zhengfa Exchange. However, there are differences between people. In Jiang Yitao's view, it is not difficult for others to learn it.

After listening to it several times, it still feels like listening to a book from heaven.

Because of the talent and professional barriers, Jiang Yitao's ability has formed a natural monopoly. Some people secretly think that it may be because Jiang Yitao did not tell the key tricks, so they can't learn it themselves and can only watch others.

Make a lot of money with your skills.

"Master Jiang is a trustworthy person, and he should not be poached by other companies." Guo Sihu actually said it with soothing words. From his heart, he felt that whether Zhengfa Exchange can retain people mainly depends on the treatment. The employer

If we are stingy, others will definitely have other ideas.

"I hope so! It's really scary to meet a great talent."

Jiang Yitao, who made people at the exchange worry about being poached, has indeed met a lot of people offering olive branches recently, and has been troubled by these guys. However, Jiang Yitao didn't have any regard for the conditions they offered.


It is true that the conditions offered by some people are much higher than those offered by Zhengfa Exchange. But Jiang Yitao is a person who can settle accounts. He knows that given the current situation, the treatment offered by Zhengfa Exchange is the most appropriate.

By staying here, he can always make stable money. If he goes to other institutions that offer high salaries, he may not be able to make money for a long time. Besides, although he has not been here for too long, he feels that he belongs to Zhengfa Exchange in his heart.


When I was at my lowest point, I met Zhengfa Exchange. The boss and colleagues here got along well with each other, and the wages they earned were high. Why bother to take risks elsewhere? Although the place where I work is based on the standard

Benefits are the main priority, but human relations are also very important. You cannot let profits dictate everything. If you only look at benefits in everything, you will start and break up because of benefits, and your relationship will not last long.

Jiang Yitao's heart was not disturbed by the poaching. His biggest idea now is to take his parents from Hejian Prefecture to his new home and enjoy their happiness. The news of dropping out of college has spread throughout his hometown, and his parents have to endure this all day long in their hometown.

The rumors among the neighbors were very unpleasant, so it was better to come to Tianjin.

This chapter has been completed!
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